我关心的是我的代码没有在python 3.5中运行,它在python 2.7中运行得很好。
文件Create Table PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet (
PolicyNumber varchar(1),
State varchar(3))
Insert Into PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet
Values ('A', 'Qld'),
('A', 'NSW');
Create Table #PolicyNumbers (PolicyNumber char(1));
Insert Into #PolicyNumbers
Select PolicyNumber
From PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet
Where State = 'Qld';
-- Returns all policy numbers where at least one row matches the predicate.
Select *
From PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet As piwp
Where Exists (Select 1 From #PolicyNumbers As pn
Where pn.PolicyNumber = piwp.PolicyNumber);
-- Returns only rows of 'A' that match the filter predicate
Select *
From PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet
Where State = 'Qld';
david book 8 walmart
mike book 5 kroger
david food 3 walmart
mary food 11 target
当我尝试在python 3.5中运行相同的程序时,它给出了以下输出并带有错误:
'mike': 5, 'mary': 11, 'david': 11
'food': 14, 'book': 13
'kroger': 5, 'walmart': 11, 'target': 11
mike 5
mary 11
david 11
number of items sold by mike is 5
number of items sold by mary is 11
number of items sold by david is 11
total number of food sold 14
total number of book sold 13
total number of items sold by kroger is 5
total number of items sold by walmart is 11
total number of items sold by target is 11
这是我的代码,如何修改此代码以在Python 3.5中运行?
'mike': 5, 'david': 11, 'mary': 11
'food': 14, 'book': 13
'target': 11, 'walmart': 11, 'kroger': 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\putch\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\1511prognew.py", line 20, in <module>
print(str(d.keys()[i]+" "+str(d.values()[i])))
TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing