protocol PostalAddressFormatterConformance: class {
var streetUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool { get set }
var streetFormatter: Formatter? { get set }
var stateUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool { get set }
var stateFormatter: Formatter? { get set }
var postalCodeUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool { get set }
var postalCodeFormatter: Formatter? { get set }
var cityUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool { get set }
var cityFormatter: Formatter? { get set }
protocol LabeledRowConformance {
func onLabelButtonDidPress()
protocol CountryRowConformance {
func onCountryButtonDidPress()
protocol PostalAddressRowConformance: PostalAddressFormatterConformance, LabeledRowConformance, CountryRowConformance {
var placeholderColor : UIColor? { get set }
var streetPlaceholder : String? { get set }
var statePlaceholder : String? { get set }
var postalCodePlaceholder : String? { get set }
var cityPlaceholder : String? { get set }
class _PostalAddressRow<Cell: CellType>: Row<Cell>, PostalAddressRowConformance, CountryRowConformance, LabeledRowConformance, KeyboardReturnHandler where Cell: BaseCell, Cell: PostalAddressCellConformance {
//MARK: - LabeledRowConformance
func onLabelButtonDidPress() {
// TODO: Present Label Picker Screen
//MARK: - CountryRowConformance
func onCountryButtonDidPress() {
// TODO: Present Country Picker Screen
//MARK: - KeyboardReturnHandler
/// Configuration for the keyboardReturnType of this row
var keyboardReturnType : KeyboardReturnTypeConfiguration?
//MARK: - PostalAddressRowConformance
/// The textColor for the textField's placeholder
var placeholderColor : UIColor?
/// The placeholder for the street textField
var streetPlaceholder : String?
/// The placeholder for the state textField
var statePlaceholder : String?
/// The placeholder for the zip textField
var postalCodePlaceholder : String?
/// The placeholder for the city textField
var cityPlaceholder : String?
/// A formatter to be used to format the user's input for street
var streetFormatter: Formatter?
/// A formatter to be used to format the user's input for state
var stateFormatter: Formatter?
/// A formatter to be used to format the user's input for zip
var postalCodeFormatter: Formatter?
/// A formatter to be used to format the user's input for city
var cityFormatter: Formatter?
/// If the formatter should be used while the user is editing the street.
var streetUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool
/// If the formatter should be used while the user is editing the state.
var stateUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool
/// If the formatter should be used while the user is editing the zip.
var postalCodeUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool
/// If the formatter should be used while the user is editing the city.
var cityUseFormatterDuringInput: Bool
public required init(tag: String?) {
streetUseFormatterDuringInput = false
stateUseFormatterDuringInput = false
postalCodeUseFormatterDuringInput = false
cityUseFormatterDuringInput = false
super.init(tag: tag)
final class PostalAddressRow: _PostalAddressRow<PostalAddressCell>, RowType {
public required init(tag: String? = nil) {
super.init(tag: tag)
cellProvider = CellProvider<PostalAddressCell>(nibName: "PostalAddressCell")
public protocol CountryCellConformance {
var countryButton: UIButton? { get }
public protocol PostalAddressCellConformance: CountryCellConformance {
var streetTextField: UITextField? { get }
var stateTextField: UITextField? { get }
var postalCodeTextField: UITextField? { get }
var cityTextField: UITextField? { get }
class _PostalAddressCell<T: PostalAddressType>: Cell<T>, PostalAddressCellConformance, UITextFieldDelegate, CellType {
@IBOutlet weak var changeLabelButton: UIButton!
//MARK: - CountryCellConformance
@IBOutlet weak var countryButton: UIButton?
//MARK: - PostalAddressCellConformance
@IBOutlet weak var streetTextField: UITextField?
@IBOutlet weak var stateTextField: UITextField?
@IBOutlet weak var postalCodeTextField: UITextField?
@IBOutlet weak var cityTextField: UITextField?
// ??? Style Color
@IBOutlet var separatorViews: [UIView]!
