var src = '[{ key: any text with spaces, emptykey: , foo: 0}, { key2: other text with spaces, emptykey2: , foo2: 2},]';
console.log(src.replace(/(\w+):(\s*)(.*?)(,|})/g, '"$1":$2"$3"$4'));
// outputs [{ "key" : "any text with spaces", emptykey: "", "foo": "0"},...]
import json
import re
invalid_json = '[{ key: any text with spaces, emptykey: , foo: 0}, { key2: other text with spaces, emptykey2: , foo2: 2}]'
result = re.sub('/(\w+):(\s*)(.*?)(,|})/g', what to do here in python?, invalid_json)
print result
答案 0 :(得分:3)
import json
import re
invalid_json = '[{ key: any text with spaces, emptykey: , foo: 0}, { key2: other text with spaces, emptykey2: , foo2: 2}]'
result = re.sub('(\w+):(\s*)(.*?)(,|})', r'"\1":\2"\3"\4', invalid_json)
print result
print json.loads(result)
[{ "key": "any text with spaces", "emptykey": "", "foo": "0"}, { "key2": "other text with spaces", "emptykey2": "", "foo2": "2"}]
[{u'emptykey': u'', u'foo': u'0', u'key': u'any text with spaces'}, {u'key2': u'other text with spaces', u'emptykey2': u'', u'foo2': u'2'}]