问题在于,当我尝试使用" Space"来分割字符串时作为分隔符,第一个单词存储在新数组中,之后字符串不会复制到下一个字符串。
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
;declaring the variables for processign
aString BYTE ?
singleWords BYTE 51 DUP (?)
indexArray BYTE 51 DUP (?)
counterArray BYTE 51 DUP (?)
wordIndex BYTE ?
counterIndex BYTE ?
mycount BYTE ?
main PROC
; Providing offset of the aString variable where the string will be save after ; the readString method is called
mov edx, OFFSET aString
mov ecx, 50 ;buffer size - 1
call ReadString
; making the counter 0 for loop
; and then passing the length of the string for processing
; wordIndex is used to save the index where the space occur to later on loop
; through that much characters in singleWords array
; counter index is just for checking the loop is working
mov ecx, 0
mov esi, 0
mov edi, 0
mov wordIndex, 0
mov counterIndex, 0
mov mycount, 0
mov ecx, eax
CMP ecx, 0 ;compare if the string is empty so stop the loop
JE L03
mov al, aString[esi] ;passing the characters to al for space ;checking
CMP al, 32
JE L01
mov singleWords[esi], al ; if not space then copy the character to ;singleWords array
INC esi
INC mycount
INC wordIndex
DEC ecx
JMP Loop1
mov bl, wordIndex ; if sapce occur pass the index to bl
mov indexArray[edi], bl ; save the index in indexArray
INC edi
INC esi
INC mycount
INC wordIndex
DEC ecx
JMP Loop1
mov edx,OFFSET singleWords
call Writestring
movzx eax, mycount
call WriteDec
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main