
时间:2016-11-29 18:23:23

标签: vba ms-access access-vba ms-access-2013





SubForm1.SourceObject = "Form.ErrorCriteria"
SubForm2.SourceObject = "Form.ErrorResults"


SubForm1.Move WindowWidth * 0.05, WindowHeight * 0.05, WindowWidth * 0.9, WindowHeight * 0.2
SubForm2.Move WindowWidth * 0.05, WindowHeight * 0.25, WindowWidth * 0.9, WindowHeight * 0.65




SubForm1.SourceObject = "Form.WarehouseCriteria"
SubForm2.SourceObject = "Form.InventoryResults"



但每次我们更改“屏幕”时,我们都会在幕后拥有一个完全不同的“模型”,并且根据MVC设计模式也会有一个新的“视图”。我想知道这是否会在幕后混乱MVC VBA代码,或者VBA代码本身是否也可以模块化(可能使用接口)使其与用户界面一样适应。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



首先,我们创建了表:ctlReportOptions(PK = ID,ReportName,OptionOrder) 字段:ID(Int),ReportName(文本),OptionOrder(Int),ControlName(文本),ControlTop(Int),ControlLeft(Int),SkipLabel(Y / N),ControlRecordsourc(文本) 注1:ID不是自动编号。

接下来,我们填充了将定义用户将看到的视图的记录。 注意2:使用ID为零,我们在报表上为每个字段创建了记录,因此我们可以随时为开发人员重绘。

然后我们创建了表单并为每个可能的过滤器放置了控件。 我们将“默认值”属性设置为默认值。

部分控件: ComboBox用于选择报告名称。为Change事件添加代码,如下所示:

Private Sub cboChooseReport_Change()
Dim strSQL      As String
Dim rs          As ADODB.recordSet
Dim i           As Integer
Dim iTop        As Integer
Dim iLeft       As Integer
Dim iLblTop     As Integer
Dim iLblLeft    As Integer
Dim iLblWidth   As Integer
Dim iTab        As Integer
Dim strLabel    As String

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap
    ' Select only optional controls (ID <> 0); skip cotrols always present.
    strSQL = "SELECT ctlRptOpt.ControlName, 'lbl' & Mid([ControlName],4,99) AS LabelName, SkipLabel " & _
                "From ctlRptOpt WHERE (((ctlRptOpt.ID)<>0)) " & _
                "GROUP BY ctlRptOpt.ControlName, 'lbl' & Mid([ControlName],4,99), SkipLabel;"
    Set rs = New ADODB.recordSet
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic

    Do While Not rs.EOF
        Me(rs!ControlName).Visible = False      ' Hide control
        If rs!skiplabel = False Then            ' Hide Label if necessary
            Me(rs!LabelName).Visible = False
        End If

    iTop = 0
    iTab = 0

    ' Get list of controls used by this report; order by desired sequence.
    strSQL = "select * from ctlRptOpt " & _
                "where [ID] = " & Me.cboChooseReport.Column(3) & _
                " order by OptionOrder;"
    Set rs = New ADODB.recordSet
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic

    If rs.EOF Then      ' No options needed
        Me.cmdShowQuery.Visible = True
        Me.lblReportCriteria.Visible = False
        Me.cmdShowQuery.left = 2000
        Me.cmdShowQuery.top = 1500
        Me.cmdShowQuery.TabIndex = 1
        Me.cmdReset.Visible = False
        Set rs = Nothing
        GoTo Proc_Exit              ' Exit
    End If

    ' Setup the display of controls.
    Me.lblReportCriteria.Visible = True
    Do While Not rs.EOF
        If rs!skiplabel = False Then
            strLabel = "lbl" & Mid(rs!ControlName, 4)
            iLblWidth = Me.Controls(strLabel).Width
            Me(strLabel).top = rs!ControlTop
            Me(strLabel).left = rs!ControlLeft - (Me(strLabel).Width + 50)
            Me(strLabel).Visible = True
        End If

        iTab = iTab + 1         ' Set new Tab Order for the controls
        Me(rs!ControlName).top = rs!ControlTop
        Me(rs!ControlName).left = rs!ControlLeft
        Me(rs!ControlName).Visible = True
        If left(rs!ControlName, 3) <> "lbl" Then
            Me(rs!ControlName).TabIndex = iTab
        End If

