
时间:2016-12-02 10:47:20

标签: sql date razor

是否可以在几周内从数据库中选择数据? 我使用cshtml(不是MVC)和webmatrix,如果这有任何区别。

var dbQueryAllVariants = "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE exercise = " + exercise + " AND date >= '" + fromDate + "' AND date <= '" + toDate + "'";

所以现在我正在使用这个,我输入了一个开始日期(例如2016-11-01)和结束日期(例如2016-11-30)(yyyy-mm-dd cuz north europe)。这会在这些日期之间显示数据库中的所有数据,但由于数据库中的所有行只有一天作为日期,因此要查看的结果将采用日期形式,我想如果它可能需要数周,在这种情况下,从头到尾11月作为一个例子将是aprox 4周,这可能吗?此外,数据库中的数据是int值,因此我希望能够添加这些数据,以显示在有意义的情况下显示的总周数。


column 1  column 2 column 3

5 . . . . 6 . .    2016-11-13

8 . . . . 10 . .   2016-11-15

6 . . . . 3 . .    2016-11-17

截至目前,它将显示3天,第1天为11,第2天为18,第3天为9,但以星期显示为11 + 18 + 9 = 38,举个例子。这可能甚至不可能开始,但我想知道如果可能的话如何做到这一点!


//Calls for my website layout.
Layout = "~/_SiteLayout.cshtml";
//Browser title of the specific page.
Page.Title = "TEST";

//Opens database.
var db = Database.Open("SmallBakery");

var exercise = Request.Form["Exercise"];
var fromDate = Request.Form["fromDate"];
var toDate = Request.Form["toDate"];
var exerVariName = "";
var exerVariNameS = "";
var exerVariNameB = "";
var exerVariNameD = "";
//Defaults to show data between these 
//dates if user dont choose any dates.
var noStartDate = "1970-01/01";
var noEndDate = "2099-12/31";

//If user does not choose eiter/any start/end date
//this will end up showing all results possible. 
if (fromDate == "") {
    fromDate = noStartDate;
if (toDate == "") {
    toDate = noEndDate;

//Takes exerVariName from different dropdowns
//depending on which exercise is selected due to
//the fact that only one dropdown is visible at any time.
if (exercise == "1") {
    exerVariName = Request.Form["exerVariNameS"];
} else if (exercise == "2") {
    exerVariName = Request.Form["exerVariNameB"];
} else {
    exerVariName = Request.Form["exerVariNameD"];

//Gets exercise variants to the dropdown menu.
var getSVariName = "SELECT * FROM exerciseVariants WHERE exerVariNameID = 1 ORDER BY exerVariName";
var getBVariName = "SELECT * FROM exerciseVariants WHERE exerVariNameID = 2 ORDER BY exerVariName";
var getDVariName = "SELECT * FROM exerciseVariants WHERE exerVariNameID = 3 ORDER BY exerVariName";
var getData = "SELECT * FROM Test";

//Gets the date. 
var getDate = "SELECT date FROM Test";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <!-- Form for posting. -->
    <form method="post" action="">
        <!-- Radio buttons to select which data to show. -->
            <input type="radio" name="Exercise" id="hej1" value="1" />
            <input type="radio" name="Exercise" id="hej2" value="2" />
            <input type="radio" name="Exercise" id="hej3" value="3" />
            <!-- Dropdown menu with squat-variant-names. -->
            <select id="exerVariNameS" name="exerVariNameS">
                <option value="all">All</option>
                <option value="Comp">Competition</option>
                @foreach (var get in db.Query(getSVariName)) {
                    //Gets the exercise variation names from 
                    //the database and puts them in a dropdown.
                    <option value="@get.exerVariName">@get.exerVariName</option> 
            <!-- Dropdown menu with bench-variant-names. -->
            <select id="exerVariNameB" name="exerVariNameB">
                <option value="all">All</option>
                <option value="Comp">Competition</option>
                @foreach (var get in db.Query(getBVariName)) {
                    //Gets the exercise variation names from 
                    //the database and puts them in a dropdown.
                    <option value="@get.exerVariName">@get.exerVariName</option> 
            <!-- Dropdown menu with deadlift-variant-names. -->               
            <select id="exerVariNameD" name="exerVariNameD">
                <option value="all">All</option>
                <option value="Comp">Competition</option>
                @foreach (var get in db.Query(getDVariName)) {
                    //Gets the exercise variation names from 
                    //the database and puts them in a dropdown.
                    <option value="@get.exerVariName">@get.exerVariName</option> 
            <!-- Date calendar. -->
            <input placeholder="From date..." type="text" class="datepicker" name="fromDate" value="@fromDate">
            <!-- Date calendar. -->
            <input placeholder="To date..." type="text" class="datepicker" name="toDate" value="@toDate">
        <!-- The submit button. -->
        <input type="submit" value="Show" class="submit" />

