
时间:2016-12-09 00:37:52

标签: cucumber-jvm



Background: Bulk import of portfolios and treaties
    Given the user logs into “dev” environment as “User ” with password "Password1"
    And the user Chooses to import a portfolio providing SQLServer as "”
    And the user chooses uploaded Anytime
    And the user enters the filter criteria for “Client_EDM”
    And the user expands the Edm
    And the user expands the portfolios dropdown
    And the user chooses the Name as "UK COM for v0.7"
    And the user chooses the contract as ""

  Scenario Outline: Import of portfolio
    Given the user clicks on Import button
    And the user specifies the ImportJobName as "<ImportName>"
    And the user specifies the project "<EDM>"
    And the user specifies the structure "<StructureName>"
    And the user submits a portfolio for Import
      | EDM              | ImportName           | StructureName|


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