
时间:2016-12-04 00:14:39

标签: racket


  • 从屏幕右侧出现一个彩色圆点,并在固定的水平轴上向左移动屏幕。
  • 当点到达中间时,玩家需要按下与其颜色对应的键。如果在合适的时间完成,则分数会增加一。
  • 如果没有,玩家将失去一条生命。


  • [已解决]在游戏中以随机间隔向点列表添加新点。这样就可以使点不会呈现线性,并且可以一个接一个地生成两个点。
  • [已解决]从左到右移动屏幕上的点。
  • [已解决]在点击框区域内删除正确的点。
  • 如果点落在屏幕外,则删除生命。




; Color Match

; Game structures
(define-struct dot [x color])
(define-struct cm [dots score lives state])

; Constants
(define width 800)
(define height (/ width (/ 16 9)))
(define h-w (/ width 2))
(define h-h (/ height 2))
(define arrow (beside (rectangle 25 10 "solid" "black")
                                             (rotate 135 (right-triangle 18 18 "solid" "black"))))

(define background (empty-scene width height))
(define bars (place-images
     (circle (/ width 25) "outline" "black")
     (rectangle (+ width 2) (- height 375) "outline" "black"))
     (make-posn h-w h-h)
     (make-posn h-w h-h))

; Game
(define (main ws)
  (big-bang (make-cm empty 0 3 "start")
            [on-tick tock]
            [to-draw render]
            [on-release interact]

;; random-color: number -> string
;; consumes a number and returns a color
;; string for the given number
(define (random-color n)
    [(= n 0) "red"]
    [(= n 1) "blue"]
    [(= n 2) "green"]
    [(= n 3) "yellow"]
    [else (error "Invalid color chosen.")]))

;; draw-dot: structure -> image
;; consumes a dot structure and draws it as an image

(define (draw-dot struct)
    [(string=? (dot-color struct) "red") (overlay
                                    (rotate 90 arrow)
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "outline" "black")
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "solid" (dot-color struct)))]
    [(string=? (dot-color struct) "blue") (overlay
                                    (rotate 270 arrow)
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "outline" "black")
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "solid" (dot-color struct)))]
    [(string=? (dot-color struct) "green") (overlay
                                    (flip-horizontal arrow)
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "outline" "black")
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "solid" (dot-color struct)))]
    [(string=? (dot-color struct) "yellow") (overlay
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "outline" "black")
                                    (circle (/ width 25) "solid" (dot-color struct)))]))

;; tock: color-match -> color-match
;; placeholder for later worldstate
(define (tock ws)
    [(string=? (cm-state ws) "play")
     (make-cm (move-dots (add-dot? (random 50) (cm-dots ws)))
              (+ (cm-score ws) 1)
              (cm-lives ws)
    [else ws]))

;; add-dot?: number, list of dots -> list of dots
;; consumes list of dots and number and adds a new dot
;; to the list of dots
(define (add-dot? n lod)
    [(= n 1) (cons (make-dot (+ width 25) (random-color (random 4))) lod)]
    [else lod]))

;; render: color-match -> image
;; consumes the current color-match structure and calls the appropriate
;; helper function.
(define (render ws)
    [(string=? (cm-state ws) "start") (render-start ws)]
    [(string=? (cm-state ws) "play") (render-play ws)]
    [(string=? (cm-state ws) "pause") (render-pause ws)]
    [else (error "Invalid gamestate chosen.")]))

;; render-start: color-match -> image
;; helps the render function by displaying the current state
;; as an image.
(define (render-start ws)
    (text "Instructions" (/ width 20) "red")
    (text "Colored shapes will begin appearing from the right of the screen." (/ width 50) "black")
    (text "Once they reach the bar in the middle, press the appropriate key." (/ width 50) "black")
    (text "1: Red" (/ width 50) "red")
    (text "2: Blue" (/ width 50) "blue")
    (text "3: Green" (/ width 50) "green")
    (text "4: Yellow" (/ width 50) "yellow"))

;; draw-dots: list of dots -> image
;; consumes a list of dots and draws them
;; according to their color
(define (draw-dots lod)
    [(empty? lod) bars]
    [else (place-image (draw-dot (first lod))
                       (dot-x (first lod))
                       (draw-dots (rest lod)))]))

;; is-visible?: dot -> boolean
;; consumes a dot and determines if it is currently visible
;; on the canvas
(define (is-visible? dot)
    [(> (dot-x dot) -25) #true]
    [else #false]))

