
时间:2016-12-10 06:12:47

标签: java collision-detection

注意:这篇文章是从游戏开发中复制粘贴的,因为我收到评论说要在Stack Overflow上发布这个帖子)




public abstract class Creatures extends Entity {

public static final int DEFAULT_HEALTH = 1;
public static final float DEFAULT_SPEED = 5.0f;
public static final int DEFAULT_CREATURE_WIDTH = 128;
public static final int DEFAULT_CREATURE_HEIGHT = 128;

protected int health;
protected float speed;
public static float xMove;
public static float yMove;
protected int MinHeight;

public Creatures(Handler handler, float x, float y, int width, int height) {
    super(handler, x, y, width, height);
    health = DEFAULT_HEALTH;
    speed = DEFAULT_SPEED; 
    xMove = 0;
    yMove = 0;
    MinHeight = -1;

public void move(){

public void moveX(){
    if(xMove > 0){//Moving right
        int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x + bounds.width) / Tile.TILEWIDTH;

        if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT) &&
                !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){
            x += xMove;
            x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x - bounds.width - 1;

    }else if(xMove < 0){//Moving left
        int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x) / Tile.TILEWIDTH;

        if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT) &&
                !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){
            x += xMove;
            x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH + Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x;

public void moveY(){
    if(yMove < 0){//Up
        int ty = (int) (y + yMove + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT;

        if(!collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x) / Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty) &&
                !collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x + bounds.width) / Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty)){
            y += yMove;
            y = ty * Tile.TILEHEIGHT + Tile.TILEHEIGHT - bounds.y;

    }else if(yMove > 0){//Down
        int ty = (int) (y + yMove + bounds.y + bounds.height) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT;

        if(!collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x) / Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty) &&
                !collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x + bounds.width) / Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty)){
            y += yMove;
            y = ty * Tile.TILEHEIGHT - bounds.y - bounds.height - 1;

//This code below checks if the tile im colliding is Solid or not
protected boolean collisionWithTile(int x, int y){
    return handler.getWorld().getTile(x, y).isSolid();


public float getxMove() {
    return xMove;

public void setxMove(float xMove) {
    this.xMove = xMove;

public float getyMove() {
    return yMove;

public void setyMove(float yMove) {
    this.yMove = yMove;

public int getHealth() {
    return health;

public void setHealth(int health) {
    this.health = health;

public float getSpeed() {
    return speed;

public void setSpeed(float speed) {
    this.speed = speed;



import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;

public abstract class Entity {

protected Handler handler;
protected float x, y;
protected int width, height;
protected Rectangle bounds;

public Entity(Handler handler, float x, float y, int width, int height){
    this.handler = handler;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

    bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

public abstract void tick();

public abstract void render(Graphics g);

public float getX() {
    return x;

public void setX(float x) {
    this.x = x;

public float getY() {
    return y;

public void setY(float y) {
    this.y = y;

public int getWidth() {
    return width;

public void setWidth(int width) {
    this.width = width;

public int getHeight() {
    return height;

public void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;



import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class Player extends Creatures{

private Animation animRight, animLeft;

public Player(Handler handler, float x, float y) {
    super(handler, x, y, Creatures.DEFAULT_CREATURE_WIDTH, Creatures.DEFAULT_CREATURE_HEIGHT);

    bounds.x = 32;
    bounds.y = 32;
    bounds.width = 92;
    bounds.height = 96;

    animRight = new Animation(100, Assets.DerpDino_right);
    animLeft  = new Animation(100, Assets.DerpDino_left);

public void tick() {



private void Dead(){
   //what to put in here

private void getInput(){
    xMove = 6;
    yMove = 6;
    MinHeight = 0;

        xMove = -speed;
        xMove = speed;
        //this makes my player fly
        yMove = -speed;

public void render(Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(getCurrentAnimationFrame(), (int) (x - handler.getGameCamera().getxOffset()), (int) (y -handler.getGameCamera().getyOffset()), width, height, null);    

private BufferedImage getCurrentAnimationFrame(){
    if(xMove < 0){
        return animLeft.getCurrentFrame();
        return animRight.getCurrentFrame();


Tile Class(其中isSolid()是)

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class Tile {


public static Tile[] tiles = new Tile[256];
public static Tile grassTile = new GrassTile(0);
public static Tile cactusTile = new CactusTile(1);
public static Tile dirtTile = new DirtTile(2);
public static Tile skyTile = new SkyTile(3);
public static Tile cloudTile = new CloudTile(4);
public static Tile caveTile = new CaveTile(5);
public static Tile stoneTile = new StoneTile(6);


public static final int TILEWIDTH = 128, TILEHEIGHT = 128;

protected BufferedImage texture;
protected final int id;

public Tile(BufferedImage texture, int id){
    this.texture = texture;
    this.id = id;

    tiles[id] = this;

public void tick(){


public void render(Graphics g, int x, int y){
    g.drawImage(texture, x, y, TILEWIDTH, TILEHEIGHT, null);

public boolean isSolid(){
    return false;

public int getId(){
    return id;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public enum STATE {GAME, MENU};
public STATE state = STATE.GAME;


if (state == STATE.GAME) {
    // game logic here
} else if (state == STATE.MENU) {
    // menu logic here



if (collisionWithTile) {
    state = STATE.MENU;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

得到了答案!!!我刚刚添加了State.setstate(menustate),如果我的播放器与该块发生碰撞,请在我的代码中找到 // here 。< / p>

public boolean moveX(){
    if(xMove > 0){//Moving right
        int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x + bounds.width) / Tile.TILEWIDTH;

        if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT) &&
                !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){
            x += xMove;
            x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x - bounds.width - 1;

    }else if(xMove < 0){//Moving left
        int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x) / Tile.TILEWIDTH;

        if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT) &&
                !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){
            x += xMove;
            x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH + Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x;
    return false;

public boolean moveY(){
    if(yMove < 0){//Up
        int ty = (int) (y + yMove + bounds.y) / Tile.TILEHEIGHT;

        if(!collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x) / Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty) &&
                !collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x + bounds.width) /     Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty)){
            y += yMove;
            y = ty * Tile.TILEHEIGHT + Tile.TILEHEIGHT - bounds.y;