How to make a filter that is picking data from JSON in ionic 2 rc3

时间:2016-12-02 04:47:50

标签: angular ionic2 typescript2.0

In my app I have JSON data with date. I want to show the data in day vice i.e., Today, yesterday etc. and I have a status called completed and pending. I wrote the ion-segment, in that segment I have completed and pending. I want to show the completed data in completed segment and pending data in pending segment.


Json Data Example with what my app will work.

    "name":"Sandra Adams",
    "tests": "Ecma, Hcbc...",
}, {
    "name":"Nathan Jones",
    "tests": "Ecma, Hcbc...",

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  name: 'anyPipe'
class AnyPipe implements PipeTransform {
  public transform(values: any[], day: string) {
    if (!values || !values.length) return [];
    if (!day) return values;
    return values.filter(v => === day);


<list-item *ngFor="let item of (items | anyPipe:'Yesterday')"></list-item>