
时间:2016-11-30 06:41:35

标签: typo3 typo3-7.6.x rte




    '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:site_abc/Configuration/TSconfig/Page.txt">'


<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:site_abc/Configuration/TSconfig/rte.ts">




    default {
        contentCSS.rte = EXT:site_abc/Resources/Public/Css/rte.css

        proc {
            allowTags = a, abbr, article, b, bdo, big, blockquote, br,
                 caption, center, cite, code, div, em, footer, header,
                 h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, li, link, nav, ol, p, pre,
                 section, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table,
                 thead, tbody, tfoot, td, th, tr, u, ul

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            allowedClasses := addToList(abc-red,abc-green)

        showButtons (
          blockstylelabel, blockstyle, textstylelabel, textstyle, fontstyle, fontsize, 
          formatblock, blockquote, left, center, right, justifyfull, orderedlist, unorderedlist, 
          definitionlist, definitionitem, outdent, indent, formattext, bidioverride, big, 
          bold, italic, subscript, superscript, underline, textcolor, bgcolor, textindicator, 
          insertcharacter, insertsofthyphen, line, link, unlink, image, table, findreplace, 
          spellcheck, chMode, inserttag, removeformat, copy, cut, paste, pastetoggle, pastebehaviour, 
          undo, redo, about, toggleborders, tableproperties, tablerestyle, rowproperties, 
          rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, columnproperties, 
          columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, cellproperties, 
          cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge

        toolbarOrder (
            copy, cut, paste, pastetoggle, pastebehaviour, bar,
            undo, redo, bar, chMode, removeformat, bar,
            findreplace, spellcheck, bar,
            textcolor, bgcolor, textindicator, bar,
            editelement, insertcharacter, insertsofthyphen, line, image, abbreviation, bar,
            link, unlink, bold, italic, subscript, superscript, underline, bar, linebreak,
            blockstylelabel, blockstyle, space, formatblock, bar,
            orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, bar,
            textstylelabel, textstyle, space, formattext, space, fontstyle, space, fontsize, bar,
            left, center, right, justifyfull, bar, linebreak,
            table, toggleborders, bar,
            tableproperties, tablerestyle, bar,
            rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, bar,
            columnproperties, columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, bar,
            cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge
    buttons {
        blockstyle {
            tags {
                all.allowedClasses := addToList(table-striped,table-bordered)
                table.allowedClasses := addToList(table-striped,table-bordered)
            showTagFreeClasses = 1

        textstyle {
            tags.all.allowedClasses := addToList(abc-red,abc-green)
            tags.span.allowedClasses = abc-red, abc-green
            showTagFreeClasses = 1

    classes {
        test1 {
            name = test1
            value = background-color:red;

        table-striped {
            name = striped table
            value = background-color:#eeffee;

        table-bordered {
            name = bordered table
            value = background-color:#ffeeee;

        abc-red {
            name = red
            value = #CC1111

        abc-green {
            name = green
            value = #11cc11

    colors {
        abc-red {
            name = red
            value = #CC1111

        abc-green {
            name = green
            value = #11cc11

    default.colors < .colors
    default.classes < .classes


table.table-striped { border:1px solid red; }
table.table-bordered { border: 1px dashed cyan; }
table.table-condensed { border: 1px dotted greenyellow; }

span.abc-red { color:#cc1111; }
span.abc-green { color:#11cc11; }

.table-striped { border:1px solid red; }
.table-bordered { border: 1px dashed cyan; }
.table-condensed { border: 1px dotted greenyellow; }

.abc-red { color:#cc1111; }
.abc-green { color:#11CC11; }

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


RTE.classes {
    # lists
    checklist {
        name = Checkliste

    # tables
    table {
        name = Normale Tabelle

    table-condensed {
        name = Verkürzte Tabelle

    table-bordered {
        name = Tabelle mit Rahmen

    table-styled {
        name = Tabelle mit anderem Design

    # aligns
    align-justify {
        name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tooltips.xlf:justifyfull

    align-left {
        name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tooltips.xlf:justifyleft
        value = text-align: left;