// Helper
var textFieldOrdering: [UITextField?] = []
//MARK: - Lifecycle
public required init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
open override func awakeFromNib() {
textFieldOrdering = [streetTextField, stateTextField, postalCodeTextField, cityTextField]
deinit {
streetTextField?.delegate = nil
streetTextField?.removeTarget(self, action: nil, for: .allEvents)
stateTextField?.delegate = nil
stateTextField?.removeTarget(self, action: nil, for: .allEvents)
postalCodeTextField?.delegate = nil
postalCodeTextField?.removeTarget(self, action: nil, for: .allEvents)
cityTextField?.delegate = nil
cityTextField?.removeTarget(self, action: nil, for: .allEvents)
//MARK: - Actions
@IBAction func changeLabelButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
if let rowConformance = row as? LabeledRowConformance {
@IBAction func countryButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
if let rowConformance = row as? CountryRowConformance {
func internalNavigationAction(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
guard let inputAccesoryView = inputAccessoryView as? NavigationAccessoryView else { return }
var index = 0
for field in textFieldOrdering {
if field?.isFirstResponder == true {
let _ = sender == inputAccesoryView.previousButton ? textFieldOrdering[index-1]?.becomeFirstResponder() : textFieldOrdering[index+1]?.becomeFirstResponder()
index += 1
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField : UITextField){
if row.baseValue == nil{
row.baseValue = PostalAddress()
guard let textValue = textField.text else {
switch(textField) {
case let field where field == streetTextField:
row.value?.street = nil
case let field where field == stateTextField:
row.value?.state = nil
case let field where field == postalCodeTextField:
row.value?.postalCode = nil
case let field where field == cityTextField:
row.value?.city = nil
if let rowConformance = row as? PostalAddressRowConformance {
var useFormatterDuringInput = false
var valueFormatter: Formatter?
switch(textField) {
case let field where field == streetTextField:
useFormatterDuringInput = rowConformance.streetUseFormatterDuringInput
valueFormatter = rowConformance.streetFormatter
case let field where field == stateTextField:
useFormatterDuringInput = rowConformance.stateUseFormatterDuringInput
valueFormatter = rowConformance.stateFormatter
case let field where field == postalCodeTextField:
useFormatterDuringInput = rowConformance.postalCodeUseFormatterDuringInput
valueFormatter = rowConformance.postalCodeFormatter
case let field where field == cityTextField:
useFormatterDuringInput = rowConformance.cityUseFormatterDuringInput
valueFormatter = rowConformance.cityFormatter
if let formatter = valueFormatter, useFormatterDuringInput{
let value: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?> = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>.init(UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: 1))
let errorDesc: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>? = nil
if formatter.getObjectValue(value, for: textValue, errorDescription: errorDesc) {
case let field where field == streetTextField:
row.value?.street = value.pointee as? String
case let field where field == stateTextField:
row.value?.state = value.pointee as? String
case let field where field == postalCodeTextField:
row.value?.postalCode = value.pointee as? String
case let field where field == cityTextField:
row.value?.city = value.pointee as? String
if var selStartPos = textField.selectedTextRange?.start {
let oldVal = textField.text
textField.text = row.displayValueFor?(row.value)
if let f = formatter as? FormatterProtocol {
selStartPos = f.getNewPosition(forPosition: selStartPos, inTextInput: textField, oldValue: oldVal, newValue: textField.text)
textField.selectedTextRange = textField.textRange(from: selStartPos, to: selStartPos)
guard !textValue.isEmpty else {
case let field where field == streetTextField:
row.value?.street = nil
case let field where field == stateTextField:
row.value?.state = nil
case let field where field == postalCodeTextField:
row.value?.postalCode = nil
case let field where field == cityTextField:
row.value?.city = nil
case let field where field == streetTextField:
row.value?.street = textValue
case let field where field == stateTextField:
row.value?.state = textValue
case let field where field == postalCodeTextField:
row.value?.postalCode = textValue
case let field where field == cityTextField:
row.value?.city = textValue
//MARK: - Setup
override func setup() {
height = { 149 }
selectionStyle = .none
for textField in textFieldOrdering {
action: #selector(_PostalAddressCell.textFieldDidChange(_:)), // TODO: Move in extension
for: .editingChanged)
textField?.textAlignment = .left
textField?.clearButtonMode = .whileEditing
textField?.delegate = self
textField?.font = .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body)
for separator in separatorViews {
separator.backgroundColor = .gray
//MARK: - Update
override func update() {
textLabel?.text = nil
detailTextLabel?.text = nil
imageView?.image = nil
for textField in textFieldOrdering {
textField?.isEnabled = !row.isDisabled
textField?.textColor = row.isDisabled ? .gray : .black
textField?.autocorrectionType = .no
textField?.autocapitalizationType = .words
streetTextField?.text = row.value?.street
streetTextField?.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
