现在我有2个区域设置文件:AR.__resourceUrl = function(url)
if (/^([a-z\d.-]+:)?\/\//i.test(url))
// URL contains protocol and can be considered absolute
return url;
// get protocol
var protocol = document.baseURI.substring(0,
document.baseURI.indexOf('/') + 2);
var uri = document.baseURI.substring(document.baseURI.indexOf('/') + 2);
// remove fragment identifier
if ( uri.indexOf('#') > 0 && uri.length > uri.indexOf('#') +1 ) {
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('#'));
// in case there was a '/' after the fragment identifier, we need to add it back again
if ( uri[uri.length - 1] !== '/' ) {
uri += '/';
// remove trailing file (edge case, this is just a domain e.g.
// www.google.com)
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var baseUrl = protocol + uri;
if (baseUrl[baseUrl.length - 1] !== '/')
baseUrl += '/';
if (url[0] === '/') {
// url references root
baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.indexOf('/', baseUrl
.indexOf('//') + 2));
var resourceURL = baseUrl + url;
return resourceURL;
并将它们按特定顺序合并在一起以创建一个最终的区域设置文件。 是否有任何超级魔法甚至更简单的解决方案来实现这一目标?