我正在制作一个程序,从互联网上获取三首诗,并使用Python解析HTML并找出字数和名词短语的变化。 在我的函数def(frequency_counter)中,我试图计算三首诗中最常用的单词,并且我试图只计算长度为3的单词(所以像#34; a"和""不包括在内),但我认为我在列表理解中犯了一个错误(item = [item for item in item_ item,如果len(item)> = 3])。我已经将我的导入和前两个函数包含在上下文中,但我遇到的麻烦只是在最后一个小函数中。关于我的列表理解应该如何看的任何提示?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import html2text
from textblob import TextBlob
from collections import Counter
def get_text(*args):
text_list =[]
for link in args:
url = link
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,'html.parser')
title = soup.find('title') #finds title
text = html2text.html2text(soup.prettify())
lines = text.split("\n")
for word in lines: #for every item in text
text_tuple = [title, word] #makes tuple
text_list.append(text_tuple) #append tuple to empty list
# print(text_list)
for item in text_list:
title_dictionary = {"title": title, "text": item[1]}
return total_list
def big_index(text_list):
each_text = []
for entry in text_list: #for every entry in text_list, creates smaller
total_text = ""
for x in each_text:
y = str(x)
total_text = total_text + y
total_library = total_text.split("text title:")
return total_library
#problem I ran into here: this gives me the books twice, not once. I plan
#to solve this by taking any counts I get in the future functions and
#dividing them by two. Ugly, but I can't figure out where the problem is.
def frequency_counter(total_library):
words = []
for item in total_library:
item = [item for item in total_library if len(item) >= 3]
blob1 = TextBlob(item)
count = blob1.word_counts
frequency = Counter(count).most_common(10) #10 most common words
return words
答案 0 :(得分:1)
def frequency_counter(total_library):
words = []
items = [item1 for item1 in total_library if len(item1) > 3]
for item in items:
blob1 = TextBlob(item)
count = blob1.word_counts
frequency = Counter(count).most_common(10) #10 most common words
return words