我有一个非常特别的问题,我相信这个问题甚至可能与this question重复,但它从未被回答过。我有一个宏,当我接受特定的电子邮件时运行。它回复电子邮件,其投票选项为"已批准"或"拒绝"。当投票选项的收件人以他们的选择作出回应时,收到的选择"选择"电子邮件没有正文。有没有办法保留身体?
With objMsg
.To = strEmail
.HTMLBody = Item.HTMLBody
.Subject = "Is This Approved?"
.VotingOptions = "Approved;Rejected"
.VotingResponse = "Yes"
.Attachments.Add Item
End With
但是我认为这只会影响最初的电子邮件,而不会影响回复。我也查看了MailItem Object,但没有看到.VotingOptions
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub TestHash()
Dim lDate As Date: lDate = Now
MsgBox DateTimeHash(lDate)
End Sub
Function DateTimeHash(lDate As Date) As String
DateTimeHash = "#" & fBase36Encode(DateValue(lDate)) & _
fBase36Encode(60 * (60 * Hour(lDate) + Minute(lDate)) + Second(lDate)) & "#"
End Function
Function fBase36Encode(ByRef lngNumToConvert As Long) As String
'Will Convert any Positive Integer to a Base36 String
fBase36Encode = "0"
If lngNumToConvert = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim strAlphabet As String: strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
fBase36Encode = vbNullString
Do While lngNumToConvert <> 0
fBase36Encode = Mid(strAlphabet, lngNumToConvert Mod 36 + 1, 1) & fBase36Encode
lngNumToConvert = lngNumToConvert \ 36
End Function
Sub TestHash()
Dim lDate As Date: lDate = Now
Debug.Print DateTimeHash(lDate)
Debug.Print DateTimeUnhash(DateTimeHash(lDate))
End Sub
Function DateTimeHash(ByRef lDate As Date) As String
Dim Secs As String: Secs = Encode64(60 * (60 * Hour(lDate) + Minute(lDate)) + Second(lDate))
DateTimeHash = "#" & Encode64(DateValue(lDate)) & String(3 - Len(Secs), "0") & Secs & "#"
End Function
Function DateTimeUnhash(ByRef Hash As String) As Date
Hash = Replace(Hash, "#", "")
Dim Days As Long: Days = Decode64(Left(Hash, Len(Hash) - 3))
Dim Secs As Long: Secs = Decode64(Right(Hash, 3))
DateTimeUnhash = DateAdd("d", Days, "0") + DateAdd("s", Secs, "0")
End Function
Function Encode64(ByRef Value As Long) As String
'Will Convert any Positive Integer to a Base64 String
Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
Encode64 = IIf(Value > 0, vbNullString, "0")
If Encode64 = "0" Then Exit Function
Do While Value <> 0
Encode64 = Mid(Base64, Value Mod 64 + 1, 1) & Encode64
Value = Value \ 64
End Function
Function Decode64(ByRef Value As String) As Long
'Will Convert any Base64 String to a Positive Integer
Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
Decode64 = IIf(Value = "", -1, 0)
Dim i As Long: For i = 1 To Len(Value)
If Decode64 = -1 Then Exit Function ' Error detected with Value string
Decode64 = Decode64 * 64
Decode64 = IIf(InStr(Base64, Mid(Value, i, 1)) > 0, _
Decode64 + InStr(Base64, Mid(Value, i, 1)) - 1, -1)
Next i
End Function