public ProgramMemberResultDTO GetSentFromList(SegmentFilterDTO filter)
var sql = @"SELECT a.Email as Email, a.Phone as Cellphone, mp.mpFirstname as Firstname, mp.mpLastname as Lastname, ISNULL(b.ID, 0) as IsSent FROM
ListMember a LEFT JOIN
(SELECT this_.ID, this_.Email as Email, this_.Phone as Cellphone
FROM ListMember this_
left join SMSOutgoing sms on sms.PhoneNumber = this_.Phone
left join CampaignSMS cs on cs.SMSID = sms.ID
WHERE this_.ListID = :listId AND cs.CampaignListID = :campaignListId) b on a.ID = b.ID
INNER JOIN MemberPrograms mp on a.ProgramProfileID = mp.ID
WHERE a.ListID = :listId";
var criteria = _session.CreateSQLQuery(sql);
criteria.SetParameter("campaignListId", filter.CampaignListId);
criteria.SetParameter("listId", filter.SelectedList);
var records = criteria.SetFirstResult(filter.PageNr)
var result = new ProgramMemberResultDTO()
Count = GetNrOfSentFromList(filter.CampaignListId, filter.SelectedList),
PageNr = filter.PageNr,
Rows = records
return result;
SELECT TOP(@ p0)FROM(,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)as __hibernate_sort_row选择a.Email作为电子邮件,a.Phone作为手机,mp.mpFirstname作为名字,mp.mpLastname作为姓氏,ISNULL( b.ID,0)作为IsSent FROM ListMember LEFT JOIN(选择this_.ID,this_.Email作为电子邮件,this_.Phone作为Cellphone FROM ListMember this_ left加入SMSOutgoing sms on sms.PhoneNumber = this_.Phone left join CampaignSMS cs on cs.SMSID = sms.ID WHERE this_.ListID = @ p1 AND cs.CampaignListID = @ p2)b on a.ID = b.ID INNER JOIN MemberPrograms mp on a.ProgramProfileID = mp.ID WHERE a.ListID = @ p1 )作为查询WHERE查询.__ hibernate_sort_row&gt; @ p4 ORDER BY查询.__ hibernate_sort_row&lt;
“无法执行查询 ↵[SELECT TOP(@ p0)FROM(,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)as __hibernate_sort_row选择a.Email作为电子邮件,a.Phone作为手机,mp.mpFirstname作为名字,mp.mpLastname作为姓氏,ISNULL(b .ID,0)as IsSent FROM ↵列表会员左下角 ↵(选择this_.ID,this_.Email为电子邮件,this_.Phone为手机 ↵FROM ListMember this_ ↵在sms.PhoneNumber = this_.Phone上加入SMSOutgoing短信 ↵在cs.SMSID = sms.ID上加入CampaignSMS cs ↵在a.ID = b.ID上的WHERE this_.ListID = @ p1 AND cs.CampaignListID = @ p2)b ↵INNERJOIN会员计划mp在a.ProgramProfileID = mp.ID上 ↵WHERE a.ListID = @ p1)作为查询WHERE query .__ hibernate_sort_row&gt; @ p4 ORDER BY查询.__ hibernate_sort_row] ↵名称:campaignListId - 值:172名称:listId - 值:110 ↵[SQL:SELECT TOP(@ p0)FROM(,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)as __hibernate_sort_row选择a.Email作为电子邮件,a.Phone作为手机,mp.mpFirstname作为名字,mp.mpLastname作为姓氏,ISNULL (b.ID,0)为IsSent FROM ↵列表会员左下角 ↵(选择this_.ID,this_.Email为电子邮件,this_.Phone为手机 ↵FROM ListMember this_ ↵在sms.PhoneNumber = this_.Phone上加入SMSOutgoing短信 ↵在cs.SMSID = sms.ID上加入CampaignSMS cs ↵在a.ID = b.ID上的WHERE this_.ListID = @ p1 AND cs.CampaignListID = @ p2)b ↵INNERJOIN会员计划mp在a.ProgramProfileID = mp.ID上 ↵WHERE a.ListID = @ p1)作为查询WHERE query .__ hibernate_sort_row&gt; @ p4 ORDER BY查询.__ hibernate_sort_row]“