
时间:2016-12-01 17:09:42

标签: java dictionary


public class ArrayDictionary extends Dictionary implements Cloneable {
    protected Object[] keys ;
    protected Object[] values;
    protected int incr;
    protected int nelems;

    public Enumeration elements() {
        return new ArrayEnumeration(values,nelems);

ArrayEnumeration没有在其余的代码中定义,没有定义的方法采用Array of Objects []和int,我们期望进行代码检查,问题的编写方式意味着我们不应该添加新方法,我将在下面发布完整的代码。我和我的朋友可以提出的唯一解决方案是使用for循环遍历字典中的每个项目并使用定义的get方法?


public class ArrayDictionary extends Dictionary implements Cloneable {
    /** The array of keys */
    protected Object[] keys ;

    /** The array of corresponding values */
    protected Object[] values ;

    /** How many real elements are in */
    protected int nelems ;

    /** By how much to grow */
    protected int incr ;

     * Create an ArrayDictionary using default values for initial size and
     * increment.
    public ArrayDictionary() {
    this(10,10) ;

     * Create an ArrayDictionary using the given initial size.
     * (The increment is set to the same value).
     * @param init The initial size
    public ArrayDictionary(int init) {
    this(init,init) ;

     * Clone this array dictionary.
     * <p>As for hashtables, a shallow copy is made, the keys and elements
     * themselves are <em>not</em> cloned.
     * @return The clone.

    public Object clone() {
    try {
        ArrayDictionary cl = (ArrayDictionary) super.clone();
        cl.values = new Object[values.length];
        System.arraycopy(values, 0, cl.values, 0, values.length);
        cl.keys = new Object[values.length];
        System.arraycopy(keys, 0, cl.keys, 0, keys.length);
        return cl;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
        throw new InternalError();

     * Create an ArrayDictionary using the given initial size and
     * the given increment for growing the array.
     * @param init the initial size
     * @param incr the increment
    public ArrayDictionary(int init, int incr) {
    keys = new Object[init] ;
    values = new Object[init] ;
    this.incr = incr ;
    nelems = 0 ;

     * Create an ArrayDictionary, contructing the arrays of keys and
     * values from the two given vectors.
     * The two vectors should have the same size.
     * The increment is set to the number of elements.
     * @param keys the vector of keys
     * @param values the vector of values
    public ArrayDictionary(Vector keys,Vector values) {
    this(keys,values,values.size()) ;
     * Create an ArrayDictionary, contructing the arrays of keys and
     * values from the two given vectors.
     * The two vectors should have the same size.
     * @param keys the vector of keys
     * @param values the vector of values
     * @param incr the increment for growing the arrays
    public ArrayDictionary(Vector keys, Vector values, int incr) {
    this.incr = incr ;
    nelems = keys.size() ;
    this.keys = new Object[nelems] ;
    this.values = new Object[nelems] ;
    keys.copyInto(this.keys) ;
    values.copyInto(this.values) ;

     * Create an ArrayDicitonary, <em>using</em> (not copying) the given pair
     * of arrays as keys and values. The increment is set to the length of the
     * arrays. 
     * @param keys the array of keys
     * @param values the array of values
    public ArrayDictionary(Object[] keys, Object[] values) {
    this(keys,values,values.length) ;

     * Create an ArrayDicitonary, <em>using</em> (not copying) the given pair
     * of arrays as keys and values.
     * @param keys the array of keys
     * @param values the array of values
     * @param incr the increment for growing the arrays
    public ArrayDictionary(Object[] keys, Object[] values, int incr) {
    this.incr = incr ;
    nelems = keys.length ;
    this.keys = keys ;
    this.values = values ;

    protected final void grow() {
    grow(keys.length+incr) ;

    protected void grow(int newCapacity) {
    Object[] newKeys = new Object[newCapacity] ;
    Object[] newVals = new Object[newCapacity] ;

    System.arraycopy(keys,0,newKeys,0,keys.length) ;
    System.arraycopy(values,0,newVals,0,values.length) ;

    keys = newKeys ;
    values = newVals ;

     * Returns an enumeration of the elements of the dictionary.
     * @return the enumeration
    public Enumeration elements() {
        return new ArrayEnumeration(values,nelems);

