我基于this fiddle的this question示例。它包括:
window.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('fabriccanvas');
window.counter = 0;
var newleft = 0,
edgedetection = 20, //pixels to snap
canvasWidth = document.getElementById('fabriccanvas').width,
canvasHeight = document.getElementById('fabriccanvas').height;
canvas.selection = false;
function plusrect(top, left, width, height, fill) {
window.canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({
top: 300,
name: 'rectangle ' + window.counter,
left: 0 + newleft,
width: 100,
height: 100,
fill: 'rgba(' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ', 0.75)',
lockRotation: true,
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
cornerSize: 15,
hasRotatingPoint: false,
perPixelTargetFind: true,
minScaleLimit: 1,
maxHeight: document.getElementById("fabriccanvas").height,
maxWidth: document.getElementById("fabriccanvas").width,
newleft += 200;
this.canvas.on('object:moving', function (e) {
var obj = e.target;
obj.setCoords(); //Sets corner position coordinates based on current angle, width and height
// Prevent object from leaving canvas
if(obj.getLeft() < edgedetection) obj.setLeft(0);
if(obj.getTop() < edgedetection) obj.setTop(0);
if((obj.getWidth() + obj.getLeft()) > (canvasWidth - edgedetection)) obj.setLeft(canvasWidth - obj.getWidth());
if((obj.getHeight() + obj.getTop()) > (canvasHeight - edgedetection)) obj.setTop(canvasHeight - obj.getHeight());
canvas.forEachObject(function (targ) {
activeObject = canvas.getActiveObject();
if(targ === activeObject) return;
// Standard snapping when within range
if(Math.abs(activeObject.oCoords.tr.x - targ.oCoords.tl.x) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.left = targ.left - activeObject.currentWidth;
if(Math.abs(activeObject.oCoords.tl.x - targ.oCoords.tr.x) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.left = targ.left + targ.currentWidth;
if(Math.abs(activeObject.oCoords.br.y - targ.oCoords.tr.y) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.top = targ.top - activeObject.currentHeight;
if(Math.abs(targ.oCoords.br.y - activeObject.oCoords.tr.y) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.top = targ.top + targ.currentHeight;
// Snap top/left together when moving up/down or side to side if within range
if(Math.abs(activeObject.top - targ.top) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.top = targ.top;
if(Math.abs(activeObject.left - targ.left) < edgedetection) {
activeObject.left = targ.left;
if(activeObject.intersectsWithObject(targ) && targ.intersectsWithObject(activeObject)) {
targ.set({ strokeWidth: 2, stroke: 'red' });
} else {
targ.set({ strokeWidth: 0, stroke: false });
if(!activeObject.intersectsWithObject(targ)) {
activeObject.set({ strokeWidth: 0, stroke: false });