我有一个包含7个列的HTML表,其中包含一个插入按钮。只要按下插入按钮,就会出现一个对话框,您可以输入信息。添加行后,我希望它自动将MR_ID列分配给MAX MR_ID为+1。因此,例如,如果最大MR_ID是300并且我添加了一行,我希望添加的行的MR_ID为301.然而,MR_ID在列上没有Identity特征。我在表中有另一列“ID”,它被设置为一个Identity列,尽管现在这个代码中没有使用它。目前,每当我插入一行时,MR_ID在表中显示为0,在数据库中为NULL。 MR_ID是对其他表的查找,因此我不能将其设置为NULL或与另一行相同的数字。我怎么能这样做?
我考虑过编写一个选择MAX的查询,加1,然后回显结果,并将其分配给MR_ID,如下所示 - > SELECT MAX(MR_ID) + 1 FROM Table_Name
function insertIntoTable() {
var tableName = document.getElementById("tableNameInput").value;
var dict = { tableName: tableName, mrName: 'Temp Object' };
request = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "insert-copy.php",
data: dict
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
if(JSON.parse(response) == true){
console.log("row inserted");
} else {
console.log("row failed to insert");
// Callback handler that will be called on failure
request.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
// Log the error to the console
"The following error occurred: "+
textStatus, errorThrown
// Callback handler that will be called regardless
// if the request failed or succeeded
request.always(function () {
$MR_ID = $_POST['MR_ID'];
$MR_Name = $_POST['MR_Name'];
$Buyer_ID = $_POST['Buyer_ID'];
$pdo = new PDO("sqlsrv:server=".$host.";Database=".$dbName, $dbUser, $dbPass);
$sql = "INSERT INTO Stage_Rebate_Master (MR_ID, MR_Name, Buyer_ID, MR_POC_N, MR_POC_E, MR_POC_P) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->execute(array($MR_ID, $MR_Name, $Buyer_ID, $MR_POC_N, $MR_POC_E, $MR_POC_P));
echo json_encode($result);
$( function() {
var dialog, form,
emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/,
phoneRegex = /^(?:(?:\+?1\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?(?:\(\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\s*\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[2-9][02-9]{2})\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?([0-9]{4})(?:\s*(?:#|x\.?|ext\.?|extension)\s*(\d+))?$/,
mr_name = $( "#mr_name" ),
buyer_id = $( "#buyer_id" ),
poc_n = $( "#poc_n" ),
poc_e = $( "#poc_e" ),
poc_p = $( "#poc_p" ),
allFields = $( [] ).add( mr_name ).add( buyer_id ).add( poc_n ).add( poc_e ).add( poc_p ),
tips = $( ".validateTips" );
function updateTips( t ) {
.text( t )
.addClass( "ui-state-highlight" );
setTimeout(function() {
tips.removeClass( "ui-state-highlight", 1500 );
}, 500 );
function checkRegexp( o, regexp, n ) {
if ( !( regexp.test( o.val() ) ) ) {
o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );
updateTips( n );
return false;
} else {
return true;
function addVendor() {
var valid = true;
allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );
// ----- Validation for each input in add row dialog box -----
valid = valid && checkRegexp( mr_name, /^[a-z]([0-9a-z_\s])+$/i, "Please enter a valid vendor name" );
valid = valid && checkRegexp( buyer_id, /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, "Please enter a valid Buyer ID" );
valid = valid && checkRegexp( poc_n, /^[a-zA-Z ]*$/, "Please enter a valid name" );
valid = valid && checkRegexp( poc_e, emailRegex, "Please enter a valid email" );
valid = valid && checkRegexp( poc_p, phoneRegex, "Please enter a valid phone number" );
if ( valid ) {
var $tr = $( "#html_master tbody tr" ).eq(0).clone();
var dict = {};
var errors = "";
$.each(allFields, function(){
$tr.find('.' + $(this).attr('id')).html( $(this).val()+"-"+buyer_id );
var type = $(this).attr('id');
var value = $(this).val();
console.log(type + " : " + value);
// ----- Switch statement that provides validation for each table cell -----
switch (type) {
case "mr_id":
dict["MR_ID"] = value;
case "mr_name":
dict["MR_Name"] = value;
case "buyer_id":
dict["Buyer_ID"] = value;
case "poc_n":
dict["MR_POC_N"] = value;
case "poc_e":
dict["MR_POC_E"] = value;
case "poc_p":
dict["MR_POC_P"] = value;
$tr.find('.mr_id').html( $( "#html_master tbody tr" ).length + 1 );
$( "#html_master tbody" ).append($tr);
dialog.dialog( "close" );
var request = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "insert-copy.php",
data: dict
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
if(JSON.parse(response) == true){
console.log("row inserted");
} else {
console.log("row failed to insert");
// Callback handler that will be called on failure
request.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
"The following error occurred: "+
textStatus, errorThrown
// Callback handler that will be called regardless
// if the request failed or succeeded
request.always(function () {
return valid;
表格的HTML / PHP:
/* Foreach loop that brings in information to populate table */
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $rows){
<tr id="<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>">
<td class="mr_id" id="<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" contenteditable="false"><?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?></td>
<td class="mr_name" id="mr_name-<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" name="field" contenteditable="false"><?php echo $rows['MR_Name']?></td>
<td class="buyer_id" id="buy_id<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" contenteditable="false"><?php echo $rows['Buyer_ID']?></td>
<td class="poc_n" id="poc_n-<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" contenteditable="false"><?php echo $rows['MR_POC_N']?></td>
<td class="poc_e" id="poc_e-<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" contenteditable="false"><?php echo $rows['MR_POC_E']?></td>
<td class="poc_p" id="poc_p-<?php echo intval ($rows['MR_ID'])?>" contenteditable="false"><?php echo $rows['MR_POC_P']?></td>
<td><input type="button" class="edit" name="edit" value="Edit">