stateTextField?.text = row.value?.state
stateTextField?.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
postalCodeTextField?.text = row.value?.postalCode
postalCodeTextField?.keyboardType = .numbersAndPunctuation
cityTextField?.text = row.value?.city
cityTextField?.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
if let rowConformance = row as? PostalAddressRowConformance {
setPlaceholderToTextField(textField: streetTextField, placeholder: rowConformance.streetPlaceholder)
setPlaceholderToTextField(textField: stateTextField, placeholder: rowConformance.statePlaceholder)
setPlaceholderToTextField(textField: postalCodeTextField, placeholder: rowConformance.postalCodePlaceholder)
setPlaceholderToTextField(textField: cityTextField, placeholder: rowConformance.cityPlaceholder)
countryButton?.setTitle(String(describing: row.value?.country), for: .normal)
//MARK: - BaseCell Responder
override func cellCanBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return !row.isDisabled && (
streetTextField?.canBecomeFirstResponder == true ||
stateTextField?.canBecomeFirstResponder == true ||
postalCodeTextField?.canBecomeFirstResponder == true ||
cityTextField?.canBecomeFirstResponder == true
override func cellBecomeFirstResponder(withDirection direction: Direction) -> Bool {
return direction == .down ? textFieldOrdering.first??.becomeFirstResponder() ?? false : textFieldOrdering.last??.becomeFirstResponder() ?? false
override func cellResignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return streetTextField?.resignFirstResponder() ?? true
&& stateTextField?.resignFirstResponder() ?? true
&& postalCodeTextField?.resignFirstResponder() ?? true
&& stateTextField?.resignFirstResponder() ?? true
&& cityTextField?.resignFirstResponder() ?? true
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
if let v = formViewController()?.inputAccessoryView(for: row) as? NavigationAccessoryView {
guard let first = textFieldOrdering.first, let last = textFieldOrdering.last, first != last else { return v }
if first?.isFirstResponder == true {
v.nextButton.isEnabled = true
v.nextButton.target = self
v.nextButton.action = #selector(_PostalAddressCell.internalNavigationAction(_:)) // TODO: Move in extension
} else if last?.isFirstResponder == true {
v.previousButton.target = self
v.previousButton.action = #selector(_PostalAddressCell.internalNavigationAction(_:))
v.previousButton.isEnabled = true
} else {
v.previousButton.target = self
v.previousButton.action = #selector(_PostalAddressCell.internalNavigationAction(_:))
v.nextButton.target = self
v.nextButton.action = #selector(_PostalAddressCell.internalNavigationAction(_:))
v.previousButton.isEnabled = true
v.nextButton.isEnabled = true
return v
return super.inputAccessoryView
//MARK: - UITextFieldDelegate
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
formViewController()?.beginEditing(of: self)
formViewController()?.textInputDidBeginEditing(textField, cell: self)
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
formViewController()?.endEditing(of: self)
formViewController()?.textInputDidEndEditing(textField, cell: self)
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return formViewController()?.textInputShouldReturn(textField, cell: self) ?? true
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
return formViewController()?.textInputShouldEndEditing(textField, cell: self) ?? true
func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return formViewController()?.textInputShouldBeginEditing(textField, cell: self) ?? true
func textFieldShouldClear(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return formViewController()?.textInputShouldClear(textField, cell: self) ?? true
func textFieldShouldEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return formViewController()?.textInputShouldEndEditing(textField, cell: self) ?? true
//MARK: - Private
private func setPlaceholderToTextField(textField: UITextField?, placeholder: String?) {
if let placeholder = placeholder, let textField = textField {
if let color = (row as? PostalAddressRowConformance)?.placeholderColor {
textField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: placeholder, attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color])
} else {
textField.placeholder = placeholder
final class PostalAddressCell: _PostalAddressCell<PostalAddress> {
public required init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
protocol CountryType: Equatable {
var country: Country? { get set }
func == <T: CountryType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.country == rhs.country
protocol PostalAddressType: CountryType {
var street: String? { get set }
var state: String? { get set }
var postalCode: String? { get set }
var city: String? { get set }
func == <T: PostalAddressType>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.street == rhs.street && lhs.state == rhs.state && lhs.postalCode == rhs.postalCode && lhs.city == rhs.city && lhs.country == rhs.country
class PostalAddress: PostalAddressType {
var street: String?
var state: String?
var postalCode: String?
var city: String?
var country: Country?
public init() {}
public init(street: String?, state: String?, postalCode: String?, city: String?, country: Country?) {
self.street = street
self.state = state
self.postalCode = postalCode
self.city = city
self.country = country