地图上的符号是我在Google API中添加到地图中的自定义标记。
这是我的代码(PHP / JavaScript)。
$array_sensori = array();
$array_sensori = SensoreDAO::readArrayAllSensori($_SESSION['id_comune'], 0; ?>
function initMap() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
zoom: 20,
mapTypeId: 'terrain',
mapTypeControl: false,
styles: [{featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [{ visibility: "off" }]}, {featureType: "landscape", stylers: [{ visibility: "simplified"}]}],
streetViewControl: false,
center: segn
<?php /*
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: segn,
map: map
}); */
$i = 1;
$sensore = new Sensore();
foreach ($array_sensori as $sensore){
echo 'var contentString'.$i.' = \'<div id="content">\'+
\'<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Sensore '.$sensore->getIdSens().'</h1>\'+
\'<div id="bodyContent">\'+
\'<p>Strada: '.StradaDAO::readStrada($sensore->getIdStrada()).'<br>\'+
\'Comune: '.ComuneDAO::readComune($sensore->getIdComune()).'</p>\'+
$cambio_stato = new CambioStato();
$cambio_stato = CambioStatoDAO::readLastById($sensore->getIdSens());
}catch (DaoException $e){
//echo "Caught LoginException ('{$e->getMessage()}')<br>{$e}<br>";
switch ($cambio_stato->getStato()){
case 1:
$ico ='Ico_Sensori_Occupato.png';
case 0:
$ico ='Ico_Sensori_Libero.png';
echo 'var infowindow'.$i.' = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: contentString'.$i.'
var prev_infowindow =false;
var icon_source =\'../main/images/'.$ico.'\';
var marker'.$i.' = new google.maps.Marker({
position: {lat: '.$sensore->getLatitudine().', lng: '.$sensore->getLongitudine().'},
map: map,
icon: icon_source,
marker'.$i.'.addListener(\'click\', function() {
if( prev_infowindow ) {
prev_infowindow = infowindow'.$i.';
infowindow'.$i.'.open(map, marker'.$i.');
if (marker'.$i.'.getAnimation() !== null) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () {marker'.$i.'.setAnimation(null); }, 3000);
我试图绘制矩形。这失败了,因为我有很多传感器并且用Google API绘制它我需要四个顶点的坐标。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是我发现问题的解决方案。 "image map".
function initMap() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
zoom: 19,
mapTypeId: 'terrain',
mapTypeControl: false,
styles: [{featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [{ visibility: "off" }]}, {featureType: "landscape", stylers: [{ visibility: "simplified"}]}],
streetViewControl: false,
center: segn
var iconSymbol1 = {
path: 'M 0 0 L 40 0 L 40 60 L 0 60 Z',
anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
scale: 0.35,
strokeColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeOpacity: 1,
fillColor: 'steelblue',
fillOpacity: 0.8,
var iconSymbol2 = {
path: 'M 0 0 L 40 0 L 40 60 L 0 60 Z',
anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
scale: 0.36,
strokeColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeOpacity: 1,
fillColor: '#FFFFFF',
fillOpacity: 0.8,
//Reading all polyline paths (on which I'll draw SVG rectangle symbols) associated to the 'comune'
$polyline_array = array();
$polyline_array = PolyLinePathDAO::readArrayAllPolylinePath($id_comune);
$array_sensori = array();
$array_sensori = SensoreDAO::readArrayAllSensori($id_comune, $polyline_array[0]->getIdStrada());
$indice_path = 0; //I need to have count of the polylines number
$indice_sensore = 0;
$last_id_strada = $polyline_array[0]->getIdStrada();
foreach ($polyline_array as $polyline){
//if the polyline refers to another street, I have to read the sensors of that street and restart $indice_sensore
if($polyline->getIdStrada() != $last_id_strada ){
$array_sensori = SensoreDAO::readArrayAllSensori($id_comune, $polyline->getIdStrada());
$indice_sensore = 0;
//calculating the offset for each rectangle
$offset_lat = ($polyline->getEndLat() - $polyline->getStartLat())/$polyline->getNumSensori();
$offset_lon = ($polyline->getEndLon() - $polyline->getStartLon())/$polyline->getNumSensori();
$last_path_lat = $polyline->getStartLat();
$last_path_lon = $polyline->getStartLon();
//starting calculating paths for the single sensors and setting polyoptions
for($i=0; $i<$polyline->getNumSensori();$i++){
echo 'var sensorePath'.$indice_path.' = [];
sensorePath'.$indice_path.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.round($last_path_lat,7).', '.round($last_path_lon,7).'));
sensorePath'.$indice_path.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.round(($last_path_lat+$offset_lat),7).', '.round(($last_path_lon+$offset_lon),7).'));
$last_path_lat = $last_path_lat+$offset_lat;
$last_path_lon = $last_path_lon+$offset_lon;
echo 'var polyOpts'.$indice_path.' = {
map: map,
path: sensorePath'.$indice_path.',
icons: [{
icon: iconSymbol1
strokeWeight: 0
polyline'.$indice_path.' = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOpts'.$indice_path.');
//Change color based on sensor state
$cambio_stato = new CambioStato();
$cambio_stato = CambioStatoDAO::readLastById($array_sensori[$indice_sensore]->getIdSens());
}catch (DaoException $e){
//echo "Caught LoginException ('{$e->getMessage()}')<br>{$e}<br>";
if($cambio_stato->getStato() == 1){
echo 'polyline'.$indice_path.'.setOptions({icons: [{ icon: iconSymbol2 }] });';
} //for
$last_id_strada = $polyline->getIdStrada();
} //foreach
我的代码说明 我开始初始化地图和矩形图标。这些都是用SVG制作的。 从DB我读取了我需要绘制项目的起点和终点(坐标)。我也知道物品的数量。 多亏了我能够计算每个物体的纬度和经度偏移。 所以迭代地我绘制它们,创建折线并将SVG元素设置为像simbol(Google API)。
在图像中,您可以看到最终效果。它仍然不完美,但我正在研究它。 我感谢scaisEdge的建议。我希望这对其他人有所帮助。