
时间:2016-11-29 11:08:19

标签: excel count binary continuous

我希望你可以帮我解决这个(相对)简单的问题。我在Excel中有一个数据集,其中一列,让我们说A5:A605,是一系列二进制值 - 只有1和0 。


  1. 有多少次"设置"零?所以我需要知道频率,还要计算f.e. 20个零作为一个。
  2. 什么是最长的" set"零?
  3. 为了使它更清晰,可以使用以下范围:

    0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


    1. 4 (因为有四组零)和
    2. 5 (因为这是最长的连续零组)
    3. 作为奖励,如果它还可以指示最长连续集的位置,那将是很好的,但这不是完全必要的。


      <小时/> 提前致谢, 伦斯克

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub marine()
Dim row As Long
Dim countstreak As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim nzeroes As Long
Dim lzero As Long
Dim nzeroescol As Long
Dim lzerocol As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim i As Long

col = 1 '1 is for column A, change here in case you need
nzeroescol = 2 'Which column it will show the number of sets of zeroes
lzerocol = 3 'Which column it will show the longest set of zeroes
lastrow = 605 'Last row of your data. You can make it automatic by changing 605 to "Cells(Rows.count,col).end(xlup).row" no quotes

For row = 5 To lastrow 'Change the 5 to the starting row of your data if needed
    For i = 1 To Len(Cells(row, col))
        If Mid(Cells(row, col), i, 1) = "0" Then
            count = 1
            countstreak = countstreak + 1
        ElseIf Mid(Cells(row, col), i, 1) = "1" Then
            nzeroes = nzeroes + count
            If countstreak > lzero Then
                lzero = countstreak
            End If
            countstreak = 0
            count = 0
        End If
    Next i
    Cells(row, nzeroescol) = nzeroes
    Cells(row, lzerocol) = lzero
    nzeroes = 0
    lzero = 0
Next row
End Sub