
时间:2016-12-12 03:29:23

标签: arrays string output

我应该要求用户输入一个百吉饼代码,询问他们是否需要更多,并且应该输出一个输出文件,但这一切都不会发生,唯一发生的事情就是printMenu方法。 / p>


  import java.io.*;
  import java.util.*;

  public class Lab5
  {//start of class
  public static void main(String [] args) throws FileNotFoundException
  {//start of main
  Scanner keyIn = new Scanner(System.in);
  // assigns "keyIn" to keyboardScanner 

  Scanner bagelFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("Lab5Input.txt"));
  //open the input file 

  //Data Dictionary - declare variables

  int sub; 
  int bagelCode;
  int bagelQuantity;  
  int moreBagels=1;
  double totalCost; //75 cents per bagel
  int totalQuantity=0;
  boolean inputBad = true;  

  //create arrays for description, inventory

  String [ ] descArray = new String [13]; 
  int [ ] invArray = new int [13];

//Load Bagel arrays from input file  - use a while loop

  sub = 0; 
  descArray[sub] = bagelFile.next();
  invArray[sub] = bagelFile.nextInt(); 
  sub ++; 

  // start a customer

  System.out.println("Welcome to Dan's Bagel House, here's our menu: "); 

  // print menu

  printMenu (descArray, invArray, 13);
  while (moreBagels==1);  // moreBagels = 1

  {//begin while loop for one customer

  totalCost = 0;

  //verify bagel code 

  System.out.print ("\nEnter bagel # ");
  bagelCode = keyIn.nextInt();
  if (bagelCode >=1 && bagelCode<= 13)
  inputBad= false; 

  }//end of loop
  while (inputBad);

  sub = bagelCode - 1;    

  // verify quantity
  inputBad = true; 

  System.out.print("Please enter quantity of bagels");
  bagelQuantity = keyIn.nextInt ( ); 

  if (bagelQuantity >= 0 && bagelQuantity <= invArray[sub])
  inputBad = false; 
  while (inputBad);

  totalQuantity = totalQuantity + bagelQuantity;
  invArray[sub] = invArray[sub] - bagelQuantity;  

  //one bagel purchase complete

  //do you want more bagels 1 or 0

  inputBad = true;
  System.out.print ("Do you want additional bagels? Enter 1 for Yes or 0 for No");
  moreBagels = keyIn.nextInt( ); 
  if (moreBagels == 1 || moreBagels ==2)
  inputBad = false; 
  while (inputBad); 

  }//end while loop for one customer    

  totalCost = totalQuantity * .75; 

  //end of a customer

  System.out.print("Thank you for your purchase"); 
  printReport (descArray, invArray, 13);

  }//end of main

  ///////////////////////////////////////////////printMenu Method///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  public static void printMenu (String [ ] mDescArray, int [ ] mInvArray, int maxIndex)

  System.out.println("Bagel Code      Description      Current Inventory ");
  int mSub;

  for (mSub = 0; mSub<13; mSub++)

  int m = mSub+1;

  System.out.printf(" %20s",mDescArray[mSub]);

  }//end of main

  ///////////////////////////////////////////////printReport Method///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  public static void printReport (String [ ] mDescArray, int [ ] mInvArray, int maxIndex) throws FileNotFoundException
  {//declare output file here

  PrintWriter outBagelFile = new PrintWriter("Lab5Output.txt");
  outBagelFile.println ("Bagel Code      Description      Current Inventory ");

  int mSub;

  for (mSub = 0; mSub<13; mSub++);
  int m = mSub+1;    
  outBagelFile.printf(" %-15s",mDescArray[mSub]);
  outBagelFile.close( );

  }//end of main

  }//end of class


  Welcome to Dan's Bagel House, here's our menu: 

  Bagel Code      Description      Current Inventory 
       1         asiagocheese             12
       2            blueberry             12
       3        cheddarcheese              6
       4           everything             12
       5               garlic             12
       6                honey              4
       7             jalepeno              3
       8           multigrain             12
       9                onion             12
      10            poppyseed             12
      11               raisin              6
      12               sesame             12
      13           wholewheat             12

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if (bagelQuantity >= 0 && bagelQuantity <= invArray[sub])
    inputBad = false; 
    System.out.print("Not enough quantity");

此外,在printMenu和printReport中使用数组长度或maxIndex,而不是硬编码数字13,并在printReport中删除for(&#34 ;;&#34;)后的分号:

for (mSub = 0; mSub < maxIndex; mSub++)

错误显然是在第一次,而且有#34 ;;&#34;在它的最后,删除它:

while (moreBagels == 1)  // moreBagels = 1


if (moreBagels == 1 || moreBagels == 0)
    inputBad = false;