;; move-dot: dot -> number
;; consumes a dot and returns its new
;; x coordinate
(define (move-dot dot)
  (- (dot-x dot) 10))

;; new-dot: dot -> dot
;; consumes a dot and returns a new dot by calling
;; the move-dot function
(define (new-dot dot)
  (make-dot (move-dot dot) (dot-color dot)))

;; move-dots: list of dots -> list of dots
;; consumes a list of dots and moves them across the
;; canvas as long as they are in view
(define (move-dots lod)
    [(empty? lod) empty]
    [(not (is-visible? (first lod))) (rest lod)]
    [else (cons (new-dot (first lod)) (move-dots (rest lod)))]))

;; draw-bars: cm -> image
;; consumes the world state and returns the image of bars
(define (draw-bars ws)
  (place-image (draw-dots (cm-dots ws))

;; render-play: color-match -> image
;; helps the render function by displaying the current state
;; as an image.
(define (render-play ws)
  (overlay/align "left" "top" (current-lives ws)
  (underlay/align "right" "top" (place-image (draw-bars ws)
                  (current-score ws))))

;; current-lives: cm -> image
;; consumes the worldstate and displays the
;; current life count
(define (current-lives ws)
  (text (string-append "Lives: " (number->string (cm-lives ws))) 18 "red"))

;; current-score: cm -> image
;; consumes the worldstate and shows the
;; current score
(define (current-score ws)
  (text (string-append "Score: " (number->string (cm-score ws))) 18 "black"))

;; render-pause: color-match -> image
;; helps the render function by displaying the current state
;; as an image.
(define (render-pause ws)
  (text "paused" (/ width 20) "red")
  (- h-h 75)
  (render-play ws)))

; (define (check-dot lod key)
;   (cond
;     [(empty? lod) empty]
;     [(and (< (- h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25)) (dot-x (first lod)) (+ h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25))) (string=? (dot-color (first lod)) "red") (key=? key "1")) (remove (make-dot (dot-x (first lod)) "red") lod)]
;     [(and (< (- h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25)) (dot-x (first lod)) (+ h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25))) (string=? (dot-color (first lod)) "blue") (key=? key "2")) (remove (make-dot (dot-x (first lod)) "blue") lod)]
;     [(and (< (- h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25)) (dot-x (first lod)) (+ h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25))) (string=? (dot-color (first lod)) "green") (key=? key "3")) (remove (make-dot (dot-x (first lod)) "green") lod)]
;     [(and (< (- h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25)) (dot-x (first lod)) (+ h-w (+ (/ width 25) 25))) (string=? (dot-color (first lod)) "yellow") (key=? key "4")) (remove (make-dot (dot-x (first lod)) "yellow") lod)]
;     [else lod]))

;; correct-dot? cm, lod, string -> list of dots
;; consumes the world state, its list of dots, a string, and sorts
;; out dots that have been correctly selected
(define (correct-dot? lod c)
    [(empty? lod) empty]
    [(and (< (- h-w (+ (/ width 25) 1)) (dot-x (first lod)) (+ h-w (+ (/ width 25) 1))) (string=? (dot-color (first lod)) c)) (correct-dot? (rest lod) c)]
    [else (cons (first lod) (correct-dot? (rest lod) c))]))

;; is-it?: list of dots, key -> list of dots
;; consumes a list of dots and a key and returns
;; a new list of dots with one removed if the
;; conditions are met for it
(define (is-it? lod key)
    [(empty? lod) empty]
    [(key=? key "up") (correct-dot? lod "red")]
    [(key=? key "down") (correct-dot? lod "blue")]
    [(key=? key "left") (correct-dot? lod "green")]
    [(key=? key "right") (correct-dot? lod "yellow")]
    [else lod]))

;; interact: color-match, key -> color-match
;; consumes the current color-match state and returns
;; a new one depending on which key is pressed.
(define (interact ws key)
    [(string=? (cm-state ws) "play")
       [(key=? key "p") (make-cm (cm-dots ws)
                                 (cm-score ws)
                                 (cm-lives ws)
       [else (make-cm (is-it? (cm-dots ws) key)
                      (cm-score ws)
                      (cm-lives ws)
                      (cm-state ws))])]
    [(and (string=? (cm-state ws) "start") (key=? key "p")) (make-cm (cm-dots ws)
                                                                     (cm-score ws)
                                                                     (cm-lives ws)
    [(and (string=? (cm-state ws) "pause") (key=? key "p")) (make-cm (cm-dots ws)
                                                                     (cm-score ws)
                                                                     (cm-lives ws)
    [else ws]))

(main 200)

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