
时间:2016-12-06 16:29:46

标签: f# fscheck

previous question我的this code of FsCheck Kurt指出here关于设置Arbitrary类型。


type MyArb() =
    inherit Arbitrary<DoNotSize<int64>>()
        override x.Generator = Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64().Generator


[<Property(Verbose = true, Arbitrary= [| typeof<MyArb> |])>]
static member  MultiplyIdentity (x: int64) = x * 1L = x


 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  ----> System.Exception : No instances found on type Tests.Arithmetic.MyArb. Check that the type is public and has public static members with the right signature.
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at FsCheck.Runner.checkMethod(Config config, MethodInfo m, FSharpOption`1 target) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Runner.fs:line 318
   at FsCheck.NUnit.Addin.FsCheckTestMethod.runTestMethod(TestResult testResult) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck.NUnit.Addin\FsCheckTestMethod.fs:line 100



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


type TestArbitrary2 =
   static member NegativeDouble() =
       |> Arb.mapFilter (abs >> ((-) 0.0)) (fun t -> t <= 0.0)


 type MyArb() =
    static member m() = Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64()


你知道,QuickCheck的原始Haskell实现依赖于类型类来提供不同类型的值。为了使特定类型“可快速检查”,需要为该类型定义“任意”类的实例(例如,here are instances for all basic types)。

由于F#不支持类型类,因此FsCheck必须伪造它,这是在那里使用的方案:每个类型类实例由返回函数表的静态成员表示。例如,如果我们想模拟Eq typeclass,我们将其定义为:

type Eq<'a> = { eq: 'a -> 'a -> bool; neq: 'a -> 'a -> bool }

type EqInstances() =
   static member ForInt() : Eq<int> = 
      { eq = (=); neq = (<>) }

   static member ForMyCustomType() : Eq<MyCustomType> = 
      { eq = fun a b -> a.CompareTo(b) = 0
        neq = fun a b -> a.CompareTo(b) <> 0 }


答案 1 :(得分:2)

这个问题清楚地表明,IMO,为什么基于反射的FsCheck API不太理想。我倾向于完全避免使用该API,所以我改为编写OP属性,如下所示:

open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit

let MultiplyIdentity () =
    Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 () |> Prop.forAll <| fun (DoNotSize x) -> x * 1L = x


这种方法的优点在于它的类型安全并且更轻量级,因为每次需要调整FsCheck时都不必实现静态类。 / p>

答案 2 :(得分:2)

如果您更喜欢the approach described by Mark Seemann,那么您也可以考虑使用plain-FsCheck并完全摆脱FsCheck.Xunit:

module Tests

open FsCheck

let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``Multiply Identity (passing)`` () = 
    Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 ()
    |> Prop.forAll
    <| fun (DoNotSize x) ->
        x * 1L = x
    |> Check.QuickThrowOnFailure

let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``Multiply Identity (failing)`` () = 
    Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 ()
    |> Prop.forAll
    <| fun (DoNotSize x) ->
        x * 1L = -1L |@ sprintf "(%A should equal %A)" (x * 1L) x
    |> Check.QuickThrowOnFailure

xUnit.net testrunner输出:

------ Test started: Assembly: Library1.dll ------

Test 'Tests.Multiply Identity (failing)' failed: System.Exception:
    Falsifiable, after 1 test (2 shrinks) (StdGen (2100552947,296238694)):

Label of failing property: (0L should equal 0L)
DoNotSize -23143L
DoNotSize 0L

    at <StartupCode$FsCheck>.$Runner.get_throwingRunner@365-1.Invoke(String me..
    at <StartupCode$FsCheck>.$Runner.get_throwingRunner@355.FsCheck-IRunner-On..
    at FsCheck.Runner.check[a](Config config, a p)
    at FsCheck.Check.QuickThrowOnFailure[Testable](Testable property)
    C:\Users\Nikos\Desktop\Library1\Library1\Library1.fs(15,0): at Tests.Multi..

1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, took 0.82 seconds (xUnit.net 2.1.0 build 3179).