
时间:2016-12-07 15:30:40

标签: javascript

  • /* information in each game tree node */
       var node_size = 17; // number of elements of each game tree node
       var slot_node_id = 0;
       var slot_node_level = 1;
       var slot_number_childs = 2;
       var slot_id_first_child = 3;
       var slot_value = 4;
       var slot_x_pos = 5;
       var slot_y_pos = 6;
       var slot_alpha = 7;
       var slot_beta = 8;
       var slot_node_id_parent = 9;
       var slot_current_child = 10;
       var slot_best_child = 11;
       /* tree information */
       var gameTreeArray; // array having the game tree
       var tree_height; // game tree height
       var tree_number_nodes; // total number of nodes
       /* draw parameters */
       var tx=17; // triangle size_x = 2*tx
       var ty=17; // triangle size_y = 2*ty
       /* simulation parameters */
       var setinterval_id;
       var current_node_id=0;
       var previous_node_id=-1;
       var returned_child_value=0;
       var step_minimax=0; // current step of algorithm
       var simulation_mode=0; // 0-stop; 1-animated simulation; 2-step-by-step simulation
       // constants
       var MINUS_INFINITY = -1000; // or -Number.MAX_VALUE;
       var PLUS_INFINITY  = +1000;
       var simulation_cycle = 800; // cycle time (ms)
       /* draws node shape and changes node color to white*/
       function draw_node(context, idx_node, fill_color) {
       	var cx = gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_x_pos];
       	var cy = gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_y_pos];
       	context.fillStyle = fill_color;
       	if (gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_node_level] % 2 == 0) { // draw max player triangle node
       		context.moveTo(cx, cy-ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx-tx, cy+ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx+tx, cy+ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx, cy-ty);
       		var yy = cx - tx*8 - 25;
       	    context.fillStyle = "black";
       	    var oldFont=context.font;
       	    context.font="6pt Arial";
       	if (gameTreeArray[idx_node+slot_number_childs]>0) {	
       	    var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
            x.setAttribute("type", "text");
            x.setAttribute("value", "");
       	    x.setAttribute("placeholder", "a");
       	    x.style.top= cy-20+"px";
        else { // draw min player triangle node
       		context.moveTo(cx, cy+ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx-tx, cy-ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx+tx, cy-ty);
       		context.lineTo(cx, cy+ty);
       		var yy = cx - tx*8 - 25;
       	    context.fillStyle = "black";
       	    var oldFont=context.font;
       	    context.font="6pt Arial";
       	 if (gameTreeArray[idx_node+slot_number_childs]>0) {
       	     var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
             x.setAttribute("type", "text");
             x.setAttribute("value", "");
       	     x.setAttribute("placeholder", "b");
       	     x.style.top= cy-20+"px";
     context.fillStyle = "black"; // controls text color
       	if (gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_number_childs]==0) // draw value if is terminal node
    context.fillText(gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_value], cx-4, cy+ty+16);
       function create_game_tree() {
       	if (simulation_mode==1) clearInterval(setinterval_id);
       	var stringToSplit = document.form1.treestructure.value;	
       	var arrayOfStringsInnerNodes = stringToSplit.split(" ");
       	stringToSplit = document.form1.utilvalues.value;
       	var arrayOfStringsLeafNodes = stringToSplit.split(" ");
       	var len1=arrayOfStringsInnerNodes.length;
        var len2=arrayOfStringsLeafNodes.length;	
       	tree_number_nodes = len1 + len2; // total number of nodes
       	gameTreeArray = new Array(tree_number_nodes * node_size); // total size of the array
       	// first loads into the array the inner nodes
       	var dp=0; // node depth
       	if (len1>0) {
       		gameTreeArray[slot_node_level]=dp; // depth of root node
       		gameTreeArray[slot_node_id_parent]=-1; // parent id of root node
       		gameTreeArray[slot_alpha]=MINUS_INFINITY; // init alpha value of root node
       		gameTreeArray[slot_beta]=PLUS_INFINITY;  // init beta value of root node
       	for (var i=0,j=0,id_first_child = 1; i < len1; i++, j+=node_size) {
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_node_id] = i;
       		if (gameTreeArray[j+slot_node_level] % 2 == 0) 		
       			gameTreeArray[j+slot_value] = MINUS_INFINITY; // max player initial value
