django 1.10密码与烧瓶一起使用

时间:2016-12-03 15:09:32

标签: python django encryption

我有一个django项目,我想转移到烧瓶。 问题是以与django相同的方式加密和解密密码。 这是可能的,实现与django 1.10相同的加密和解密。这就是我想在烧瓶中以与django相同的方式创建和验证密码。谷歌搜索给了我passlib,但文档不清楚django版本(1.10)。谢谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



class AbstractBaseUser(models.Model):

def set_password(self, raw_password):
    self.password = make_password(raw_password)
    self._password = raw_password

def check_password(self, raw_password):
    Return a boolean of whether the raw_password was correct. Handles
    hashing formats behind the scenes.
    def setter(raw_password):
        # Password hash upgrades shouldn't be considered password changes.
        self._password = None["password"])
    return check_password(raw_password, self.password, setter)


def make_password(password, salt=None, hasher='default'):
Turn a plain-text password into a hash for database storage

Same as encode() but generates a new random salt.
If password is None then a concatenation of
UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX and a random string will be returned
which disallows logins. Additional random string reduces chances
of gaining access to staff or superuser accounts.
See ticket #20079 for more info.
    if password is None:
    hasher = get_hasher(hasher)

    if not salt:
        salt = hasher.salt()

    return hasher.encode(password, salt)


def check_password(password, encoded, setter=None, preferred='default'):
Returns a boolean of whether the raw password matches the three
part encoded digest.

If setter is specified, it'll be called when you need to
regenerate the password.
    if password is None or not is_password_usable(encoded):
        return False

    preferred = get_hasher(preferred)
    hasher = identify_hasher(encoded)

    hasher_changed = hasher.algorithm != preferred.algorithm
    must_update = hasher_changed or preferred.must_update(encoded)
    is_correct = hasher.verify(password, encoded)

    # If the hasher didn't change (we don't protect against enumeration if it
    # does) and the password should get updated, try to close the timing gap
    # between the work factor of the current encoded password and the default
    # work factor.
    if not is_correct and not hasher_changed and must_update:
        hasher.harden_runtime(password, encoded)

    if setter and is_correct and must_update:
return is_correct


django默认为:django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher - 如果您的代码不是默认代码,则可以在django/conf/



def verify(self, password, encoded):
    algorithm, iterations, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 3)
    assert algorithm == self.algorithm
    encoded_2 = self.encode(password, salt, int(iterations))
    return constant_time_compare(encoded, encoded_2)

这基本上是raw密码检查,编码是一个字符串(db存储密码的格式为:pbkdf2_sha256 $$$(不记得这个)。

无论如何这里发生了什么 - django创建了新的编码密码(来自原始密码)并检查结果是否与提供的相同。

def encode(self, password, salt, iterations=None):
    assert password is not None
    assert salt and '$' not in salt
    if not iterations:
        iterations = self.iterations
    hash = pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, digest=self.digest)
    hash = base64.b64encode(hash).decode('ascii').strip()
    return "%s$%d$%s$%s" % (self.algorithm, iterations, salt, hash)

这是一种从原始密码创建密码的方法;基本上你只需要在pbkdf2中找到django/utils/crypto.py的实现,据我所知它只使用标准的hashlib库。由于django是开源的 - 你可以借用这个代码:)(可能;))


import hashlib
import hmac
import struct
import binascii
import base64

def _long_to_bin(x, hex_format_string):
    Convert a long integer into a binary string.
    hex_format_string is like "%020x" for padding 10 characters.
    return binascii.unhexlify((hex_format_string % x).encode('ascii'))

def _bin_to_long(x):
    Convert a binary string into a long integer

    This is a clever optimization for fast xor vector math
    return int(binascii.hexlify(x), 16)

def pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, dklen=0, digest=None):
    Implements PBKDF2 as defined in RFC 2898, section 5.2

    HMAC+SHA256 is used as the default pseudo random function.

    As of 2014, 100,000 iterations was the recommended default which took
    100ms on a 2.7Ghz Intel i7 with an optimized implementation. This is
    probably the bare minimum for security given 1000 iterations was
    recommended in 2001. This code is very well optimized for CPython and
    is about five times slower than OpenSSL's implementation. Look in
    django.contrib.auth.hashers for the present default, it is lower than
    the recommended 100,000 because of the performance difference between
    this and an optimized implementation.
    assert iterations > 0
    if not digest:
        digest = hashlib.sha256
    password = password
    salt = salt
    hlen = digest().digest_size
    if not dklen:
        dklen = hlen
    if dklen > (2 ** 32 - 1) * hlen:
        raise OverflowError('dklen too big')
    l = -(-dklen // hlen)
    r = dklen - (l - 1) * hlen

    hex_format_string = "%%0%ix" % (hlen * 2)
    inner, outer = digest(), digest()
    if len(password) > inner.block_size:
        password = digest(password).digest()
    password += b'\x00' * (inner.block_size - len(password))

    def F(i):
        u = salt + struct.pack(b'>I', i)
        result = 0
        for j in range(int(iterations)):
            dig1, dig2 = inner.copy(), outer.copy()
            u = dig2.digest()
            result ^= _bin_to_long(u)
        return _long_to_bin(result, hex_format_string)

    T = [F(x) for x in range(1, l)]
    return b''.join(T) + F(l)[:r]

def make_password(password, salt, iterations=2, digest=hashlib.sha256):
    hash = pbkdf2(password=password, salt=salt, iterations=iterations, digest=digest)
    hash = base64.b64encode(hash).decode('ascii').strip()
    return "%s$%d$%s$%s" % ('pbkdf2_sha256', iterations, salt, hash)

def check_password(raw_password, encoded):
    algorithm, iterations, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 3)
    encoded_2 = make_password(raw_password, salt, int(iterations))
    return encoded_2 == encoded

pwd = make_password(password='test', salt='salt', iterations=2, digest=hashlib.sha256)
# pbkdf2_sha256$2$salt$paft68X11fyh4GG9uMnHtk6pY9QFojoiDckOvLG6GoI=

print(check_password('test1', pwd))
# False
print(check_password('test', pwd))
# True
不过,请记住,在输入密码时,您的盐应该是随机的。自己检查haser上的.salt方法。 ;) 快乐的编码!

答案 1 :(得分:2)


Passlib绝对应该能够处理这个案例,让我知道文档的哪些部分不清楚,我可以尝试清理它们! (最新文档位于

这应该有助于您入门(假设passlib> = 1.7)。


对于Django 1.10,您可能需要以下内容:

>>> from passlib.context import CryptContext
>>> pwd_context = CryptContext(
        schemes=["django_argon2", "django_bcrypt", "django_bcrypt_sha256", 
                 "django_pbkdf2_sha256", "django_pbkdf2_sha1",

您可以将上面的“默认”调整为您希望使用新哈希的方案 - 甚至可以将非django哈希格式(如“bcrypt”)插入列表中。您还可以删除数据库中不存在的任何内容。


>>> hash = pwd_context.hash("foo")
>>> hash


>>> pwd_context.verify("foo", hash)
>>> pwd_context.verify("bar", hash)

如果需要,可以在passlib的CryptContext tutorial中提供更多详细信息。