ImportError:没有名为' nltk.chunk.named.entity'在Pyinstaller

时间:2016-12-09 07:27:18

标签: python nltk pyinstaller named-entity-recognition

使用python nltk库运行打包的命名实体识别代码时遇到运行时异常。 Pyinstaller已用于制作.exe文件。带有Anaconda的Python 3.5安装在机器中。

ImportError : No module named 'nltk.chunk.named.entity'. Failed to execute script


#Code modificaiton for standalone python run - PythonInstaller version
#importing libraries
import nltk
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np    
import re 
import os
from nltk.tokenize import PunktSentenceTokenizer

#Reading the text from console
print("Enter the text - ")
raw = sys.stdin.readline()

sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(raw)  #split in to sentances
tokenized_sentences = [nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) for sentence in sentences] #split in to words
tagged_sentences = [nltk.pos_tag(sentence) for sentence in tokenized_sentences] #tag sentences with NN, NNP, etc
chunked_sentences = nltk.ne_chunk_sents(tagged_sentences, binary=True)

def extract_entity_names(t):
    entity_names = []

    if hasattr(t, 'label') and t.label:
        if t.label() == 'NE':
            entity_names.append(' '.join([child[0] for child in t]))
            for child in t:

    return entity_names

entity_names = []
for tree in chunked_sentences:

#Check if the output is null  
if not entity_names:
    print("List is empty")

# Print unique entity names
print (set(entity_names))

input("Press any key to exit...")

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