solveMazeQuickly :: Maze -> Place -> Place -> Path
solveMazeQuickly maze start target = fastSolveMazeIter maze target [(start, [])] [start] -- last is the elem of visited nodes along with its paths
fastSolveMazeIter :: Maze -> Place -> [(Place, Path)] -> [Place] -> Path
fastSolveMazeIter maze target (x:xs) visited -- last argument is the list of visited places
| (tenatives == []) && (length (x:xs) == length (visited)) = error "unsolvable maze"
| currentPos == target = pathPos -- return the path if we're already there
| otherwise = fastSolveMazeIter maze target (xs++tenatives) (visited++(map fst tenatives))
where currentPos = fst x -- current position
pathPos = snd x -- the path to current position
tenatives = scan currentPos pathPos -- the 'successful' tried paths
try pos curPath d
| ((hasWall maze pos d) == False) && ((nextPos `elem` visited) == False) = [(nextPos, curPath++[d])] -- disregard visited positions
| otherwise = []
where nextPos = move d pos
scan pos curPath = (try pos curPath N) ++ (try pos curPath S) ++ (try pos curPath E) ++ (try pos curPath W) -- try the four directions
到目前为止,我试图考虑一个无法解决的迷宫,其条件是如果访问位置的大小与可访问位置相等,则无法继续解决方案(tentative == []
| | |
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Haskell返回" Maze Practical \ Main.lhs:(88,3) - (99,118):函数fastSolveMazeIter"中的非详尽模式而不是预期的错误消息。
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