        If Me(rs!ControlName).top >= iTop Then
            iTop = rs!ControlTop + Me(rs!ControlName).Height          ' Save last one
        End If

        ' If not a label and not a 'cmd', it's a filter! Set a default.
        If left(rs!ControlName, 3) <> "lbl" And left(rs!ControlName, 3) <> "cmd" Then
            If Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue = "=""*""" Then
'                Me(rs!ControlName) = "*"
            ElseIf left(Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue, 2) = "=#" And right(Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue, 1) = "#" Then
                i = Len(Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue)
'                Me(rs!ControlName) = Mid(Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue, 3, i - 3)
            ElseIf Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue = "True" Then
'                Me(rs!ControlName) = True
            ElseIf Me(rs!ControlName).DefaultValue = "False" Then
'                Me(rs!ControlName) = False
            End If
            If Me(rs!ControlName).top + Me(rs!ControlName).Height >= iTop Then
                iTop = rs!ControlTop + Me(rs!ControlName).Height          ' Save last one
            End If
        End If
    Set rs = Nothing

    If Me.cboChooseReport.Column(1) <> "rptInventoryByDate" Then        ' It's special
        Me.cmdShowQuery.Visible = True
        Me.cmdShowQuery.left = 2000
        Me.cmdShowQuery.top = iTop + 300
        iTab = iTab + 1
        Me.cmdShowQuery.TabIndex = iTab
        Me.cmdShowQuery.Visible = False
    End If
    Me.cmdReset.Visible = True
    Me.cmdReset.left = 5000
    Me.cmdReset.top = iTop + 300
    Me.cmdReset.TabIndex = iTab + 1

    Exit Sub
    Err.Source = "Form_frmReportChooser: cboChooseReport_Change  at Line: " & Erl
    DocAndShowError     ' Save error to database for analysis, then display to user.
    Resume Proc_Exit    ' Exit code.
    Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.
End Sub




Private Sub cmdShowQuery_Click()    
Dim qdfDelReport101             As ADODB.Command
Dim qdfAppReport101             As ADODB.Command
Dim qdfDelReport102             As ADODB.Command
Dim qdfAppReport102             As ADODB.Command
Dim qryBase                     As ADODB.Command
Dim strQueryName                As String
Dim strAny_Open_Reports         As String
Dim strOpen_Report              As String
Dim qdfVendorsInfo              As ADODB.Command
Dim rsVendorName                As ADODB.recordSet
Dim strVendorName               As String
Dim rsrpqFormVendorsInfo        As ADODB.recordSet

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap
    If Not IsNull(Me.cboChooseReport.value) And Me.cboChooseReport.value <> " " Then
        strAny_Open_Reports = Any_Open_Reports()
        If Len(strAny_Open_Reports) = 0 Then

            If Me.cboChooseReport.value = "rptAAA" Then
                BuildReportCriteria                 '
                If Me.chkBankBal = True Then
                    DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAAA_Opt1", acViewPreview
                    DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAAA_Opt2", acViewPreview
                End If
            ElseIf Me.cboChooseReport.value = "rptBBB" Then
                If IsNull(Me.txtFromDate) Or Not IsDate(Me.txtFromDate) Then
                    MsgBox "You must enter a valid From Date", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Date"
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                If IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Or Not IsDate(Me.txtToDate) Then
                    MsgBox "You must enter a valid To Date", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Date"
                    Exit Sub
                End If

                Me.txtStartDate = Me.txtFromDate
                Me.txtEndDate = Me.txtToDate
                DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboChooseReport.value, acViewPreview
            ElseIf Me.cboChooseReport.value = "rptCCC" Then
                If Me.txtVendorName = "*" Then
                    gvstr_VendorName = "*"
                    Set rsVendorName = New ADODB.recordSet
                    rsVendorName.Open "selVendorName", gv_DBS_Local, adOpenDynamic

