
时间:2016-12-09 21:39:19

标签: python c++ python-3.x swig



obj = module.class()

for i in range(obj.numPart1()):
    print (obj.part1[i])

for i in range(obj.numPart2()):
    print (obj.part2[i])

如果这是完全错误的并且还有更多的Pythonic'做到这一点的方式,我都是耳朵。基础对象必须有两个部分,因为它是一个三角剖分,可以访问所有与同一个C ++后端相关联的顶点和构面。


如果需要,我甚至可以向C ++端添加项目,如果我需要能够提供所需的东西,但我想最终得到一个可以访问对象具有的两个属性之一的类基本上是列表。添加到C ++方面不太理想,因为代码在其他地方被重用,所以我希望尽可能减少与C ++代码的混乱。


  • __init__无法修改,因为它是在SWIG中生成的。我只能添加到班级
  • 我输入的任何Python代码必须位于现有类中或文件顶部。 (我无法在文件中的任何位置添加类。)


注意:此示例中的所有函数都是包装的C ++函数,但包装的内置函数除外(__getitem____enter____exit__

import ModTest as m

with m.multiAttrObj() as obj:
   print ("Attribute A:")
   for i in range(obj.nAttrA()):
      #print (obj.getAttrA(i))  # This version works
      print (obj.AttrA[i])      # This version fails

   print ("\nAttribute B:")
   for i in range(obj.nAttrB()):
      #print (obj.getAttrB(i))  # This version works
      print (obj.AttrB[i])      # This version fails


class multiAttrObj():
   # Init method cannot be changed...generated by SWIG (in real case)
   def __init__(self):
      # Real module attributes are actually an instance of a C++ object
      self._attrA = "a b c d e f".split()
      self._attrB = "1 2 3 4 5".split()

   def __enter__(self):
      return self

   def __exit__(self, a,b,c):
      self._attrA = None
      self._attrB = None

   def nAttrA(self):
      return len(self._attrA)

   def nAttrB(self):
      return len(self._attrB)

   # Only way to get to AttrA from Python, calls C++ accessor
   def getAttrA(self,i):
      # real return is as below:
      # return _multiAttrObj.get_attr_a(i)
      return self._attrA[i]  # Example for testing without .pyd

   # Only way to get to AttrB from Python, calls C++ accessor
   def getAttrB(self,i):
      # real return is as below:
      # return _multiAttrObj.get_attr_b(i)
      return self._attrB[i]  # Example for testing without .pyd

   # Function can be created, but throws 
   # TypeError: 'method' object is not subscriptable
   # when called like __getitem__
   #def AttrA(self,i):
   #   return self._attrA[i]

   #def AttrB(self,i):
   #   return self._attrB[i]

   def __getitem__(self,i):
      # This can't distiguish which attribute I want.

编辑: 的 ANSWER


def _getAttrAWrap(self):
    return SequenceProxy(self.getAttrA, self.nAttrA)

def _getAttrBWrap(self):
    return SequenceProxy(self.getAttrB, self.nAttrB)

# Missing setter functions are for future use.
AttrA = property(_getAttrAWrap, "")
AttrB = property(_getAttrBWrap, "")

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

编辑#2.1 (稍微调整编辑#2后)

解决此问题的关键是要意识到需要的是一种覆盖 属性 的索引(通过__getitem__()方法)的方法类,而不是最外层容器类本身。

要做到这一点,这里更加精简,因为它不再使用属性,因此可能是我原来答案第一次修订的更快版本(又名编辑#1 )。而不是它们实现__getattr__()方法,当引用属性AttrAAttrB但尚未存在时,该方法通常只被调用一次。从那时起,它就不会被再次召唤。这解决了无法更改SWIG生成的类__init__()方法的问题(但不限制该类用作上下文管理器(尽管但仍支持用作一个)。


使用SequenceProxy实例可以将任何索引和长度查询调用转发给您选择的任何函数或绑定方法 - 从而提供"钩子"或者"瓶颈"需要实现它。

import collections

class SequenceProxy(collections.Sequence):
    """Proxy class to make something appear to be an (immutable) sized iterable
       container based on just the two functions (or bound methods) provided to
       the constructor.
    def __init__(self, item_getter, length_getter):
        self._item_getter = item_getter
        self._get_length = length_getter

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._item_getter(index)

    def __len__(self):
        return self._get_length()

class multiAttrObj():
    # Init method cannot be changed...generated by SWIG (in real case)
    def __init__(self):
        self._attrA = "a b c d e f".split()
        self._attrB = "1 2 3 4 5".split()

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """This will create AttrA or AttrB when they are first referenced."""
        if name == 'AttrA':
            self.AttrA = SequenceProxy(self.getAttrA, self.nAttrA)
            return self.AttrA
        elif name == 'AttrB':
            self.AttrB = SequenceProxy(self.getAttrB, self.nAttrB)
            return self.AttrB
            raise AttributeError('{!r} is not an attribute of {}'.format(
                    name, self.__class__.__name__))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        pass # will implicitly return None which mean handle exceptions normally

    def nAttrA(self):
        return len(self._attrA)  # do whatever is needed here...

    def nAttrB(self):
        return len(self._attrB)  # do whatever is needed here...

    def getAttrA(self, i):
        return self._attrA[i]  # do whatever is needed here...

    def getAttrB(self, i):
        return self._attrB[i]  # do whatever is needed here...