json javascript,在

时间:2016-12-19 03:35:58

标签: javascript json



  1. 类别 发布

    function recentPosts(data) {
       "use strict";
        $.each(data.posts, function(key, val) {
        var output = ' <div data-role="page" class="jqm-demos" id=" ' + val.slug + ' " data-title="Panel fixed positioning">';
        output += '<div data-role="header" class="ui-nodisc-icon" data-add-back-btn="true" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false" data-back-btn-text="">';
        output += '<h1> ' + val.title + '</h1>';
        output += '<p class="company-name"> company name </p>';
        output += '<a href="#benefits-facts" class="ui-btn-right ui-btn ui-btn-b ui-btn-inline ui-mini ui-corner-all ui-btn-icon-notext ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-home">  </a> </div>';
        output += '<div data-role="content" id="health-care-hc-plans-postlist" class="ui-content jqm-content jqm-fullwidth"> ';
        output += '<ul  data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-filter-placeholder="Search..." >';
    // $.each(data.posts, function(key, val) {
    //     if(v.categories.slug === val.categories.slug) { 
    //     output += '<li>';
    //     output += '<a href="#' + val.slug + '">';
    //     output += '<h3>' + val.title + "</h3>";
    //     output += '</a>';
    //     output += '</li>';
    //     }
    // }); //go through each post
        output += '</ul> </div> ';
        output += ' <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false"> <h4> <a href="#info" data-transition="pop"> &copy; 2017 Michael F. Yates & Company, Inc. </a> </h4> </div>';
        output += '</div> ';
    }); //go through each post
             "title":"Abbreviations Used",
             "title_plain":"Abbreviations Used",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:30:55",
             "modified":"2016-12-19 00:35:50",
                   "title":"Abbreviations Used",
             "title":"HC Flexible Spending (FSA) Contributions",
             "title_plain":"HC Flexible Spending (FSA) Contributions",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:30:01",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:30:01",
                   "title":"Health Care (HC) Plans",
             "title":"DCFSA Married",
             "title_plain":"DCFSA Married",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:24:05",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:24:05",
                   "title":"Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA)",
             "title":"What is a DCFSA",
             "title_plain":"What is a DCFSA",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:23:45",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:23:45",
                   "title":"Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA)",
             "title":"Eligible Tax-Exempt Employer",
             "title_plain":"Eligible Tax-Exempt Employer",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:20:11",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:20:11",
                   "title":"Small Business HC Tax Credit",
             "title":"Small Employer",
             "title_plain":"Small Employer",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:19:45",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:19:45",
                   "title":"Small Business HC Tax Credit",
             "title":"What is the Tax Credit",
             "title_plain":"What is the Tax Credit",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:19:17",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:19:17",
                   "title":"Small Business HC Tax Credit",
             "title":"Affordable Care Act HDHP",
             "title_plain":"Affordable Care Act HDHP",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:17:54",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:17:54",
                   "title":"High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)",
             "title":"HDHP Max. Out-of-Pocket",
             "title_plain":"HDHP Max. Out-of-Pocket",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:17:30",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:17:30",
                   "title":"High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)",
             "title":"HDHP Min. Deductibles",
             "title_plain":"HDHP Min. Deductibles",
             "date":"2016-12-09 05:17:01",
             "modified":"2016-12-09 05:17:01",
                   "title":"High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)",

0 个答案:
