使用AFINN时Python 3.4 Lambda语法错误?

时间:2016-12-13 16:43:28

标签: python lambda

我正在测试[https://finnaarupnielsen.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/simplest-sentiment-analysis-in-python-with-af/]的示例代码 它只显示Lambda上的语法错误。当我尝试在2.7上运行代码时,它显示没有错误。这是为什么?

# (originally entered at https://gist.github.com/1035399)
# License: GPLv3
# To download the AFINN word list do:
# wget http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/edoc_download.php/6010/zip/imm6010.zip
# unzip imm6010.zip
# Note that for pedagogic reasons there is a UNICODE/UTF-8 error in the code.

import math
import re
import sys

# AFINN-111 is as of June 2011 the most recent version of AFINN
filenameAFINN = 'AFINN/AFINN-111.txt'
afinn = dict(map(lambda (w, s): (w, int(s)), [ 
            ws.strip().split('\t') for ws in open(filenameAFINN) ]))

# Word splitter pattern
pattern_split = re.compile(r"\W+")

def sentiment(text):
    Returns a float for sentiment strength based on the input text.
    Positive values are positive valence, negative value are negative valence. 
    words = pattern_split.split(text.lower())
    sentiments = map(lambda word: afinn.get(word, 0), words)
    if sentiments:
        # How should you weight the individual word sentiments? 
        # You could do N, sqrt(N) or 1 for example. Here I use sqrt(N)
        sentiment = float(sum(sentiments))/math.sqrt(len(sentiments))

        sentiment = 0
    return sentiment

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Single sentence example:
    text = "Finn is stupid and idiotic"
    print("%6.2f %s" % (sentiment(text), text))

    # No negation and booster words handled in this approach
    text = "Finn is only a tiny bit stupid and not idiotic"
    print("%6.2f %s" % (sentiment(text), text))

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