
时间:2016-12-12 17:13:32

标签: excel delphi udf





ExcelApp.ExecuteExcel4Macro('REGISTER("filepath","add-in-name","AccountDescription","CC","Account Id","My Addin group")');

function AccountDescription ( sAccountId: PChar ) : PChar ; stdcall ;

我正在使用add-in-express来帮助实现Excel自动化。 CC指示该函数接受以空字符结尾的字符串,并期望返回以空字符结尾的字符串。我不确定是否可以指定变体,因此我可以返回Excel2000.xlErrNa。


编辑(2): register函数中的第4个参数包含udf参数和返回值类型。我不确定如何表示变体。

编辑(3): dll /项目称为DynacViews2,在DynacViews2.dll源文件中有:

exports AccountDescription;


更改的原因是我想返回一个字符串或Excel错误。在线的其他示例包括add-in-express,使用TypeLibrary显示添加函数并将返回类型指定为variant。这将使用OleVariant创建签名,并且可以返回字符串或Excel错误(Excel2000.xlErrNa)。问题是我使用VBA REGISTER功能只在工作簿兼容的情况下才添加UDF。


编辑4: Example of Register usage - 此链接显示注册用法,但不链接到任何微软网站,因此没有解释如何指定参数。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

根据Using the CALL and Register Functions,Variant不属于受支持的数据类型。

Code  Description                            Pass by               C Declaration
A     Logical (FALSE = 0), TRUE = 1)         Value                 short int
B     IEEE 8-byte floating-point number      Value (Windows)       double (Windows)
                                             Reference (Macintosh) double * (Macintosh)
C     Null-terminated string                 Reference             char *
      (maximum length=255)
D     Byte-counted string (first byte        Reference             Unsigned char *
      contains length of string, maximum 
      string length = 255 characters)
E     IEEE 8-byte floating-point number      Reference             double *
F     Null-terminated string (maximum        Reference (modify     char *
      string length = 255 characters)        in place)
G     Byte-counted string (first byte        Reference (modify
      contains length of string, maximum     in place)             unsigned char *
      string length = 255 characters)
H     Unsigned 2-byte integer                Value                 unsigned short int
I     Signed 2-byte integer                  Value                 short int
J     Signed 4-byte integer                  Value                 long int
K     Array                                  Reference             FP *
L     Logical (FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1)          Reference             short int *
M     Signed 2-byte integer                  Reference             short int *
N     Signed 4-byte integer                  Reference             long int *
O     Array                                  Reference             Three arguments are 
                                                                   unsigned short int *
                                                                   unsigned short int *
                                                                   double [ ]
P     Microsoft Excel OPER data structure    Reference             OPER *
R     Microsoft Excel XLOPER data structure  Reference             XLOPER *