我试图检查工作表中是否存在特殊字符(特别是管道' |'和双引号'"')。
在这种情况下,有' |' A列和B列中的字符。当我从A列开始搜索,然后从B列开始搜索时,宏只检测第一列中是否存在特殊字符,并跳过第二列,如图所示。
If (.Cells(r, 1) = "|" Or .Cells(r, 1) = """") And pass39 = "0" Then
Cells(r, 1).Select
UserForm57.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
End If
If (.Cells(r, 2) = "|" Or .Cells(r, 2) = """") And pass40 = "0" Then
Cells(r, 2).Select
UserForm58.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
End If
If (.Cells(r, 2) = "|" Or .Cells(r, 2) = """") And pass40 = "0" Then
Cells(r, 2).Select
UserForm58.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
End If
If (.Cells(r, 1) = "|" Or .Cells(r, 1) = """") And pass39 = "0" Then
Cells(r, 1).Select
UserForm57.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
End If