
时间:2016-12-01 10:17:38

标签: javascript jquery arrays


  1. 找到具有相同诉讼的纯序列的组。 (强制)
  2. 找到一个具有相同诉讼的纯粹或不纯的序列的团体(没有或与小丑一起)
  3. 查找具有纯粹或不纯序列的组或具有不同诉讼的相同价值卡。
  4. 纯序列表示:3,4,5,6 不纯的顺序意味着:3,4,Joker,6(这里Joker可以被认为是5)



    var arr4 = [{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"spades"}];
    var arr5 = [{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":7,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":20,"suit":"joker"},{"value":8,"suit":"hearts"}];
    var arr6 = [{"value":1,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];
    var arr7 = [{"value":1,"suit":"diams"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];

    这里,arr6是一个纯序列,因为每个项目都有相同的套装。 arr4不包含所有相同的诉讼,因此它不是



        var arr1 = ["4", "1", "3", "5"];
        var arr2 = ["5", "4", "3", "6"];
        var arr3 = ["1", "5", "3", "6"];
        function inSeq(arr) {
          return arr.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }) 
            .every(function(n, i, arr) {
              return i === 0 || n - arr[i - 1] === 1;
        function findArrWithSeq(arrs) {
          for(var i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) {
            if(inSeq(arrs[i])) {
               return i;
          return null;
        var result = [arr1, arr2, arr3].some(inSeq);
        var result1 = findArrWithSeq([arr1, arr2, arr3]);
          console.log(result);  // To get true or false
          console.log(result1); // To get the array




    注意:此处还有另一个问题。我将卡A(Ace)的值取为1.但是,如果有一个J, Q, K, A -> 11, 12, 13, 1的序列;然后它也会被认为是一个正确的序列,因为如果Ace在K之后出现,那么它将作为数字14,否则作为数字1.因此,Q, K, A有效且A, 2, 3也是有效的。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


function getSummary(cards){
	cards.sort((c1,c2)=>c1.value-c2.value); //sort cards by their value  
  let jokerCount = 0,jokersUsed =0, res;  
  for(let i = cards.length -1; i >= 0 ; i--) //start from end to handle jokers first (note this is assuming they will also have the larger value of 20)
  		let {suit,value:val} = cards[i]; //destructure suit and value properties into variables
      	jokerCount++; //handle jokers separately
			else	{
      	if(res===undefined){ //first non joker card -> init values
        	res = {uniqueSuit: suit, startOfSequence: val}; 
          if(jokerCount) res.jokersUsed =true;          
        else {
        	if(suit !== res.uniqueSuit) //check if there are more suits
        		delete res.uniqueSuit; //no unique suit -> remove the property (alternative: set the prop to 'none')

          if(res.startOfSequence && --res.startOfSequence != val){ //check if the sequence is intact          	
          	if(val === 1 && i === 0 && res.startOfSequence ===10) //Ace
            	res.startOfSequence++; //Ace is used as 14
          	else {
            	let gap = res.startOfSequence - val;              
              if(gap > 0 &&jokerCount >= gap){ //if enough jokers remaining, use them (sequence still intact)
                delete res.startOfSequence; //no sequence -> remove property from res
  if(res === undefined){
  	  //only jokers (is this possible?) -> create sequence or matching values
      //loop through suits or do what's needed to create best score
      return res;
  if(res.startOfSequence) //Sequence found => all cards handled => return result
  	return res;
  if(jokersUsed) 		//jokers were used for sequence, but sequence was not complete
     	jokerCount += jokersUsed; //reclaim jokers
  const addSameValue = (suit,val)=>{ //helper function to add cards of same value to collection
		if(!res.sameValues)res.sameValues = {};    
    res.sameValues[val] = (res.sameValues[val] | 1) +1; //offset always 1 because adding is done from prev. value
  //search for same values
  let prev, cnt =cards.length - jokerCount;
  for(let i=0 ; i < cnt ; i++){
  		let val = cards[i].value;
      if(prev == val)
      	prev = val;

    	//use for highest value or add to existing sequences?
      //for example, add to highest value: (might want to check for unused suits)
      addSameValue('joker', cards[cards.length-jokerCount].value);    
  return res;

var arr4 = [{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"spades"}];
var arr5 = [{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":7,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":20,"suit":"joker"},{"value":8,"suit":"hearts"}];
var arr6 = [{"value":1,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];
var arr7 = [{"value":1,"suit":"diams"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];
var arr8 = [{"value":11,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":12,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":13,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":1,"suit":"hearts"}]; 
var arr9 = [{"value":8,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":8,"suit":"diams"},{"value":9,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":9,"suit":"spades"}]; 

for(let arr of [arr4,arr5,arr6,arr7, arr8,arr9])	
  console.log(getSummary(arr)); //test output


修改的 改变了获取具有相同值的卡的代码。如果找到,则结果将包含一个对象sameValues,其中的属性包含随着它们出现次数而找到的值。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var arr4 = [{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"spades"}];

var arr5 = [{"value":5,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":7,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":20,"suit":"joker"},{"value":8,"suit":"hearts"}];

var arr6 = [{"value":1,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":2,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];

var arr7 = [{"value":1,"suit":"diams"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":4,"suit":"hearts"},{"value":3,"suit":"hearts"}];

var arr8 = [{"value":1,"suit":"diams"},{"value":12,"suit":"diams"},{"value":11,"suit":"diams"},{"value":13,"suit":"diams"}]; // another catch condition

function inSeq(arr) { // identical to your inSeq() method
  return _.every(arr, function(n, i, arr) {
    //console.log(JSON.stringify(n) + ":" + i);
    return i === 0 || n.value - arr[i - 1].value === 1 || (arr[0].value == 1 && (n.value == 11 || n.value == 12)); // checking for 'another catch'

function checkPureSeq(arr, suit){
  var sCards = _.where(arr, {suit: suit}); // get all the cards of specific suit
  if(sCards.length < 3 || sCards.length != arr.length) { // if same suit cards are less than 3 or the length doesn't match the original array length return false ... meaning you don't need to check if the cards are in sequence
    return false;

  sCards = _.sortBy(sCards, 'value'); // sort all the cards of same suit based on 'value'
  return inSeq(sCards);

function log(str){ // just a util function. I'm displaying it on screen. You can put it on console

  var arrs = [arr4, arr5, arr6, arr7, arr8]; // array of arrays, just for ease of processing, similar to the way you had created [arr1, arr2, arr3] in your question
  var suits = ['hearts', 'diams', 'spades', 'clubs'];
  _.each(arrs, function(arr, i){ // process each array
    _.each(suits, function(suit){ // for each suit
      if(checkPureSeq(arr, suit)){ 
        log('<h4>Found pure sequence of ' + suit + ': ' + JSON.stringify(arr) + '</h4>');
      } else {
        log('Pure sequence of ' + suit + ' not found: ' + JSON.stringify(arr));
        // you may push current `arr` to another array for further processing of case 2 and case 3

