
时间:2016-11-30 20:36:37

标签: winforms powershell powershell-v2.0




Set-StrictMode -Version 2
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | Out-Null
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null

Write-Verbose "Create the main form"
$form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Size = New-Object Drawing.Size @(900, 600)


$dataSize = 70
$dataHeight = 20
$volumeSize = 280
$dp = New-Object Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel
$addButton = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$addButton.Text = "Add"
$addButton.name = "outputButton"
$addButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,500)
$correctedWidth = 0

Function Add-Row ($txt) {

    write-verbose "add row"
    $zeroBasedRow = $dp.RowCount - 1
    write-verbose $zeroBasedRow
    for ($i=0; $i -lt 7; $i++) {
        $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $label.TextAlign = "MiddleCenter"
        $label.Text = "0"
        $label.Font = "Verdana, 9pt"
        $label.Size = "$dataSize,$dataHeight"
        $label.BackColor = "Transparent"
        if ($i -eq 0) {
            $label.Size = "$correctedWidth,$dataHeight"
            if ($txt -eq $null){
                $label.Text = "12345678901234567890123456789012"
            } else {
                $label.Text = $txt

Function Create-Data-Panel ($width, $height, $correction) {

    Write-Verbose "Create the panel that holds the data"
    $dataPanel = New-Object Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel
    $dataPanel.Size = New-Object Drawing.Size @($width,$height)
    $dataPanel.AutoScroll = $true
    #$dataPanel.VerticalScroll.Enabled = $true
    #$dataPanel.VerticalScroll.Visible = $true
    #$dataPanel.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = $false
    #$dataPanel.HorizontalScroll.Visible = $false
    $dataPanel.BackColor = "Transparent"
    $dataPanel.CellBorderStyle = "None"
    $dataPanel.RowCount = 0
    $dataPanel.ColumnCount = 7  

    $script:correctedWidth = $volumeSize - $correction

    return $dataPanel

$hght = $form.size.height * 3/4
$dp = Create-Data-Panel 760 300 4
for ($j=0; $j -lt 50; $j++){     # LINE OF INTEREST!!!!!!
    $txt = "$j 12345678901234567890123456789012"
    Add-Row $txt

$form.Add_Shown( { $form.Activate() } )    
$form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"    

请注意,AutoScroll已启用。如果您按原样运行此脚本,则TableLayoutPanel将仅显示垂直滚动条;推动"添加"根据需要多次按钮,您将看到表格末尾有新条目,滚动条仅显示垂直滚动条。问题是我正在使用的TableLayoutPanel上没有任何初始数据,因此基本上是" LINE OF INTEREST !!!!!!"对于$ j边界值变为0。将该值更改为零,以便该行读取" for($ j = 0; $ j -lt 0; $ j ++){#LINE OF INTEREST !!!!!!"然后运行脚本(注意表是空的。按"添加"按钮(注意没有滚动条显示,直到需要它们这不是问题)。填充表格以便垂直滚动条是必要的,你会看到两个垂直和水平滚动条出现 - 我只想垂直滚动条不是水平 - 所以我的问题是如何隐藏水平滚动条?谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



.AutoScroll设置为$true后,您无法使用.HorizontalScrollBar.Visble = $false等语句手动关闭滚动条 - 此类尝试将被忽略


  • 在显示后者时,按垂直滚动条的宽度加宽面板,这会导致.AutoScroll最终不显示水平滚动条,

    < / LI>
  • 但请注意,当隐藏导致垂直滚动条显示的行时,水平滚动条会隐藏

Function Add-Row ($txt) {
    write-verbose "Adding row with index $($dp.RowCount)"
    for ($i=0; $i -lt 7; $i++) {
        $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $label.TextAlign = "MiddleCenter"
        $label.Text = "0"
        $label.Font = "Verdana, 9pt"
        $label.Size = "$dataSize,$dataHeight"
        $label.BackColor = "Transparent"
        if ($i -eq 0) {
            $label.Size = "$correctedWidth,$dataHeight"
            if ($txt -eq $null){
                $label.Text = "12345678901234567890123456789012"
            } else {
                $label.Text = $txt
        $dp.Controls.Add($label, $i, $dp.RowCount - 1)

    # If a horizontal scrollbar has just appeared as a follow-on effect
    # of AutoScroll having just turned on the vertical scrollbar,
    # widen the panel by the width of the vertical scrollbar 
    # so as to make the horizontal scrollbar disappear again.
    if ($dp.HorizontalScroll.Visible) {
        $dp.width += [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VerticalScrollBarWidth
