
时间:2016-12-14 20:42:58

标签: sql-server

我有以下情况,我有一个客户在我的数据库上他购买了特定的信息组合,我的意思是,目前该表显示了客户的名称,类别,地点,年份,国家,C1,C2 ,交付,频率和一个例子看起来像这样。

Customer    Categ   Place   YM      Country C1  C2  delivery    Frequency
ALB        Clock    WM      201609  France  1   1    name   Trimestral- 3,6,9,12
ALB        car      NewE    201610  Spain   1   0           Trimestral- 3,6,9,12
ALC        TV       AWS     201611  Guate   1   0           Trimestral- 3,6,9,12
ALB        smart    Eb      201612  Japan   1   1           Trimestral- 3,6,9,12





我正在使用案例句子,但它是复制组合,我的意思是创建一行c2 = 1和c2 = 0

Customer    Categ   Place   YM      Country C1  C2  delivery    Frequency
ALB        Clock    WM      201609  France  1   1    name   Trimestral- 3,6,9,12
ALB        Clock    WM      201609  France  1   0    name   Trimestral- 3,6,9,12
        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso = 'Anual' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 12 = 0 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso in ('Bimensual','Bimensual 2,4,6,8...', 'Bimensual II') and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 2 = 0 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso in ('Bimensual I')and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 2 = 1 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co'   then 1

        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso = 'Trimestral I' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 1 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso = 'Trimestral I' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 2 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso in('Trimestral- 3,6,9,12', 'Trimestral III') and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 0 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co' then 1

        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso = 'Semestral' and  cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 6 = 0 and b.cadena <> 'Club Co' and  @Especial = '' then 1

        when @Frecuencia_De_Proceso = 'Mensual'  and b.cadena <> 'Club Co' then 1 
        when  @Especial = 'Especial' and Año_Mes in (201610,201611,201612) and b.cadena <> 'Club Co' then 1

      0 end ) as [Entregar]



DECLARE @startnum INT=201701
DECLARE @endnum INT=201712
WITH gen AS (
    SELECT @startnum AS num
    SELECT num+1 FROM gen WHERE num+1<=@endnum
SELECT * into #Temp FROM gen
option (maxrecursion 13)

select distinct Customer, Category,Place,b.num,country,


        when Frecuency = 'Anual' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 12 = 0 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'  then 1

        when Frecuency in ('Bimensual','Bimensual 2,4,6,8...', 'Bimensual II') and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 2 = 0 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when Frecuency in ('Bimensual I')and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 2 = 1 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'   then 1

        when Frecuency = 'Trimestral I' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 1 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when Frecuency = 'Trimestral I' and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 2 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'  then 1
        when Frecuency in('Trimestral- 3,6,9,12', 'Trimestral III') and cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 3 = 0 and a.Place <> 'Club Co' then 1

        when Frecuency = 'Semestral' and  cast(right([Año_Mes],2) as int) % 6 = 0 and a.Place <> 'Club Co'  then 1

        when Frecuency = 'Mensual'  and a.Place <> 'Club Co' then 1 


      0 end  as  C2,

case when [name] <> '' then '' else [name] end as [name],


--into [XtraTest].dbo.OP2017_B 

from DB.dbo.Prod  a,
#Temp b
where Año_Mes between 201608 and 201612 and Frecuency  not in ('BackData','Cancelado')
and Frecuency in ('Bimensual','Bimensual 2,4,6,8...', 'Bimensual II')

order by Customer,num,Place

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



您可能还有Trimestral I次,而不是Trimestral II,请参阅下面的代码。



create table Prod (Customer varchar(32),Categ varchar(32),Place varchar(32),YM int,Country varchar(32),C1 int,delivery varchar(32),Frequency varchar(32));
insert into Prod  (Customer,Categ,Place,YM,Country,C1,delivery,Frequency) values
 ('ALB','Calendar','NewE',201610,'Spain' ,1,'','Anual')
,('ALB','Clothes','Eb'  ,201609,'Japan' ,1,'','Semestral')
,('ALB','Manga','Eb'  ,201612,'Japan' ,1,'','Mensual')
,('ALB','Razor','Eb'  ,201612,'Japan' ,1,'','Bimensual I')
,('ALB','Toy','Eb'  ,201612,'Japan' ,1,'','Bimensual II')
,('ALB','Clock','WM'  ,201609,'France',1,'name','Trimestral I')
,('ALB','car'  ,'NewE',201610,'Spain' ,1,'','Trimestral II')
,('ALC','TV'   ,'AWS' ,201611,'Guate' ,1,'','Trimestral III')
,('ALB','Widget','Club Co',201608,'Denmark',1,'','Trimestral- 3,6,9,12');

declare @startnum int=201701;
declare @endnum   int=201712;

with gen as (
    select @startnum as num,  mth=month(convert(date,convert(nvarchar(8),@startnum)+'01',120))
    union all
    select num+1, mth=month(convert(date,convert(nvarchar(8),num+1)+'01',120)) from gen where num+1<=@endnum
select * into #Temp from gen
option (maxrecursion 12);

with DistinctProd as (
  select distinct 
  , Category = Categ
  , Place
  , country
  , C1
  , [Name] = case when [Delivery] <> '' then '' else [Delivery] end 
  , Frequency
  --, Cortes 
  from Prod a
  where YM between 201608 and 201612
    and Frequency not in ('BackData','Cancelado')
    --and Frequency in ('Bimensual','Bimensual 2,4,6,8...', 'Bimensual ii')
, GenC2 as (
  , Category
  , Place
  , b.num
  , country
  , C1
  , C2 = case
           when a.Place = 'Club Co' 
             then 0
           when Frequency = 'Anual' 
             and mth % 12 = 0 
               then 1
           when Frequency in ('Bimensual','Bimensual 2,4,6,8...', 'Bimensual ii') 
             and mth % 2 = 0
               then 1
           when Frequency in ('Bimensual I')
             and mth % 2 = 1 
               then 1
           when Frequency = 'Trimestral I' 
             and mth % 3 = 1 
               then 1
           when Frequency = 'Trimestral II' -- I think this is meant to be Trimestral II' 
             and mth % 3 = 2
               then 1
           when Frequency in('Trimestral- 3,6,9,12', 'Trimestral iii') 
             and mth % 3 = 0 
               then 1
           when Frequency = 'Semestral' 
             and  mth % 6 = 0 
               then 1
           when Frequency = 'Mensual' 
             then 1 
          else 0 
  , [Name] 
  , Frequency
  , Mth
  --, Cortes 
--into [XtraTest].dbo.op2017_B 
  from DistinctProd as a
    cross join #Temp as b 
    select * 
    from GenC2 
    --where c2=1
  order by Customer,Place,Category,num