我有以下代码由于某种原因在IE / Edge中无法正常工作。我使用的是AngularJS 1.5.0版。
// Codes to do something here before broadcasting changes
angular.module(‘app’).controller(“someCtrl”, function($scope, $stateParams, someservice) {
var vm = this;
vm.id = $stateParams.someID; // This id is used to search for a content of a specific type
var doSomething = function(id) {
someservice.getData(id).then(function(data) { // getData function makes a request to API to fetch data
vm.dataArea = data; // assigns data to the view
doSomething(vm.id); // First gets called to render the view
// Methods create, delete, update not shown here, but they all broadcast the message updateMade upon being called
$scope.$on(“updateMade”, function() {
为什么IE / Edge不接收广播?这在任何其他浏览器中似乎都不是问题。