Inno Setup使用嵌套的TNewNotebook页面更改更新自定义TSetupForm标题

时间:2016-12-06 15:42:10

标签: inno-setup pascalscript uninstaller

我想使用自定义卸载向导页面,如问题Custom Uninstall page (not MsgBox)中显示的Inno安装脚本。




请帮助我找出[Code] const ControlGap = 5; procedure UpdateButtonsState(Form: TSetupForm); var Notebook: TNewNotebook; BtnBack, BtnNext: TButton; begin Notebook := TNewNotebook(Form.FindComponent('Notebook')); BtnBack := TButton(Form.FindComponent('BtnBack')); BtnNext := TButton(Form.FindComponent('BtnNext')); BtnBack.Enabled := (Notebook.ActivePage <> Notebook.Pages[0]); if Notebook.ActivePage <> Notebook.Pages[Notebook.PageCount - 1] then begin BtnNext.Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonNext) BtnNext.ModalResult := mrNone; end else begin BtnNext.Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonFinish); BtnNext.ModalResult := mrYes; end; end; procedure BtnPageChangeClick(Sender: TObject); var NextPage: TNewNotebookPage; Notebook: TNewNotebook; Form: TWinControl; Button, BtnBack, BtnNext: TButton; begin Button := TButton(Sender); Form := Button; while not (Form is TSetupForm) do Form := Form.Parent; Notebook := TNewNotebook(Form.FindComponent('Notebook')); BtnBack := TButton(Form.FindComponent('BtnBack')); BtnNext := TButton(Form.FindComponent('BtnNext')); if (Button = BtnBack) and (Notebook.ActivePage = Notebook.Pages[0]) then NextPage := nil else if (Button = BtnNext) and (Notebook.ActivePage = Notebook.Pages[Notebook.PageCount - 1]) then NextPage := nil else NextPage := Notebook.FindNextPage(Notebook.ActivePage, Button = BtnNext); Notebook.ActivePage := NextPage; UpdateButtonsState(TSetupForm(Form)); end; function AddPage(NotebookForm: TSetupForm): TNewNotebookPage; var Notebook: TNewNotebook; begin Notebook := TNewNotebook(NotebookForm.FindComponent('Notebook')); Result := TNewNotebookPage.Create(Notebook); Result.Notebook:=Notebook; Result.Parent:=Notebook; Result.Align := alClient; if Notebook.ActivePage = nil then Notebook.ActivePage := Result; UpdateButtonsState(NotebookForm); end; function CreateNotebookForm: TSetupForm; var Notebook: TNewNotebook; NotebookPage: TNewNotebookPage; Pan: TPanel; TmpLabel: TLabel; MaxWidth, i: Integer; BtnBack, BtnNext, BtnCancel: TButton; BtnLabelMsgIDs: Array Of TSetupMessageID; begin Result := CreateCustomForm; Result.SetBounds(0, 0, UninstallProgressForm.Width, UninstallProgressForm.Height); Result.Position := poOwnerFormCenter; Notebook := TNewNotebook.Create(Result); Notebook.Parent := Result; Notebook.Name := 'Notebook'; Notebook.Align := alClient; Pan := TPanel.Create(Result); Pan.Parent := Notebook; Pan.Caption := ''; Pan.Align := alBottom; BtnNext := TNewButton.Create(Result); with BtnNext do begin Parent := Pan; Name := 'BtnNext'; Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonNext); OnClick := @BtnPageChangeClick; ParentFont := True; end; BtnBack := TNewButton.Create(Result); with BtnBack do begin Parent := Pan; Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonBack); Name := 'BtnBack'; OnClick := @BtnPageChangeClick; ParentFont := True; end; BtnCancel := TNewButton.Create(Result); with BtnCancel do begin Parent := Pan; Name := 'BtnCancel'; Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonCancel); ModalResult := mrCancel; Cancel := True; ParentFont := True; end; TmpLabel := TLabel.Create(Result); with TmpLabel do begin Left := 0; Top := 0; Parent := Pan; ParentFont := True; Visible := False; WordWrap := False; Autosize := True; end; SetArrayLength(BtnLabelMsgIDs, 4); BtnLabelMsgIDs[0] := msgButtonBack; BtnLabelMsgIDs[1] := msgButtonNext; BtnLabelMsgIDs[2] := msgButtonCancel; BtnLabelMsgIDs[3] := msgButtonFinish; MaxWidth := 0; for i := Low(BtnLabelMsgIDs) to High(BtnLabelMsgIDs) do begin TmpLabel.Caption := SetupMessage(BtnLabelMsgIDs[i]) + 'WWW'; if MaxWidth < TmpLabel.Width then MaxWidth := TmpLabel.Width; end; TmpLabel.Caption := 'Yy'; with BtnBack do begin Width := MaxWidth; Height := TmpLabel.Height*2; Left := Parent.ClientWidth - 3*(MaxWidth + ScaleX(ControlGap)); Top := (Parent.ClientHeight - Height) div 2; end; with BtnNext do begin Width := MaxWidth; Height := TmpLabel.Height*2; Left := Parent.ClientWidth - 2*(MaxWidth + ScaleX(ControlGap)); Top := (Parent.ClientHeight - Height) div 2; end; with BtnCancel do begin Width := MaxWidth; Height := TmpLabel.Height*2; Left := Parent.ClientWidth - 1*(MaxWidth + ScaleX(ControlGap)); Top := (Parent.ClientHeight - Height) div 2; end; end; procedure InitializeUninstallProgressForm; var Form: TSetupForm; i: Integer; NotebookPage: TNewNotebookPage; ModResult: Integer; begin Form := CreateNotebookForm; for i := 1 to 4 do begin NotebookPage := AddPage(Form); with NotebookPage do begin Color := clWindow; with TLabel.Create(Form) do begin Parent := NotebookPage; SetBounds(0, 0, 50, 30); Autosize := true; Font.Size := 14; Caption := 'Label ' + IntToStr(i); end; Form.Caption := 'CAPTION - ' + IntToStr(i); {<<<NEVER UPDATES AND KEEPS SHOWING "CAPTION - 4">>>>} end; end; ModResult := Form.ShowModal; if ModResult = mrYes then MsgBox('Continuing uninstall', mbInformation, MB_OK) else begin MsgBox('Cancelled', mbInformation, MB_OK); Abort; end; end; {此处声明为Caption)的TSetupForm永远不会更新的原因。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



procedure UpdateButtonsState(Form: TSetupForm);
{ ... }
  { ... }
  if Notebook.ActivePage <> nil then
    Form.Caption := 'CAPTION - ' + IntToStr(Notebook.ActivePage.PageIndex + 1);