
时间:2016-12-09 12:28:03

标签: android sqlite android-keystore




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Your error was that you distribute your apk signed by debug.keystore. That is wrong and you face a consequence of this action. debug.keystore is generated dynamicly and can change often (for example reinstal of android studio) and you don't have assurance that next build will be signed with same key. From that point you are not able to update your app even Google itself can't help.

As far as i know the only chance for you is to get the db file manualy from the phone install new version of your app with new release.keystore and swap the new empty db file with old one.

Note that if your db file is in private storage of your app you need root to access that file.

if you already have access to file here is adb command for pulling file to PC:

adb pull /sdcard/absolute/path/to/file/database.db C:/destination/of/file/on/PC