C# - 通过特殊方式为照片添加水印

时间:2010-11-06 16:08:00

标签: winforms algorithm image-processing c#-4.0




public static Bitmap AddWatermark(this Bitmap originalImage, Bitmap watermarkImage, WatermarkLocationEnum location)
    int offsetWidth;
    int offsetHeight;
    if ((watermarkImage.Width > originalImage.Width) | (watermarkImage.Height > originalImage.Height))
        throw new Exception("The watermark must be smaller than the original image.");
    Bitmap backgroundImage = new Bitmap((Bitmap)originalImage.Clone());
    Bitmap image = new Bitmap(backgroundImage.Width, backgroundImage.Height);
    Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image);
    offsetWidth = GetOffsetWidth(image.Width, watermarkImage.Width, location);
    offsetHeight = GetOffsetHeight(image.Height, watermarkImage.Height, location);
    watermarkImage.SetResolution(backgroundImage.HorizontalResolution, backgroundImage.VerticalResolution);
    offsetWidth = Math.Max(offsetWidth - 1, 0);
    offsetHeight = Math.Max(offsetHeight - 1, 0);
    graphics.DrawImage(watermarkImage, offsetWidth, offsetHeight);
    for (int i = offsetWidth; i < (offsetWidth + watermarkImage.Width); i++)
        for (int j = offsetHeight; j < (offsetHeight + watermarkImage.Height); j++)
            Color pixel = image.GetPixel(i, j);
            if (pixel.A > 0)
                Color color = Color.FromArgb(pixel.A, pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B);
                Color imagePixelColor = backgroundImage.GetPixel(i, j);
                double alpha = (double)color.A / 255;
                Color newColor = Color.FromArgb(255,
                    (int)((double)imagePixelColor.R * (1.0 - alpha) + alpha * color.R),
                    (int)((double)imagePixelColor.G * (1.0 - alpha) + alpha * color.G),
                    (int)((double)imagePixelColor.B * (1.0 - alpha) + alpha * color.B));
                backgroundImage.SetPixel(i, j, newColor);
    return backgroundImage;

Image img = Bitmap.FromFile("DSC00766.JPG");
var wtm = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile("Copyright1.jpg");
((Bitmap)img).AddWatermark(wtm, WatermarkLocationEnum.BottomCenter).Save("new.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);


1附加 - 期望结果
2附加 - 当前结果 expect result current result

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)


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private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (Image image = Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Desert.jpg"))
    using (Image watermarkImage = Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\watermark.png"))    
    using (Graphics imageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
    using (Brush watermarkBrush = new TextureBrush(watermarkImage))
        imageGraphics.FillRectangle(watermarkBrush, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), image.Size));
        image.Save(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Desert_watermark.jpg");


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