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        value = text-align: center;

    align-right {
        name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tooltips.xlf:justifyright
        value = text-align: right;

    text-lowercase {
        name = Kleinbuchstaben

    text-uppercase {
        name = Großbuchstaben

    style1 {
        name = Stil 1

    htmlCode {
        name = HTML Code

    phpCode {
        name = PHP Code

RTE.classesAnchor {
    internalLinkInNewWindow {
        class = internal-link-new-window
        type = page
        titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_new_window_titleText

    download {
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        type = file
        titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:download_titleText

    mail {
        class = mail
        type = mail
        titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:mail_titleText

    more-link {
        class = more-link
        type = page
        titleText = LLL:EXT:demotemplate/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more_link_titleText
        altText = LLL:EXT:demotemplate/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more_link_altText

    button-link {
        class = btn
        type = page
        titleText = LLL:EXT:demotemplate/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more_link_titleText
        altText = LLL:EXT:demotemplate/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more_link_altText


RTE.default {
    showButtons = blockstylelabel, blockstyle, textstylelabel, textstyle, left, center, right, justifyfull
    showButtons := addToList(formatblock, bold, italic, subscript, superscript)
    showButtons := addToList(orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, textindicator,abbreviation)
    showButtons := addToList(insertcharacter, link, unlink, table, findreplace, chMode, removeformat, copy, cut, paste, pastetoggle, pastebehaviour, undo, redo)
    showButtons := addToList(toggleborders, tableproperties)
    showButtons := addToList(rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit)
    showButtons := addToList(columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit)
    showButtons := addToList(cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge)

    defaultContentLanguage = de

    buttons.textstyle.tags.span.allowedClasses = label,label-default,label-primary,label-danger,label-success,label-info,label-warning,important,detail,underline,mono,file,directory,oneclass
    buttons.textstyle.tags.REInlineTags >
    buttons.textstyle.REInlineTags >
    buttons.blockstyle.tags.table.allowedClasses = table,table-condensed,table-bordered,table-striped
    buttons.blockstyle.tags.p.allowedClasses = text-muted,text-primary,text-dimmed,text-warning,text-danger,text-success,text-info,bg-primary,bg-success,bg-info,bg-warning,bg-danger,box
    buttons.blockstyle.tags.p.allowedClasses := addToList(align-left,align-center,align-right,align-justify)
    buttons.blockstyle.tags.p.allowedClasses := addToList(text-capitalize,text-uppercase,text-lowercase)

    contentCSS = EXT:demotemplate/Resources/Public/CSS/rte.css

    buttons.link.relAttribute.enabled = 1

    // Make rtehtmlarea resizable
    rteResize = 1

    proc {
        allowedClasses := addToList( table,table-condensed,table-bordered,table-striped,table-hover,table-styled )
        allowedClasses := addToList( text-uppercase,text-lowercase,text-capitalize,text-muted,text-primary,text-dimmed,text-warning,text-danger,text-success,text-info,bg-primary,bg-success,bg-info,bg-warning,bg-danger )

        allowTagsOutside := addToList( pre )

        allowTags := addToList( pre )

        // Tags allowed in Typolists
        allowTagsInTypolists = br,font,b,i,u,a,img,span

        // Keep unknown tags
        dontRemoveUnknownTags_db = 1

        // Allow tables
        preserveTables = 1

        entryHTMLparser_db = 1
        entryHTMLparser_db {
            // Tags allowed
            allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags

            // Tags denied
            #denyTags >

            // HTML special characters
            htmlSpecialChars = 0

            // Allow IMG tags
            #tags.img >

            // Additionnal attributes for P & DIV
            tags.div.allowedAttribs = class,style,align
            tags.p.allowedAttribs = class,style,align

            // Tags to remove
            removeTags = center, font, o:p, sdfield, strike, u

            // Keep non matched tags
            keepNonMatchedTags = protect

        // HTML parser
        HTMLparser_db {
            // Strip attributes
            noAttrib = br

            // XHTML compliance
            xhtml_cleaning = 1

        // Exit HTML parser
        exitHTMLparser_db = 1
        exitHTMLparser_db {
            // Remap bold and italic
            tags.b.remap = strong
            tags.i.remap = em

            // Keep non matched tags
            keepNonMatchedTags = 1

            // HTML special character
            htmlSpecialChars = 0

RTE.default.FE < RTE.default

答案 1 :(得分:1)

你可以在这里找到一个例子。 据我所知,这个从给定的css文件中读取类。


contentCSS = EXT:speciality/Resources/Public/StyleSheets/rte.css
