
时间:2016-11-30 15:32:27

标签: java mysql jpa

当我尝试在我的java应用程序中获取数据时,我使用EclipseLink for JPA。当我执行

 public Object doInJpa(EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
            Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT t0.* FROM asset t0 WHERE t0.case_id = ?1  and t0.deleted=0 and t0.state='DEFAULT'  and fully_paid=0 and NOT EXISTS ( " +
                                                      " SELECT 1 from excluding_request er where er.asset_id=t0.ID and probable=0 and deleted = 0 and rejected = 0) order by t0.id limit ?2 , ?3", Asset.class);
            q.setParameter(1, caseId);
            q.setParameter(2, start);
            q.setParameter(3, limit);
            List<Asset> result = (List<Asset>) q.getResultList();
            return result;


public Object doInJpa(EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
            Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT COUNT(t0.ID) FROM asset t0 WHERE t0.case_id = ?1  and t0.deleted=0 and t0.state='DEFAULT'  and fully_paid=0 and NOT EXISTS ( " +
                                                      " SELECT 1 from excluding_request er where er.asset_id=t0.ID and probable=0 and deleted = 0 and rejected = 0)", Asset.class);
            q.setParameter(1, caseId);
            Integer result = ((List<Integer>)q.getSingleResult()).get(0);
            return result;

我收到错误: 异常描述:从行读取的主键[DatabaseRecord(          =&GT; 37931)]在执行查询期间检测到为null。主键不得包含null。


你能告诉我我做错了什么吗? 谢谢。

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