个对象的可迭代属性。我正在寻找一种 pythonic 方法,通过将函数传递给一级循环的方法调用,在任意深度的嵌套循环中执行函数。当深度为3时,我还没有能够获得超过最内部循环的运行。这是一个不工作的python伪代码,我在循环中的每个点查询不同的值。另一个困难是我试图捕获输出并将其传递给下一个外部循环
class Parent(object):
def __init__(self):
self.iterable = [None] * 2
self.result = self.iterable[:]
def loop(self, query_func):
def innerloop():
for i, x in enumerate(self.iterable):
self.result[i] = query_func(x)
return self.result[:]
return innerloop
class ChildA(Parent):
def __init___(self, A, object_to_queryA):
self.iterableA = [valueA for valueA in range(A)]
self.resultA = self.iterableA[:]
self.object_to_query = object_to_queryA
def query_valueA(self, x):
return self.object_to_query.some_query_function(x)
class ChildB(Parent):
def __init___(self, B, object_to_queryB):
self.iterableB = [valueB for valueB in range(B))]
self.resultB = self.iterableB[:]
self.object_to_query = object_to_queryB
def query_valueB(self, x):
return self.object_to_query.some_other_query_function(x)
class ChildC(Parent):
def __init___(self, C, , object_to_queryC):
self.iterableC = [valueC for valueC in range(C))]
self.resultC = self.iterableC[:]
self.object_to_query = object_to_queryC
def query_valueC(self, x):
return self.object_to_query.yet_another_query_function(x)
import numpy
query_objA, query_objB, query_objC = (SomeObjA(), SomeObjB(), SomeObjC())
A, B, C = (len(query_objA.data), len(query_objB.data), len(query_objC.data))
instA = ChildA(A, query_objA)
instB = ChildB(B, query_objB)
instC = ChildC(C, query_objC)
my_scanning_func = ChildA.loop(ChildB.loop(ChildC.loop))
my_queries = numpy.array(my_scanning_func()).reshape(A,B,C)
# Equally valid call example below:
my_scanning_func2 = ChildB.loop(ChildC.loop(ChildA.loop))
my_queries2 = numpy.array(my_scanning_func2()).reshape(B,C,A)
for i, x in enumerate(query_objA.data):
response[i] = instA.some_query_function(x)
for j, y in enumerate(query_objB.data):
response[i][j] = instB.some_other_query_function(y)
for k, z in enumerate(query_objC.data):
response[i][j][k] = instC.yet_another_query_function(z)
如果可以通过继承的递归函数完成,而不是为每个子元素定义单独的循环方法,那么奖励点,正如我上面尝试的那样。最后注意:我正在尝试编写Python 2.7兼容代码。提前谢谢!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我不确定这是否能回答你的问题,但我认为这至少是相关的,如果你想生成一个numpy数组,使得array[tup] = func(tup)
import itertools
#from itertools import imap as map #for python 2
import numpy
def array_from_func(dimensions, func, dtype=float):
ranges = (range(i) for i in dimensions) #ranges of indices for all dimensions
all_indices = itertools.product(*ranges) #will iterate over all locations regardless of # of dimensions
value_gen = map(func, all_indices) #produces each value for each location
array = numpy.fromiter(value_gen, dtype=dtype)
array.shape = dimensions #modify the shape in place, .reshape would work but makes a copy.
return array
from operator import itemgetter
>>> array_from_func((2,3,4), itemgetter(1),int) #second index
array([[[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2]],
[[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2]]])
>>> def str_join(it):
return ",".join(map(str,it))
#the '<U5' in next line specifies strings of length 5, this only works when the string will actually be length 5
#changing to '<U%d'%len(str_join(dims)) would be more generalized but harder to understand
>>> print(array_from_func((3,2,7), str_join, '<U5'))
[[['0,0,0' '0,0,1' '0,0,2' '0,0,3' '0,0,4' '0,0,5' '0,0,6']
['0,1,0' '0,1,1' '0,1,2' '0,1,3' '0,1,4' '0,1,5' '0,1,6']]
[['1,0,0' '1,0,1' '1,0,2' '1,0,3' '1,0,4' '1,0,5' '1,0,6']
['1,1,0' '1,1,1' '1,1,2' '1,1,3' '1,1,4' '1,1,5' '1,1,6']]
[['2,0,0' '2,0,1' '2,0,2' '2,0,3' '2,0,4' '2,0,5' '2,0,6']
['2,1,0' '2,1,1' '2,1,2' '2,1,3' '2,1,4' '2,1,5' '2,1,6']]]
>>> array_from_func((3,4), sum) #the sum of the indices, not as useful but another good demo
array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.],
[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
[ 2., 3., 4., 5.]])
答案 1 :(得分:1)
经过多次discussion with the OP我对如何推广这些数组的构造有了更好的了解,首先看来你的对象可以设计为迭代预定义状态或查询当前状态(可能只有其中一个是有效的)所以对象的iterface将被抽象为这样的东西:
class Apparatus_interface:
def __init__(self,*needed_stuff):
#I have no idea how you are actually interacting with the device
self._device = SET_UP_OBJECT(needed_stuff)
#when iterating over this object we need to know how many states there are
#so we can predefine the shape (dimensions) of our arrays
self.num_of_states = 5
#it would make sense for each object to define
#the type of value that .query() returns (following spec of numpy's dtype)
self.query_type = [('f1', float), ('f2', float)]
def __iter__(self):
"""iterates over the physical positions/states of the apperatus
the state of the device is only active in between iterations
* calling list(device) doesn't give you any useful information, just a lot of mechanical work
for position in range(self.num_of_states):
# ^ not sure what this should be either, you will have a better idea
self._device.move_to(position) #represents a physical change in the device
yield position #should it generate different information?
def query(self):
return self._device.query()
#values is a list that contains the current elements generated
#the loop: for values[depth] in iterables[depth] basically sets the depth-th element to each value in that level of iterable
def _product(iterables, depth, values):
if len(iterables)-depth == 1:
for values[depth] in iterables[depth]:
yield tuple(values)
for values[depth] in iterables[depth]:
#yield from _product(iterables, depth+1, values)
for tup in _product(iterables, depth+1, values):
yield tup
def product(*iterables):
version of itertools.product to activate side-effects of iteration
only works with iterables, not iterators.
values = [None]*len(iterables)
return _product(iterables, 0, values)
现在实际生成数组 - 首先是一个迭代所有状态的产品并在每个状态下进行查询的过程,请注意states
def traverse_states(variable_devices, queried_device):
"""queries a device at every combination of variable devices states"""
for states in product(*variable_devices):
yield queried_device.query()
def array_from_apparatus(variable_devices, queried_object, dtype=None):
# the # of states in each device <==> # of elements in each dimension
arr_shape = [device.num_of_states for device in variable_devices]
iterator = traverse_states(variable_devices, queried_object)
if dtype is None:
dtype = queried_object.query_type
array = numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=dtype)
array.shape = arr_shape #this will fail if .num_of_states doesn't match the actual number of iterations
return array