    <!-- Displays database value on submit click based on choosen radiobutton from form-post above. -->
    @if (IsPost) {  
        //When I select ALL in the dropdown it runs 
        //this line because there is no filter for 'exerVariName'.
   //     var dbQueryAllVariants = "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE exercise = " + exercise + " AND date >= '" + fromDate + "' AND date <= '" + toDate + "'";
        //When I select a specific exercise variation.
        var dbQuerySingleVariant = "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE exercise = " + exercise + " AND exerVariName = '" + exerVariName + "' AND date >= '" + fromDate + "' AND date <= '" + toDate + "'";

        //This is what the problem is....
        var dbQueryAllVariants = "SELECT DATEPART(week, date) AS weekNumber, sum(kg)+sum(sett) AS grandTotalPerWeek FROM Test WHERE Exercise = " + exercise + " AND DATEPART(week, date) BETWEEN DATEPART(week, " + fromDate + ") AND DATEPART(week, " + toDate + ") GROUP BY DATEPART(week, date)";

        var dbQuery = "";
        //If dropdown = select all, it does, else, it show the one I pick. 
        if  (exerVariName == "all") {
            dbQuery = dbQueryAllVariants;
        } else {
            dbQuery = dbQuerySingleVariant;
        //Foreach to write out all the data from db.
        var sumTotalWeight = 0;
        foreach (var get in db.Query(dbQuery)) {
            <a>Weight: </a>
            <a>@get.Kg kg</a> 
            <a> Sets: </a>
            <a> Reps: </a> 
            <a> Total reps: </a>@(get.Sett * get.Rep)
            <a>    @get.date</a>

            var totalWeight = @get.Kg * @get.Sett * @get.Rep;
            sumTotalWeight += totalWeight;
            <a> @totalWeight</a>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

从您的评论中可以得出结论,您正在使用MSSQL Server Compact Edition。



    sum(column1)+sum(column2) AS grandTotalPerWeek 
FROM Test 
WHERE Exercise = {Exercise} 
AND DATEPART(week, date) = {weekNumber}



    DATEPART(week, date) AS weekNumber, 
    sum(column1)+sum(column2) AS grandTotalPerWeek 
FROM Test 
WHERE Exercise = {Exercise} 
AND DATEPART(week, date) IN ({listOfWeekNumbers})


在任何一种情况下,当我们谈论周数时,我们都谈论整数值。 1表示一年中的第一周,第二周表示2,...


    DATEPART(week, date) AS weekNumber, 
    sum(kg)+sum(sett) AS grandTotalPerWeek 
FROM Test 
WHERE Exercise = 1
AND DATEPART(week, date) IN (1,2,3,4)


    DATEPART(week, date) AS weekNumber, 
    sum(kg)+sum(sett) AS grandTotalPerWeek 
FROM Test 
WHERE Exercise = 1
AND DATEPART(week, date) BETWEEN DATEPART(week, {dateFrom}) AND DATEPART(week, {dateTo})

DATEPART documentation