来自节点的wit.ai quickstart.js错误,意外令牌{

时间:2016-12-05 22:57:25

标签: wit.ai

我正在浏览wit.ai quickstart tutorial并从节点(版本4.5.0 LTS)收到错误,但我没有在代码中看到错误,这也是示例代码直接从wit.ai下载:

const {sessionId, context, entities} = request;
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:373:25)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:441:10)
    at startup (node.js:139:18)
    at node.js:974:3


来自git clone的代码,example / quickstart.js是这样的:

'use strict';

let Wit = null;
let interactive = null;
try {
  // if running from repo
  Wit = require('../').Wit;
  interactive = require('../').interactive;
} catch (e) {
  Wit = require('node-wit').Wit;
  interactive = require('node-wit').interactive;

const accessToken = (() => {
  if (process.argv.length !== 3) {
    console.log('usage: node examples/quickstart.js <wit-access-token>');
  return process.argv[2];

// Quickstart example
// See https://wit.ai/ar7hur/quickstart

const firstEntityValue = (entities, entity) => {
  const val = entities && entities[entity] &&
    Array.isArray(entities[entity]) &&
    entities[entity].length > 0 &&
  if (!val) {
    return null;
  return typeof val === 'object' ? val.value : val;

const actions = {
  send(request, response) {
    const {sessionId, context, entities} = request;
    const {text, quickreplies} = response;
    console.log('sending...', JSON.stringify(response));
  getForecast({context, entities}) {
    var location = firstEntityValue(entities, 'location');
    if (location) {
      context.forecast = 'sunny in ' + location; // we should call a weather API here
      delete context.missingLocation;
    } else {
      context.missingLocation = true;
      delete context.forecast;
    return context;

const client = new Wit({accessToken, actions});


const actions = {
  send(request, response) {
    const {sessionId, context, entities} = request;
    const {text, quickreplies} = response;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      console.log('sending...', JSON.stringify(response));
      return resolve();
  getForecast({context, entities}) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      // Here should go the api call, e.g.:
      // context.forecast = apiCall(context.loc)
      context.forecast = 'sunny';
      return resolve(context);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

事实证明,由于代码中的某些ECMAScript 6功能,如果您的节点版本&lt; = 6.x.x,则必须将flags_destructuring标志添加到节点命令行,如下所示:

class CartesianProduct(product: Traversable[Traversable[_ <: Any]]) {
  override def toString(): String = {

  def *(rhs: Traversable[_ <: Any]): CartesianProduct = {
      val p = product.flatMap { lhs =>
        rhs.map { r =>
          lhs.toList :+ r

      new CartesianProduct(p)

object CartesianProduct {
  def apply(traversable: Traversable[_ <: Any]): CartesianProduct = {
    new CartesianProduct(
      traversable.map { t =>

// TODO: How can this conversion be made implicit?
val x = CartesianProduct(Set(0, 1))
val y = List("Alice", "Bob")
val z = Array(Math.E, Math.PI)

println(x * y * z) // Set(List(0, Alice, 3.141592653589793), List(0, Alice, 2.718281828459045), List(0, Bob, 3.141592653589793), List(1, Alice, 2.718281828459045), List(0, Bob, 2.718281828459045), List(1, Bob, 3.141592653589793), List(1, Alice, 3.141592653589793), List(1, Bob, 2.718281828459045))

// TODO: How can this conversion be made implicit?
val s0 = CartesianProduct(Seq(0, 0))
val s1 = Seq(0, 0)

println(s0 * s1) // List(List(0, 0), List(0, 0), List(0, 0), List(0, 0))