错误 - "在抛出' std :: logic_error' ..."的实例后终止调用在实例化抽象类时

时间:2016-12-06 06:27:57

标签: c++

我试图完成一个我们实现哈希表的赋值。我已经使用链接的节点列表来执行此操作。我的Hash类是纯虚拟类,因为它的hash函数是纯虚函数。 Hash类也是模板类。



在抛出' std :: logic_error'的实例后终止调用     what():basic_string :: _ S_construct null无效



 * Class: 
 *      Hash
 * Summary:
 *      This is a class for a abstract "hash" data type.
#ifndef HASH_H
#define HASH_H

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "node.h"

template <class T>
class Hash
   node <T> * table;  // hash table
   int numList;       // number of items in hash table
   int numItems;      // number of lists in the hash table


   // non-default constructor
   Hash(int numBuckets) throw (const char *)
          table = new node<T>[numBuckets];
          for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++)
          this->numList = numBuckets;
          this->numItems = 0;
       catch (std::bad_alloc)
          this->numList = 0;
          this->numItems = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++)
             this->table[i] = node<T>();          
          throw "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for the hash.";

   // destructor
   ~Hash() { clear(); };

   // pure virtual function hash function
   virtual int hash(const T & t)const = 0;

   // return capacity
   int capacity() const { return numList; }

   // is table empty?
   bool empty() const { return numItems == 0; }

   void display()
      for(int i = 0; i < numList; i++)
         std::cout << std::setw(10) << i
                   << " : " << table[i].size() << std::endl;

   // return numItems
   int size() const { return numItems; }

   // copy constructor
   Hash(const Hash <T>& rhs) throw (const char *) : table(NULL), numItems(0), numList(0)
      *this = rhs;

   // clear the dynamically allocated memory
   void clear();

   // assignment operator
   Hash <T> & operator = (const Hash <T> & rhs) throw (const char *);

   //find - return true if found, false if else.
   bool find(const T & t) const;

   // insert
   void insert(const T & t);



template <class T>
void Hash <T> :: insert(const T & t)
   int hashKey = hash(t);

   node <T> * newEntry = new node<T>(hashKey, t);

   //check initial hashKey slot
   if (table[hashKey].getValue() == T())
      table[hashKey] = newEntry;

//      hashKey++;
      for (int i = 0; i < numList; i++)
      {  // check the remaining nodes
         if (table[hashKey].getValue() == T())
            table[hashKey] = newEntry;
         hashKey = (hashKey + 1) % capacity();


      hashKey = hash(t);  // reset hashKey
      if (table[hashKey].pNext != NULL)
         node <T> * ptr = &table[hashKey];
         for (ptr; ptr->pNext != NULL; ptr = ptr->pNext) {};
         if (ptr->pNext == NULL)
            ptr->pNext = newEntry;

      else if (table[hashKey].pNext == NULL)
         table[hashKey].pNext = newEntry;


// find - return true if found, false if else.
template <class T>
bool Hash <T> :: find(const T & t) const
   int hashKey = hash(t);

   for (int i = 0; i < numList; i++)
      if (table[hashKey].getValue() == t)
         return true;
      node <T> * ptr = &table[hashKey];
      if (ptr->getValue() == t)
         return true;

      while (ptr != NULL)
         if (ptr->getValue() == t)
            return true;
         ptr = ptr->pNext;
      hashKey = (hashKey + 1) % capacity();
   return false;


// clear the hash table
template <class T>
void Hash <T> :: clear()
   delete [] table;

// assignment operator
template <class T>
Hash <T> & Hash<T> :: operator =(const Hash <T> & rhs) throw (const char *)
   // allocate if necessary
   if (rhs.numList != numList)
         node <T> * tableNew = new node <T> [rhs.numList];
         delete [] table;
         numList = rhs.numList;
         table = tableNew;
      catch (std::bad_alloc)
         throw "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for the hash";
   // copy the data
   for (int i = 0; i < numList; i++)
      table[i] = rhs.table[i];
   numItems = rhs.numItems;

   // return this
   return *this;

#endif // HASH_H


#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

    template <class T>
    class node
       int key;
       T value;


       node * pNext;

       // default constructor
      node() : key(0), value(0), pNext(NULL) {};

       // non-default constructor
      node(int pKey, T pVal) : key(pKey), value(pVal), pNext(NULL) {};

       // set value
       void setValue(T  value)
          this->value = value;

       // key - getter
       int getKey()
          return key;

       // value - getter
       T  getValue()
          return value;

       node * getNext()
          return pNext;

       void setNext(node * newNext)
          this->pNext = newNext;

       void setNext(node & newNext)
          pNext = newNext;

       bool checkNode()
          if (this->pNext == NULL)
             return true;
             return false;

       void setNULL()
          this = NULL;

       node<T> operator=(node<T> * rhs)
          this->key = rhs->key;
          this->value = rhs->value;
          this->pNext = rhs->pNext;

    #endif //NODE_H

和spellCheck.cpp - 实现Hash类。

 * Module:
 *    Week 12, Spell Check
 * Author:
 * Summary:
 *    This program will implement the spellCheck() function

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "spellCheck.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

 * Class: SHash
 * Author: 
 * Summary: A derived hash table for strings
class SHash : public Hash <string>
   SHash(const int numBuckets) throw (const char *) : Hash <string> (numBuckets) {}

   SHash(const SHash & rhs) throw (const char *) : Hash <string> (rhs)  {}

   //hash function for strings
   int hash(const string & s) const
      int hashValue = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
         char c = s[i];
         hashValue = (hashValue + c);
      return hashValue;


 * Prompt the user for a file to spell-check
void spellCheck()
   SHash dictionary(101);


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