
时间:2016-12-14 14:46:13

标签: ios swift carekit

任何熟悉Carekit的人都可以指导我如何在护理卡的说明部分显示视频。可以选择使用OCKCarePlanActivity类通过imageURL添加照片,但不能使用视频。 谢谢!!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

下面的代码显示了一个开头(故事板创建的)UIViewController如何创建一个简单的活动,将其添加到Care Plan Store并显示标准的OCKCareCardViewController。 (这种结构主要来自"开始CareKit开发")。视图控制器只有一个按钮,用于显示标准护理卡:

OpeningViewController - just one button


Standard OCKCareCardViewController

自定义视图控制器(如下所示)内置于故事板中。自定义干预是微不足道的 - 它只是要求用户单击构成场景的树按钮。 (您可以使用视频播放器视图而不是三个按钮)。

Custom view controller TapThreeButtonsViewController


//  OpeningViewController.swift

    This app demonstrates how to display a custom UIViewController when
    the user taps on an event in a CareCard.

    This app manages just one, hard-coded intervention activity. When
    the user taps on an event-button (usually an open circle) on the
    main Care Card then the app displays a custom UIViewController
    with three buttons for the user to tap.

    This root view controller for the app shows a button that allows
    the user to request a standard OCKCareCardViewController.

        1.  In the init for this view controller an instance of
            OCKCarePlanStore is created.
            (Note: this is poor design, ordinarily you would probably
            have a singleton model for the Care Plan Store. But as long
            as you don't re-initialize this view it will serve for demo
        2.  During viewDidLoad a convenience function is called that
            A.  Check to see if an activity with an identifier of
                "TapThreeButtons" exists
            B.  if not, it builds an activity scheduled to begin three
                days ago.
            C.  The new intervention activity is added to the store.
        3.  In the ShowCareCard IBAction:
            A.  an instance of OCKCareCardViewController is built
            B.  the delegate for the new Care Card is set to self.
            C.  the new Care Card is presented modally
        4.  An extension is used to make this ViewController conform
            to OCKCareCardViewControllerDelegate.
            A.  implements the optional method
            B.  Returns "false" from
                This prevents CareKit from automatically processing an
                event when an event button is tapped.

import UIKit
import CareKit

struct Global {
    static let tapButtonsIdentifier = "TapThreeButtons"

class OpeningViewController: UIViewController {

    var store: OCKCarePlanStore

    required init( coder aDecoder: NSCoder )

        // 1. get a URL for the Document directory, then a URL for
              the CarePlanStore
        let fileManager = FileManager.default
        guard let documentDirectory
            = fileManager.urls( for: .documentDirectory,
                                in: .userDomainMask ).last
            else {
                let msg = "*** Error: FileManager is not returning the document directory URL *** "
                fatalError( msg )
        let storeURL =

        // 2. create the store directory if it does not already exist
        if !fileManager.fileExists( atPath: storeURL.path ) {
            try! fileManager.createDirectory(at: storeURL,
                                     withIntermediateDirectories: true,
                                     attributes: nil )
        // 3. set an instance constant to point to the store
        store = OCKCarePlanStore(persistenceDirectoryURL: storeURL )
        super.init( coder: aDecoder )!

    @IBAction func ShowCareCard(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let careCardViewController = createCareCardViewController()
        careCardViewController.delegate = self
        let embeddedCareCard =
        // present the CareCard modally
        self.present( embeddedCareCard, 
                      animated: true, 
                      completion: nil )

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // if no "tapThreeTimes" activity exists in CarePlanStore then
        // create one

    // MARK: Convenience Methods

    fileprivate func createActivity()
        //  query the store to see if there already exists an activity
        //  with this identifier
        store.activity(forIdentifier: Global.tapButtonsIdentifier )
            [ unowned self ]
            ( success, foundActivity, error) in
            // check that the query terminated successfully
            guard success else {
                let msg = "A query of CarePlanStore for the \( Global.tapButtonsIdentifier ) intervention activity produced an error."
                fatalError( msg )
            // check to see if the activity is in CarePlanStore
            if foundActivity == nil {
                // instatiate a new activity
                let newTapButtonsActivity 
                    = self.buildNewTapButtonsActivity()
                // 4. save the new Activity instance, using the completion to check that the save worked
                self.store.add( newTapButtonsActivity )
                    (success, error) in
                    guard success else {
                        let msg = "An error was returned while saving a new \( Global.tapButtonsIdentifier ) intervention activity."
                        fatalError( msg )
                }           // ends new activity closure 
            }           // ends check that activity might be nil
        }           // ends closure on query for activity in store

    fileprivate func buildNewTapButtonsActivity() 
                                         -> OCKCarePlanActivity 

        struct Lets {
            static let title = "Push Three Buttons"
            static let text = "Tap one of the circles below and you'll be asked to tap each of three buttons"
            static let instructions = "When you tap on an event (those circles on your Care Card) the system will show you a screen with three buttons. Tap all three. They can be tapped in any sequence but try not to tap the same button twice."

