使用Runge Kutta在Matlab中进行质量弹簧阻尼计算

时间:2016-12-02 05:44:25

标签: matlab error-handling


rhs错误(第13行)          xdot_2 = - (b / m)* x(2) - (k / m)* x(1)+ force(t)/ m;

FinalProject2中的错误(第20行) 结果= rhs(100,x0);


  1. 最初释放它是释放,只要它接触地面,看看它是什么是最初的poistion。然后引入一个力来看它压缩和反应多少。最后释放这股力量,看看恢复需要多长时间。
  2. 计算系统的电位和动能(弹簧重力和质量) 一旦力被移除,直到系统停止
  3. 一旦力被移除,计算阻尼损失的能量,直到 系统停止。
  4. 获得阻尼器阻尼的特征函数,即描述的函数 动议衰败
  5. 尽可能准确地计算交叉点y(减去初始值) 一旦力被移除并直到系统,最终位置y的压缩) 停止。
  6. 这是我的代码:

    clc, close all, clear *
    t_start = 0; 
    t_end   = 1000;  %final time in seconds. 
    t =t_start:0.001:t_end; 
    k = 1500.0; % as spring constant N/m,
    b = 30;  %the damping constant Ns/m,
    m = 10.0; %the mass of the device,
    F = 0.0; %as the input force N
    g = 9.81; %as the gravity constant m/s^2
     initial_position = 0; 
     initial_speed    = 0; 
     x0 = [initial_position  initial_speed]; 
     result = rhs(100,x0);


    function xdot=rhs(t,x) 
    k = 1500.0; % as spring constant N/m,
    b = 30;  %the damping constant Ns/m,
    m = 10.0; %the mass of the device,
    force = 0.0; %as the input force N
    %g = 9.81; %as the gravity constant m/s^2
        xdot_1 = x(2); 
        xdot_2 = -(b/m)*x(2) - (k/m)*x(1) + force(t)/m; 
        xdot = [xdot_1 ; xdot_2 ]; 



     % Classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
     function [t,y] = rk(yprime, tspan, y0, h)
    t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(end);
    % set up the t values at which we will approximate the solution
    t = [t0:h:tfinal]';
    % include tfinal even if h does not evenly divide tfinal-t0
    if t(end)~=tfinal, t=[t tfinal]; end
    m = length(t);
    y = [y0 zeros(length(y0), length(t)-1)];
     for i=1:(m-1)
     k1 = feval(yprime,t(i),y(:,i));
     k2 = feval(yprime,t(i)+0.5*h, y(:,i)+(h.*k1)/2);
     k3 = feval(yprime,t(i)+0.5*h, y(:,i)+(h.*k2)/2);
     k4 = feval(yprime,t(i)+h, y(:,i)+h.*k3);
     y(:,i+1) = y(:,i)+(h*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4))/6;


    yprime=rk(@(t,x) rhs(t,x,force));
    tspan = [0 10]; 
    y0 = 0;
    h = 0.1; 
    [t,y] = rk(yprime, tspan, y0, h); 
    figure(1), clf

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