如何修改链表以保存哈希表? C ++

时间:2016-12-10 18:14:43

标签: c++ hash linked-list hashmap hashtable

我正在尝试制作一堆哈希表。堆栈用于保存哈希表。我想要一个哈希表的堆栈(在本例中为List)。是否有人将 $scope.ingresarNuevoEmpleador = function(){ console.log("Nombre: " + $scope.objEmpleador_.nombreEmpleador_); //OK if($scope.frmEmpleadorDirecto.nempleador.$valid) { console.log('valid!'); }else { console.log('invalid!'); } }; H1放入我的H2?一旦我能够完成这个,我打算为一堆哈希表创建一个make pop()和push()函数。我也不允许在这个程序上使用STL代码。



List One


#include "Hashtable.h"
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

class List


    typedef struct node
      //stores the data in each node
      int data;
      //this creates a node pointer to point to another node in the list
      node* next;
    //the code above simplifies the code in the comment below
    //The code below code allows you to type "nodePtr"
    //instead of node* to make node
    //typedef struct node* nodePtr;

    nodePtr head;
    nodePtr curr;
    nodePtr temp;

//functions in public access and manipulate the private section
//you don't actually access the private section
    //constructor sets default values for our values: head, curr, and temp
    //putting the class name here let's the program know that we will set those
    //values when the list is created.
    //"void" so it returns no data
    void AddNode(int addData);
    //whatever value we pass through delData, 
    //the DeleteNode will fgo through the list and search for data that matches 
    //it and delete the node.
    void DeleteNode(int delData);
    void PrintList();

#endif /* LIST_H */

Hashtable.h此外,#include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include "List.h" using namespace std; //now here you define the function from the class //start out with class name "::" then the things you want to define from List.h List::List() { //values from Link.h head = NULL; curr = NULL; temp = NULL; } void List::AddNode(int addData) { nodePtr n = new node; //creating a new node pointer called "n" and a new node. // our new node pointer points to new node n->next = NULL; //find the node n is pointing to access it's next element and make //that point to nothing n->data = addData; if(head != NULL) { //make the current pointer point to head(front of the list) curr = head; while(curr->next != NULL) { curr = curr->next; } //if it's not at the end of the list it will exit the while loop //and point to "n" or the new node curr->next = n; } else { //if we don't have a list,the new node will be the front of the list. head = n; } } void List::DeleteNode(int delData) { //now delPtr is the deletion pointer and points to nothing to start with nodePtr delPtr = NULL; temp = head; curr = head; //while the current node isn't at the end of the list and isn't the data //that needs to be deleted while(curr != NULL && curr->data != delData) { temp = curr; curr = curr->next; } if(curr == NULL) { //if we reach the end of the list cout << delData << " was not in the list \n"; delete delPtr; } else { delPtr = curr; curr = curr->next; temp->next = curr; if(delPtr == head) { head = head->next; temp = NULL; } delete delPtr; cout << "The value " << delData << " was deleted \n"; } } void List::PrintList() { curr = head; while(curr != NULL) { cout << curr->data << endl; curr = curr->next; //it'll keep moving to the next node until the end of the list } } 是放置在哈希表中的项目的数据。



#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;


class HashTable
    static const int tableSize = 10;
     //everything in the braces are what makes the item
    struct obj
        int name;
        obj* next;

    obj* HASHTBL[tableSize];

    //Hash is the function represents where in the hash table 
    //we will store the key
    //take a string stored in variable
    int Hash( int key);
    void AddObj(int name);
    int ItemsinBucket(int index);
    void PrintTable();

#endif /* HASHTABLE_H */

最后,main.cpp。两个哈希表是测试#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "HashTable.h" using namespace std; //Takes from the HashTable class in HashTable.h HashTable::HashTable() { for(int x = 0; x < tableSize; x++) { HASHTBL[x] = new obj; HASHTBL[x]->name = NULL; HASHTBL[x]->next = NULL; } } void HashTable::AddObj( int name) { int index = Hash(name); if(HASHTBL[index]->name == NULL) { HASHTBL[index]->name = name; } else { obj* Ptr = HASHTBL[index]; obj* n = new obj; n->name = name; n->next = NULL; while(Ptr->next !=NULL) { Ptr = Ptr->next; } Ptr->next = n; } } int HashTable::ItemsinBucket(int index) { int count = 0; if (HASHTBL[index]->name == NULL) { return count; } else { count++; obj* Ptr = HASHTBL[index]; while(Ptr->next != NULL) { count++; Ptr = Ptr->next; } } return count; } void HashTable::PrintTable() { int number; for(int x = 0; x< tableSize; x++) { number = ItemsinBucket(x); cout << "------------------------\n"; cout << "index = " << x << endl; cout << HASHTBL[x]->name << endl; cout << "The num of items in index = "<< number << endl; cout << "------------------------\n"; } } int HashTable::Hash(int key) { //defining HashTable function: int HashTable = 0; int index; //will return integer value...or length of string you pass in for(int x = 0; x < key-1; x++) { HashTable = HashTable + x; } //so the hash table will take a number and mod it to return the remainder //the remainder is the index index = HashTable % tableSize; return index; } H1H2意味着两个哈希表的堆栈。

List One

这是输出。顶部是列表的测试和#include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include "List.h" #include "Hashtable.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { List One; One.AddNode(3); One.AddNode(5); One.AddNode(7); One.PrintList(); One.DeleteNode(3); One.PrintList(); HashTable H1; H1.AddObj(4); H1.AddObj(23); H1.AddObj(200); H1.AddObj(10); H1.AddObj(15); H1.AddObj(42); H1.AddObj(33); H1.AddObj(44); H1.AddObj(55); H1.AddObj(5); H1.AddObj(9); H1.AddObj(90); H1.PrintTable(); HashTable H2; H2.AddObj(10); H2.AddObj(90); H2.AddObj(99); H2.AddObj(34); H2.AddObj(88); H2.AddObj(14); H2.AddObj(87); H2.AddObj(18); H2.AddObj(54); H2.AddObj(56); H2.AddObj(6); H2.AddObj(2); } 函数的测试。


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