        // create events by starting three days ago, 
        // with 2 events per day
        let gregorianCalendar = Calendar( identifier: .gregorian )
        guard let threeDaysAgo = 
            gregorianCalendar.date(byAdding: .day, 
                                   value: -3, 
                                   to: Date() ) 
        else {
            let msg = "Could not calculate date for three-days-before-today."
            fatalError( msg )
        let startDate = 
            gregorianCalendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day ],
                                             from: threeDaysAgo )
        let thriceADay = 
            OCKCareSchedule.dailySchedule(withStartDate: startDate,
                                          occurrencesPerDay: 2)
        let activity = 
                identifier:       Global.tapButtonsIdentifier,
                 groupIdentifier: nil,
                 type:            .intervention,
                 title:           Lets.title,
                 text:            Lets.text,
                 tintColor:       nil,
                 instructions:    Lets.instructions,
                 imageURL:        nil,
                 schedule:        thriceADay,
                 resultResettable: true,
                 userInfo:        nil )
        return activity

    fileprivate func createCareCardViewController() 
                          -> OCKCareCardViewController
        let viewController =
            OCKCareCardViewController(carePlanStore: self.store )
        // Setup the controllers title
        viewController.title = 
            NSLocalizedString("Tap Test App",
            comment: "This app shows CareKit users how to add a custom interface to Care Card")

        return viewController


extension OpeningViewController: OCKCareCardViewControllerDelegate {
     prevents CareKit from automatically coloring-in an event symbol when tapped
     - parameter viewController: the view controller that displays the events
     - parameter shouldHandleEventCompletionForActivity: the activity associated with the tapped event
    func careCardViewController( 
             _ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
             shouldHandleEventCompletionFor interventionActivity:
                 OCKCarePlanActivity )
        -> Bool
        return false

     modally presents a custom UIViewController when the user taps an event button on the Care Card
     - parameter viewController: the OCKCareCardViewController master/detail that presents the event
     - parameter didSelectRowWithInterventionActivity: the user selected OCKCarePlanActivity tapped by the user
     - Note in this implementation the new detail view controller will be an instance of ZCCareCardDetailViewController showing the "medication" and an associated medication image
    func careCardViewController( _ viewController: OCKCareCardViewController,
                                 didSelectButtonWithInterventionEvent interventionEvent: OCKCarePlanEvent )
        // In this simplistic app, assume that a user-tap on an already completed event always
        // means that the user just wants to "clear" the event
        if interventionEvent.state == .completed {
            store.update( interventionEvent,
                          with: interventionEvent.result,
                          state: .notCompleted )
                ( success, event, error ) in
                if success {
                    print( "toggled the event's state")
                } else {
                    print( "failed to toggle event's state")

        } else {

            // 1.  Create the custom detail view controller
            let storyBoard = UIStoryboard( name: "Main", bundle: nil )
            let tapThreeButtonsViewController =
                    withIdentifier: Global.tapButtonsIdentifier ) as!

            // 2 set up the data model for the ViewController
                = interventionEvent
            tapThreeButtonsViewController.store = store

            // 3.  Embed in a UINavigationController
            let embeddedViewController = 
                    rootViewController: tapThreeButtonsViewController )
            // 4.  modally present the custom detail view controller
                                   animated: true, 
                                   completion: nil )


    //  TapThreeButtonsViewController.swift
    //  CustomCareCard
        This app is meant to show how a custom view controller can be
        displayed in the middle of a CareKit app.

        This class defines the custom view controller built in the
        storyboard. It has these elements:
            1.  A Done navigation button to indicate that the intervention
                activity has been completed.
            2.  A Cancel navigation button to indicate that the user is not
                interested in completing the activity.
            3.  A label giving the user instructions to tap on three
                buttons (kind of silly, really, but the point here is to
                show how to display a custom interface not to solve a real
                medical problem).
            4.  Three buttons labeled "Button One", "Button Two", 
                "Button Three" for the user to tap.

        The only significant content in this view controller comes in the
"doneButton" action. The code there shows you how to save a basic "value"
to record the user's actions. Here the "value" is equal to the total number
of times the threee buttons were tapped. Additionally, the code will save
the number of times each individual button was tapped, using the "userInfo"
property of the OCKCarePlanEventResult object.  Detail data of this sort
could be useful for formulating OCKInsightViewController reports.

    import UIKit
    import CareKit

    class TapThreeButtonsViewController: UIViewController {

        // MARK: data model

        public var carePlanEvent: OCKCarePlanEvent!
        public var store: OCKCarePlanStore!

        fileprivate var tapCount = [ "Button One":   0,
                                     "Button Two":   0,
                                     "Button Three": 0

        // MARK: actions

         when the user taps any of the three main buttons this logic adds to the count of that button
         - parameter sender: the UIButton that was tapped (Button One, Button Two or Button Three)
        @IBAction func tapButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
            let buttonName = sender.currentTitle!
            tapCount[ buttonName ]! += 1

         saves the total number of button taps as the event "value", but also saves the counts-for-each-button in "userInfo"
         - parameter sender: the UIButtonItem that initiated the action
        @IBAction func doneButton(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem!) {
            var totalTaps = 0
            var codableTapCount: Dictionary< String, NSNumber > = [ : ]
            // CAREKIT reminder: "values" are stored as strings. The
            //         userInfo dictionary requires that the
            //         the "value" follow NSCoder requirements.
            for (button, taps ) in tapCount {
                totalTaps += taps
                codableTapCount[ button ] = NSNumber( value: taps )
            let results = 
                    valueString: totalTaps.description,
                    unitString: "taps",
                    userInfo: codableTapCount )
            store.update( carePlanEvent, 
                          with: results, 
                          state: .completed ) {
                // use completion event simply to check that the Care
                // Plan Store updated successfully
                ( success, event, error ) in
                if !success {
                    fatalError("The Care Plan Store was not updated with the most-recent results from the Tap Buttons test.")
            self.dismiss(animated: true)

         Dismisses the custom view controller without making changes to the Care Plan Store
        @IBAction func cancelButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {
            self.dismiss(animated: true)