
时间:2016-12-05 17:32:48

标签: powershell


$INIFileName = ($strItem -replace ".$fileExtention",".ini")    



  ** Creating .INI files for any msu's that don't have one ** 

Original file name with .exe: kb0000001.msu
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000001.ini
Original file name with .exe: kb0000002.msu
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000002.ini
Original file name with .exe: kb0000003.msu
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000003.ini

  ** Creating .INI files for any exe's that don't have one ** 

Original file name with .exe: kb0000004.exe
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000004.ini
Original file name with .exe: kb0000005.exe
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000005.exe
  C:\Temp\PatchBundle\kb0000005.exe exists.  Skipping.
Original file name with .exe: kb0000006.exe
New INI file name with .ini  : kb0000006.exe
  C:\Temp\PatchBundle\kb0000006.exe exists.  Skipping.
PS C:\temp\PatchBundle> 



## Create test files
Function CreateTestFiles ($strDestPath)
    If (-not(Test-Path "$strDestPath\kb0000001.msu"))
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000001.msu")
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000002.msu")
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000003.msu")
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000004.exe")
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000005.exe")
        New-Item ("$strDestPath\kb0000006.exe")

## Create INI's for files
Function CreateINI ($fileExtention, $SPNumber, $strDestPath)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta `n " ** Creating .INI files for any $fileExtention's that don't have one **" `n

## Obtain a list of KB*.extention files.
$arrList = get-childitem -path $strDestPath -name -filter "kb*.$fileExtention"

## If extention list is empty, abort
If ($arrList.Count -eq 0) 
    write-host -foregroundcolor "red" "  No KB*.$fileExtention files found to work with."
Else {

    ## Start looping through the list stored in the array
    Foreach ($strItem in $arrList) {

        ## Determine the patch INI name with path
        Write-Host "Original file name with .exe: $strItem"
        $INIFileName = ($strItem -replace ".$fileExtention",".ini") 
        $strDestINI = "$strDestPath\$INIFileName"
        Write-Host "New INI file name with .ini  : $INIFileName"
        ## If the destination patch INI already exists, skip processing to avoid overwriting.
        If (Test-Path $strDestINI) {
            write-host -ForegroundColor Red "  $strDestINI exists.  Skipping."

        ##  Else, create a new patch INI from the template.    
        Else {
            ## Gets KB Number from file name
            $KBNumber = ((($strItem -replace ".$fileExtention","").ToUpper()).TrimStart("KB"))

            ## Creates INI file
            #OutputINIFile $fileExtention $KBNumber $SPNumber $strDestINI

            ## If File Extention is MSU, checks if file needs the wsusscan.cab file pulled and renamed
            ## Checks:  Ignores file names with v. Example:  KB1234567v2.msu
            ## Checks:  Length of file name is greater than 13 chararacters.  Example: KB1234567IE7.msu
            If (($fileExtention = 'msu') -and `
                ($strItem -notlike '*v*') -and `
                ($strItem.Length -gt 13))
                ## Create the -scan.cab file
                #Create-scanCab $KBNumber $strDestPath $strItem

## Main
## Variables in the script
$strDestPath = "C:\Temp\PatchBundle"
$fileExtentions = "msu", "exe"

## Gets the service pack # based on the OS selected
$SPNumber = 2

CreateTestFiles $strDestPath

## Create .INI for all extentions files
Foreach ($extention in $fileExtentions) 
{CreateINI $extention $SPNumber $strDestPath}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


   If (($fileExtention = 'msu') -and `


   If (($fileExtention -eq 'msu') -and `