                    Set qdfVendorsInfo = New ADODB.Command
                    qdfVendorsInfo.ActiveConnection = gv_DBS_SQLServer
                    qdfVendorsInfo.CommandText = ("qryVendorsInfo")
                    qdfVendorsInfo.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
                    strVendorName = rsVendorName("VendorName")
                    gvstr_VendorName = strVendorName
                End If
                DoCmd.OpenReport "rptFormVendorReport", acViewPreview
                If Me.cboChooseReport.value = "rptXXXXXX" Then
                ElseIf Me.cboChooseReport.value = "rptyyyy" Then
                    On Error Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.
                    DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "temp_xxxx"
                    On Error GoTo Error_Trap
                    Set qryBase = New ADODB.Command
                    qryBase.ActiveConnection = gv_DBS_Local
                    qryBase.CommandText = ("mtseldata...")
                    qryBase.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
                End If
                DoCmd.Hourglass False
                DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboChooseReport.value, acViewPreview
            End If
            MsgBox "You cannot open this form/report because you already have a form/report(s) open: " & _
                    vbCrLf & strAny_Open_Reports & _
                    vbCrLf & "Please close the open form/report(s) before continuing."

             strOpen_Report = Open_Report
             DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strOpen_Report
             DoCmd.ShowToolbar "tbForPost"
        End If
         MsgBox "Please Choose Report", vbExclamation, "Choose Report"
    End If

    Exit Sub

    Err.Source = "Form_frmReportChooser: cmdShowQuery_Click - Report: " & Nz(Me.cboChooseReport.value) & "    at Line: " & Erl
    If Err.Number = 2501 Then   ' MsgBox "You chose not to open this report.", vbOKOnly, "Report cancelled"
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Err.Number = 0 Or Err.Number = 7874 Then
        Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.

    ElseIf Err.Number = 3146 Then   ' ODBC -- call failed -- can have multiple errors
Dim errLoop     As Error
Dim strError    As String
Dim Errs1       As Errors

    ' Enumerate Errors collection and display properties of each Error object.
    i = 1
      Set Errs1 = gv_DBS_SQLServer.Errors
        Err.Description = Err.Description & "; Err.Count = " & gv_DBS_SQLServer.Errors.Count & "; "
        For Each errLoop In Errs1
            With errLoop
                Err.Description = Err.Description & "Error #" & i & ":" & " ADO Error#" & .Number & _
                        " Description= " & .Description
                i = i + 1
            End With

    End If
    DocAndShowError     ' Save error to database for analysis, then display to user.
    Exit Sub
    Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.
End Sub


Function BuildReportCriteria()
Dim frmMe           As Form
Dim ctlEach         As Control
Dim strCriteria     As String
Dim prp             As Property
Dim strSQL          As String
Dim rs              As ADODB.recordSet

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    strSQL = "select * from ctlRptOpt " & _
                "where ID = " & Me.cboChooseReport.Column(3) & _
                " order by OptionOrder;"
    Set rs = New ADODB.recordSet
    rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic

    If rs.EOF Then
        strCriteria = "     Report Criteria:  None"
        strCriteria = "     Report Criteria:  "
    End If

    Do While Not rs.EOF
        Set ctlEach = Me.Controls(rs!ControlName)
        If ctlEach.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctlEach.ControlType = acComboBox Then
            If ctlEach.value <> "*" And ctlEach.Name <> "cboChooseReport" And ctlEach.Name <> "cboLocCountry" Then
                strCriteria = strCriteria & ctlEach.Tag & " = " & ctlEach.value & " , "
            End If
         End If
    Set rs = Nothing

    If Me.chkOblBal = -1 Then
        strCriteria = strCriteria & "Non-zero balances only = Yes"
    'return string with all choosen criteria and remove last " , " from the end of string
        strCriteria = left$(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 3)
    End If
    fvstr_ReportCriteria = strCriteria

    Set ctlEach = Nothing

    Exit Function
    If Err.Number = 2447 Then
        Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.
    End If
    Err.Source = "Form_frmReportChooser: BuildReportCriteria  at Line: " & Erl
    DocAndShowError     ' Save error to database for analysis, then display to user.
    Exit Function
    Resume Next         ' All resumption if debugging.
End Function


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