Select /*+ Parallel 8 */
Mes, Score, Solucion, Ruta, Rango_Monto, Conteo,
sum(Conteo) over(partition by Mes, Score, Ruta, Rango_ Monto order by Mes, Score, Ruta, Rango_Monto) TotalCountSol,
round((Conteo / sum(Conteo) over(partition by Mes, Score, Ruta, Rango_Monto order by Mes, Score, Ruta, Rango_Monto)) * 100, 2) ||'%' "%"
Mes, Score, Solucion, Ruta,
when Monto <= 2000 then '<2000'
when Monto between 2001 and 3000 then '2to3k'
when Monto between 3001 and 4000 then '3to4k'
when Monto between 4001 and 5000 then '4to5k'
when Monto between 5001 and 10000 then '5to10k'
else '10k+'
end Rango_Monto,
count(1) Conteo
(select /*+ Parallel 16 */
Mes, Score, PNR_ID, Ruta, Solucion,
when Moneda = 'USD' then ((Monto_Total)*19)
else Monto_Total
end) Monto
(select /*+ parallel(h,8) */
extract(month from h.ts_0002) Mes,
when h.SCORING1_SCORE between 2000 and 3000 then '2k-3k'
when h.SCORING1_SCORE between 3000 and 5000 then '3k-5k'
when h.SCORING1_SCORE between 5000 and 10000 then '5k-10k'
when h.SCORING1_SCORE between 10000 and 50000 then '10k-50k'
when h.SCORING1_SCORE between 50000 and 75000 then '50k-75k'
when h.SCORING1_SCORE >= 75000 then '75k+'
end Score,
h.transaction_id PNR_ID,
h.text_0338 || h.text_0208 Ruta,
when h.resolution1_id in ('5237260000000000003', '5237260000000000004') then 'Allowed'
when h.resolution1_id is null then 'Nulo'
else 'Fraude'
end Solucion,
d.det_text_0053 Moneda,
d.det_numeric_0016 Monto_Total
data_headers1_hist h,
data_details1_hist d
h.id = d.data_header_id
and h.scoring1_score > 2000
and h.virtual_table_id = '5237260000000002621'
and TO_CHAR(h.ts_0002, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') >= '2016/05/01 00:00:00'
and TO_CHAR(h.ts_0002, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') <= '2016/05/31 23:59:59'
and d.det_text_0019 in ('APPROVED') --Respuesta banco Emisor
and SCORING1_RULES_TRIPPED LIKE '%5237260000000390676:500%'
--and h.transaction_id = 'CYYPHA__280716'
/*and h.text_0338 = 'CUN'
and h.text_0208 = 'MEX'*/
--and h.text_0338 || h.text_0208 in ('CUNMEX','MEXCUN')
group by
Mes, Score, PNR_ID, Ruta, Solucion)
group by
Mes, Score, Solucion, Ruta,
when Monto <= 2000 then '<2000'
when Monto between 2001 and 3000 then '2to3k'
when Monto between 3001 and 4000 then '3to4k'
when Monto between 4001 and 5000 then '4to5k'
when Monto between 5001 and 10000 then '5to10k'
else '10k+'
order by
Mes, Score, Rango_Monto, Ruta, Solucion