
时间:2016-12-16 21:11:51

标签: vba dictionary collections



 Date       Agent    Case #   Minutes
 12/1/2016  Mary        6       15
 12/2/2016  Joe         5       34 'Not a typo, records are NOT sorted by date
 12/1/2016  Bob        20       10
 12/2/2016  Mary       17       11
 12/2/2016  Mary        7        9
 12/2/2016  Bob        17       24
 12/3/2016  Bob         1       47
 12/3/2016  Joe         9       20
 12/3/2016  Mary       12        6
 12/3/2016  Joe         9       10
 12/3/2016  Joe         6       22


Date        Agent Count    Case Count      Minutes
12/1/2016        2             2              25
12/2/2016        3             3              78
12/3/2016        3             4             105



Private Sub CreateSummarySheet()
    Dim dtDay As Date
    Dim rAllData As Long 'Row on all data
    Dim rSummary As Long 'Row on Summary
    Dim intMinutes As Long 'Minute total
    Dim wsSummary As Worksheet
    Dim wsAllData As Worksheet
    Dim dicCases As Object 'Dictionary of Cases
    Dim dicAgents As Object 'Dictionary of people
    Dim dicDates As Dictionary  ' Object 'Dictionary of dates
    Dim colDateData As Collection 
    Dim key As Variant

    Set wsAllData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("All Data")
    Set wsSummary = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary Page")
    Set dicDates = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    rAllData = 2

    'Loop through All Data until the end of the list
    While wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 1).Value <> ""
        dtDay = wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 2).Value

        'Is the date in our collection?
        If Not dicDates.Exists(dtDay) Then
            'Create a new collection for this day and add it to the dictionary
            Set colDateData = New Collection
            Set dicAgentss = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            Set dicCases = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            colDateData.Add 0, "Minutes"
            colDateData.Add dicAgents, "Names"
            colDateData.Add dicCases, "Cases"
            dicDates.Add dtDay, colDateData
        End If

        'Get this day's collection
        Set colDateData = dicDates.Item(dtDay)
        'Total the minutes
        intMinutes = colDateData.Item("Minutes") + wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 3).Value
        colDateData.Remove "Minutes"
        colDateData.Add intMinutes, "Minutes"
        'Add unique names
        Set dicAgents = colDateData.Item("Names")
        If Not dicAgents.Exists(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value) Then
            dicAgents.Add _
                wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value, wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value
            colDateData.Remove "Names"
            colDateData.Add dicAgents, "Names"
        End If
        'Add unique Cases
        If Len(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) = 15 And _
           IsNumeric(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) Then
            'Looks like a Case so add it if it doesn't already exist
            Set dicCases = colDateData.Item("Cases")
            If Not dicCases.Exists(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) Then
                dicCases.Add _
                    wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value, wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value
                colDateData.Remove "Cases"
                colDateData.Add dicCases, "Cases"
            End If
        End If

        'put the collection back in the dictionary
        dicDates.Item(dtDay) = colDateData
        rAllData = rAllData + 1

    'Find the first blank row on the summary page
    rSummary = 2
    While wsSummary.Cells(rSummary, 1).Value <> ""
        rSummary = rSummary + 1

    'Loop through the dictionary of dates to output the data
    For Each key In dicDates.Keys 'dtDate is the key
        Set colDateData = dicDates(key)
        Set dicAgents = colDateData.Item("Names")
        Set dicCases = colDateData.Item("Cases")
        With wsSummary
            .Cells(rSummary, 1).Value = key 'Date
            .Cells(rSummary, 2).Value = dicAgents.Count 'Total Unique Agents
            .Cells(rSummary, 3).Value = colDateData.Item("Minutes") 'Total Minutes
            .Cells(rSummary, 7).Value = dicCases.Count 'Total Unique Cases
        End With
        rSummary = rSummary + 1

    Set wsSummary = Nothing
    Set wsAllData = Nothing
    Set dicCases = Nothing
    Set dicAgents = Nothing
    Set dicDates = Nothing
    Set colDateData = Nothing
End Sub


        dicDates.Item(dtDay) = colDateData

错误为Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment。我猜这是因为我试图分配一个集合。如何使用更新的集合对象更新字典项?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Set dicDates.Item(dtDay) = colDateData

也就是说,你可以完全删除该行,它的功能完全相同。您在Collection中存储的dicDates不是需要替换的副本 - 它是对同一对象的引用。如果您需要验证,请尝试使用这个简单的演示代码:

Sub Example()
    Dim foo As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim bar As Collection

    Set bar = New Collection    'Make a bar and add some items.
    bar.Add 1
    bar.Add 2
    foo.Add "key", bar          'Put it in the foo.

    Set bar = Nothing           '<--this destroys the *local* reference.

    foo.Item("key").Add 3       'Add a value directly via the return of .Item()

    Dim x As Variant
    For Each x In foo.Item("key")
        Debug.Print x           'Prints 1, 2, 3
End Sub

所以...你可以通过将整个部分包装在With块中而不是将引用全部拉入colDateData 来简化代码:

    'Get this day's collection
    With dicDates.Item(dtDay)
        'Total the minutes
        intMinutes = .Item("Minutes") + wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 3).Value
        .Remove "Minutes"
        .Add intMinutes, "Minutes"
        'Add unique names
        Set dicAgents = .Item("Names")
        If Not dicAgents.Exists(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value) Then
            dicAgents.Add _
                wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value, wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 4).Value
            .Remove "Names"
            .Add dicAgents, "Names"
        End If
        'Add unique Cases
        If Len(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) = 15 And _
           IsNumeric(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) Then
            'Looks like a Case so add it if it doesn't already exist
            Set dicCases = .Item("Cases")
            If Not dicCases.Exists(wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value) Then
                dicCases.Add _
                    wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value, wsAllData.Cells(rAllData, 5).Value
                .Remove "Cases"
                .Add dicCases, "Cases"
            End If
        End If
    End With