       			gameTreeArray[j+slot_value] = PLUS_INFINITY; // min player initial value
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_current_child] = -1;
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_number_childs] = parseInt(arrayOfStringsInnerNodes[i],10);
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_id_first_child] = id_first_child;
       		dp = gameTreeArray[j+slot_node_level];
       		for (var child=0; child < gameTreeArray[j+slot_number_childs]; child++) {
       			gameTreeArray[(id_first_child+child)*node_size + slot_node_level] = dp+1; // depth of child
       			gameTreeArray[(id_first_child+child)*node_size + slot_node_id_parent] = i; // parent id
       		id_first_child += gameTreeArray[j+slot_number_childs];
       	// second loads into the array the leaf nodes (terminal nodes)
       	for (var i=0,j=len1*node_size; i < len2; i++, j+=node_size) {
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_node_id] = i+len1;
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_number_childs] = 0; // terminal/leaf node
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_id_first_child] = -1; // because is a terminal/leaf node
       		gameTreeArray[j+slot_value] = parseInt(arrayOfStringsLeafNodes[i],10);
       	tree_height = dp+1;
       function prepare_draw_tree(numLeafNodes) {
       	var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasab');
       	var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
       	var w = canvas.width;
       	var h = canvas.height;
       	var top_margin_h = 30; // top margin defined for canvas
       	var bot_margin_h = 40; // botton margin defined for canvas
       	var h_util = h - top_margin_h - bot_margin_h;
       	for (var i=tree_number_nodes - numLeafNodes, j=1, idx_node=i*node_size; i<tree_number_nodes; i++, j++,
       idx_node+=node_size) {
       		gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_y_pos] = parseInt(top_margin_h + (h_util*gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_node_level])/tree_height);
       		gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_x_pos] = parseInt((w/(numLeafNodes+1))*j);		
       	for (var i=tree_number_nodes - numLeafNodes - 1, idx_node=i*node_size; i>=0; i--, idx_node-=node_size) {
       		gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_y_pos] = parseInt(top_margin_h + (h_util*gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_node_level])/tree_height);
       		var fc_idx = gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_id_first_child] * node_size;
       		var lc_idx = (gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_id_first_child] + gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_number_childs] - 1) * node_size;		
       		gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_x_pos] = (gameTreeArray[fc_idx + slot_x_pos] + gameTreeArray[lc_idx + slot_x_pos])/2;
       function draw_tree() {
       	var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasab');
       	var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
       	canvas.width = canvas.width; // resets canvas
       	context.strokeStyle = '#000';
       	context.lineWidth   = 1;
       	for (var i=0, idx_node=0; i<tree_number_nodes; i++, idx_node+=node_size)
       		draw_node(context, idx_node, "white");
       	// draw line segments
       	for (var i=0, idx_node=0; i<tree_number_nodes; i++, idx_node+=node_size) {
       		var id_first_child = gameTreeArray[idx_node+slot_id_first_child];
       		var number_childs = gameTreeArray[idx_node+slot_number_childs];
       		var bx = gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_x_pos];
       		var by = gameTreeArray[idx_node + slot_y_pos] + ty;
       		for (var child=0; child < number_childs; child++) {
       			var ex = gameTreeArray[(id_first_child+child)*node_size + slot_x_pos];
       			var ey = gameTreeArray[(id_first_child+child)*node_size + slot_y_pos] - ty;
       			context.moveTo(bx, by);
       			context.lineTo(ex, ey);
    <form name="form1" method="POST" class="smart-blue">
       <h1>minimax game search algorithm with alpha-beta pruning 
       Enter the game tree structure: 
       <input name="treestructure" type="text" size="50" value="3 3 3 3">
       Enter the game tree terminal values:
       <input name="utilvalues" type="text" size="50" value="3 12 8 2 4 6 14 5 2">
       <button type="button" value="Change game tree" onclick="create_game_tree()" name="definetree" class="button">
       Create new game tree
       <canvas id="canvasab" width="900" height="600">
       Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas!

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