     * Returns the value that maps to the given key.
     * @param key the key
     * @return the value
    public Object get(Object key) {
    int n,i;
    for(i=0,n=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
        if(n >= nelems)
        break ;
        if ( keys[i] == null )
        return values[i] ;
        n++ ;
    return null;

     * "Optimized" method to obtain the values
     * corresponding to several keys, in one swoop.
     * @param rKeys An array of requested keys
     * @return An array of corresponding values
    public Object[] getMany(Object[] rKeys) {
    Object[] rValues = new Object[rKeys.length] ;
    int i,n ;
    for(i=0,n=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
        if(n >= nelems) break ;
        continue ;
        for(int j=0;j<rKeys.length;j++) 
        if(keys[i].equals(rKeys[j])) {
            rValues[j] = values[i] ;
            break inloop ;

        n++ ;
    return rValues ;

     * Are there any entries in the dictionary?
     * @return <strong>true</strong> if there are no entries,
     *         <strong>false></strong> otherwise.
    public final boolean isEmpty() {
    return nelems==0 ;

     * Increases the capacity of this dictionary to at least the
     * specified number of key/value mappings.
     * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
    public final void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
    if(minCapacity>keys.length) grow(minCapacity) ;

     * Returns an enumeration of the keys of the dictionary.
     * @return the enumeration
    public Enumeration keys() {
    return new ArrayEnumeration(keys,nelems) ;

     * Adds a mapping between a key and a value to the dictionary.
     * Will grow the arrays if necessary.
     * @param key the key
     * @param value the corresponding value
     * @return the previous value corresponding to the key, or null if
     *         the key is new.
    public Object put(Object key,Object value) {
    int empty = -1 ;
    int i,n ;
    for(i=0,n=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
        if(n >= nelems)
        break ;
        if(keys[i] == null) {
        empty = i ;
        continue ;
        if(keys[i].equals(key)) {
        Object prev = values[i] ;
        return prev ;
        n++ ;

    if(empty!=-1) {
        keys[empty]=key ;
        values[empty]=value ;
        nelems++ ;
    } else {
        grow() ;
        keys[nelems] = key ;
        values[nelems++] = value ;

    return null ;

     * Removes a key (and its value) from the dictionary;
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return the value that used to map to that key
    public Object remove(Object key) {
    int i,n ;
    for(i=0,n=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
        if(n >= nelems)
        break ;
        if(keys[i] == null)
        continue ;
        if(keys[i].equals(key)) {
        nelems-- ;
        Object prev = values[i] ;
        keys[i] = values[i] = null ;
        return prev ;
        n++ ;
    return null ;

     * Returns the number of elements in the dictionary
     * @return the number of elements
    public final int size() { return nelems ; }

     * Returns the maximum number of keys the dictionary can hold
     * without reallocating an array.
     * @return the capacity of the dictionary
    public final int capacity() { return keys.length ; } 

     * Returns the nth key.
     * @param n the index of the desired key
     * @return the nth key, or null if no key in that place.
    public final Object keyAt(int n) {
    return keys[n] ;

     * Returns the nth element (value).
     * @param n the index of the desired element
     * @return the nth element, or null if no element in that place.
    public final Object elementAt(int n) {
    return values[n] ;

     * Sets the element at the nth place in the array.
     * @param n the index of the element to change
     * @param newVal the value to change it to
     * @return the old value
    public Object setElementAt(int n,Object newVal) {
    Object prev = values[n] ;
    values[n] = newVal ;
    return prev ;

     * Removes the nth mapping (key/value pair) in the dictionary.
     * @param n the index of the element to remove
     * @return the old value of the element at the nth place
    public Object removeElementAt(int n) {
    if(values[n]!=null) {
        Object prev = values[n] ;
        values[n] = keys[n] = null ;
        return prev;
    } else return null ;

     * Creates a string representation of the dictionary
     * @return the string representation.
    public String toString() {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100) ;
    buf.append('[') ;
    for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
        continue ;
        buf.append(keys[i]) ;
        buf.append('=') ;
        buf.append(values[i]) ;
        buf.append(' ') ;
    buf.append(']') ;
    return buf.toString() ;


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