
时间:2016-12-07 08:39:23

标签: r

我在R中写了下面的if语句。它工作正常,但有一个令人讨厌的警告信息,我1)不完全理解,2)想得到。 : - )




在这种情况下,数字(3)的含义是什么? 谷歌搜索给了我一些指针(How to fix error "closing unused connection"Warning: closing unused connection n),它们似乎不起作用,但我知道:它可能是我。我究竟做错了什么? 下面是我的代码。



filetype = summary(file(opt$datagwas))$class

if(filetype == "gzfile"){
    cat("\n* The file appears to be gzipped, checking delimiter now...")
    TESTDELIMITER = readLines(opt$datagwas, n = 1)
    cat("\n* Data header looks like this:\n")
    if(grepl(",", TESTDELIMITER) == TRUE){
    cat("\n* Data is comma-seperated, loading...\n")
    GWASDATA_RAW = fread(paste0("zcat < ",opt$datagwas), 
    header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".", 
    na.strings = c("", "NA", "na", "Na", "NaN", 
    "Nan", ".","N/A","n/a", "N/a"),
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
    } else {
    cat ("\n\n*** ERROR *** Something is rotten in the City of Gotham. The    GWAS data is neither comma, tab, space, nor semicolon delimited. Double     back, please.\n\n", file=stderr()) # print error messages to stder
    } else if(filetype != "gzfile") {
    cat("\n* The file appears not to be gezipped, checking delimiter     now...")
    TESTDELIMITER = readLines(opt$datagwas, n = 1)
    cat("\n* Data header looks like this:\n")
    if(grepl(",", TESTDELIMITER) == TRUE){
    cat("\n* Data is comma-seperated, loading...\n")
    GWASDATA_RAW = fread(opt$datagwas, 
    header = TRUE, sep = ",",dec = ".",
    na.strings = c("", "NA", "na", "Na","NaN",
    "Nan", ".","N/A","n/a","N/a"),
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
    } else {
    cat ("\n\n*** ERROR *** Something is rotten in the City of Gotham. The     GWAS data is neither comma, tab, space, nor semicolon delimited. Double     back, please.\n\n", file=stderr()) # print error messages to stder
    } else {
    cat ("\n\n*** ERROR *** Something is rotten in the City of Gotham. We     can't determine the file type of the GWAS data. Double back, please.\n\n",     file=stderr()) # print error messages to stder

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


# Open it
conn <- file(opt$datagwas)

# Extract the information you need
filetype <- summary(conn)$class
TESTDELIMITER <- readLines(conn, n = 1)

# Then close it

# Continue with if-clause, fread, etc as before


答案 1 :(得分:0)


datagwas_connection <- file(opt$datagwas)

filetype <- summary(datagwas_connection)$class

TESTDELIMITER <- readLines(datagwas_connection, n = 1)


if(filetype == "gzfile"){ cat("\n* The file appears to be gzipped, checking delimiter now...") cat("\n* Data header looks like this:\n") print(TESTDELIMITER) if(grepl(",", TESTDELIMITER) == TRUE){等等等(代码的其余部分)
