MVC AJAX没有响应来自控制器

时间:2016-12-06 12:49:21

标签: jquery json

我遇到了关于AJAX请求的问题,POST-s形成了控制器,但没有回复。没有成功也没有错误。我尝试了各种各样的组合,甚至留下了一些注释的代码也没有用,在某些情况下它会给出响应但是错误,比如如果我把超时放在ajax上(这是预期的)。我甚至尝试过简单的请求,没有表单提交,而是几个变量,但成功的反应从未到来。 有什么建议吗?



var dataString;
if ($("#UpitId").attr("enctype") == "multipart/form-data") {
    //this only works in some browsers.
    //purpose? to submit files over ajax. because screw iframes.
    //also, we need to call .get(0) on the jQuery element to turn it into a regular DOM element so that FormData can use it.
    dataString = new FormData($("#UpitId").get(0));
    contentType = false;
    processData = false;

    url: "/Upit/Uspjeh/",
    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    //dataType: "html",
    traditional: true,
    data: dataString,
    //data: { Sadrzaj:"Test Sadržaj",Eposta:""},
    contentType: contentType,
    processData: processData,
    sucess: function (data) {
    error: function (xhr) {




    public ActionResult Uspjeh(FormaZaUnos model, string Send, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    string fileName = "";
                    byte[] fileText = null;
                    int numFiles = 0;

                    string IncidentId = _repository.CreateCrmRecord(model, fileName, fileText, numFiles);

                    if (Request.Files.Count > 0)

                        numFiles = Request.Files.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)

                            var upFile = Request.Files[i];
                            //var file = Request.Files[0];
                            if (upFile != null && upFile.ContentLength > 0)

                                var allowedExtensions = new[] { ".doc", ".xlsx", ".txt", ".jpeg", ".docx", ".xls" };

                                if (allowedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(upFile.FileName)))
                                    _repository.CreateNotesWithAttachment(Request.Files[i], IncidentId);



                    //return Json("chamara", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                    return Json(new { sucess=true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                    //var storiesObj = new { success = true, stories = "Test" };
                    //return storiesObj;
                    //return Json("'Success':'true'");
                    //return Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Your message successfuly sent!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                    //return Content("uspjeh");

        return null;

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